
what are the real sorority rankings here?


What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
Page 4 of 7

Hmmmm...must have hit a nerve. So on sounds angry.
here's the way my hometown views it
Kd/phi mu/Chi o (these are the 3 most preferred)

By: ha

always has gone XO or DG, and a couple KD. If you aren't do one of those its talked about.

By: My hometown
by: @My hometown   

"its" talked about???? what is talked about? By whom... a girls preference? shame. on. y'all.

By: @My hometown
by: Get off   

your high horse there, sweetie. Shame on the mommas that gossip about where girls ended up. Like it or not, this is Mississippi, and even bigger places gossip like small towns in the pews every Sunday morning. It's a reality.

By: Get off

My hom

By: Hometown
by: @get off   

Must be a boring little town with small minds if all they have to gossip about is sororities. That's the reality sweetie.
or mommas that think they're still in one...bahahaha
those are the embarrassing ones.

By: @get off

My hometown is Chi O and DG for several generations and at any college attended.

By: Hometown

Even if the last DG pledge class wasn't what it normally is, it still has holds in some towns. Most every delta girl goes Chi O or DG and they both get good delta girls each year, especially Indianola and Clarksdale.

By: Delta

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by: GreekLove   

I have to believe that you all don't see how silly you sound. Do you know that students that are not residents of the state of Mississippi attend MSU? Did you know that MSU - in an effort to increase national visibility and recognition - heavily recruits students from states other than Mississippi? These out of state students typically have outstanding academic credentials and/or athletic achievements. MSU has recently been very successful in these endeavors. Please don't hamper these efforts through his adolescent bickering. As an out of state student, I found all the sororities to be very very strong. However, the ones that the Mississippi girls are most attracted to are the ones that I found least appealing. The chapters seemed to be filled with cliques of girls from certain Mississippi high schools. And that's not a put down - they're really great girls - it just wasn't what I wanted. I knew I would be happy in either ZTA or DDD because they have a great reputation both in my state and nationally. Please help the MSU Greek system grow and move forward by acknowledging that each sororitiy has great qualities and that the out of state rushees are important assets to the chapters they join - even if their chosen sorority is not the one a girl from Indianola or Clarksdale would choose.

By: GreekLove
by: @@delta   

Seriously? KD pledges just as many Delta girls as Chi O and DG. Phi Mu would give anything to pledge Delta girls and even say that in a 2011 rush video on YouTube. Do you actually know how many "Delta" girls have been on the Homecoming Court, Homecoming Queen, SA officers, etc.? Your comment holds no merit at all. Grow up.

By: @@delta
by: @@delta   

Just referring to the comment above....."most every delta girl goes Chi O or DG".
Not sure I would admit that! Must be those "Delta" girls that keep getting on here with their negative comments about the others.
And no Sweetie KD does not go after the delta nor does Phi Mu. There is WAY more out there in our big old world than that! HHHmmmmm, Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham, Jackson, the Coast just to name a few! Homecoming Court and Queen are really what you're after? Oh yeah....You ARE a DG.

By: @@delta
by: Wow Hi   

I didn't write that above but I am a KD and we have TONS of Delta girls and definitely fight 2 other houses for the best ones each year. And I'm pretty sure the girl above was mentioning the fact that in the past few years several members of Panhellenic Council, Homecoming Queen (who was a KD, mind you), 2 or 3 maids I think (and the past 2 Mr. MSU's for what it's worth), and SEVERAL Alumni Delegates, Roadrunners, OL's, and SA cabinet/committee heads are from the DELTA. So please, before you insult where I and many other outstanding MSU students are from, do your homework. The Delta girls go KD, DG, and XO because we are GOOD GIRLS and get into GOOD HOUSES. PEACE.

By: Wow Hi
by: MSU   

In response to "Wow" ... you are exactly right with your assessment of my comment yesterday!

by: Confused....   

So, what IS a Delta girl???? I'm guessing one which is triangular in shape..???? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

By: Confused....

Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed. I thought people would take Greek Love's advice and just stop all this. Bless their hearts, I guess I was wrong. ATTENTION: if any of you are out of state girls being recruited by MSU and interested in Greek life, please know that you CAN find a great sorority here. Yes, there are groups (mainly Chi O, KD, DG - and Phi Mu to some extent) that squabble over girls from certain high schools and from certain towns. All the Mississippi girls will be talking about how they HAVE to be in one of those groups the whole week of recruitment. They say above that the importance of obtaining a bid to one of these chapters is even discussed in the pews on Sunday morning (good grief!). ZTA, DDD and PI Phi are full of lovely, accomplished and involved out-of-state girls (in addition to their fabulous Mississippi sisters). You will be very welcome at recruitment in August! MSU is a great place to be!!!! Hail State!

By: Ditto
by: Truth is..   

This is really very accurate. Chi O, KD and DG really want their chapters full of their friends from their high school. Sometimes they end up with an out of state girl because of really strong legacy connection or some other reason. Phi Mu ended up with lots of out of state girls in PC12, but just because the MS girls they wanted ended up somewhere else and it was the only way they could make quota. If you're from another state and you have good grades, recommendations and involvement in high school don't waste your time with these "Mississippi" chapters. Just read all those comments above to see what you can expect. ZTA, DDD and PI Phi are looking forward to meeting you!!!!! GO GREEK!

By: Truth is..
by: What?   

NONE of the above posts say anything negative about pledging out of state girls! They were simply statements concerning Mississippi girls. ALL sororities go after the top girls in state or out of state! The only disadvantage an out of state girl might have is not having "in house" connections (knowing active members) which can help or hinder a PNM.

By: What?

Hmmm check the website....1 homecoming court and NO no one on SA exec. Is from "the Delta".
Lots of out of state people and ALL around MS. Are our campus leaders. Thank goodness! Maybe Mr.msu but like You said...for what its worth.
So happy we have more open minded groups that welcome out of state....TN.and AL and texas are full of talented smart intellectual women that choose msstate.Some sororities are just smarter than others when it comes to REALLY choosing the girl...NOT the hometown!

By: @wow
by: Hmm   

2012 Homecoming Queen - Indianola; Freshman maid - Indianola; Junior maid - Greenwood; Mr. MSU - Indianola ... more than 1.

By: Hmm
by: Really?   

I was reading through this discussion thread and came across your comment above and had to make my correction ... SA currently has 1 member of Exec from the Delta (Hollandale) and during the previous year there were 3 members of SA Exec from the Delta (Greenville, Indianola, and Belzoni).

No the Delta does not have a strong hold on anything at MSU, as it shouldn't ... no region should. There is also NO REASON to make such rude comments concerning a particular region of any state. MSU is an outstanding university because students from all over the USA and WORLD come together to make it such.

By: Really?

I'm home out of state and didn't know a single sorority girl and got in one of the top 3 "Mississippi" chapters. You are painting XO, DG, and KD like they only take random MS girls and rarely anywhere else. We have plenty of out of state girls, strict standards still but I know we cross rush good out of state with the other top houses.

By: ummmmm

Just a little fyi. Out of their fabulous choices , Phi mu handed a bid to 15 awesome,intellegent,beautiful out of state girls, not Just to make qouta my friend, but because they are great girls.you can read their names and towns on their website. Not sure why you think you know what other sororities do with there bids or how they make choices. Only makes you look a bit defensive.
to the pnm's...don't read this site, but look on each sororities page. I happen to be a kd in another college town with several high-school friends in phi mu at state. So glad our hometown is happy for every girl and their choice. We have lots of moms that were in kd, phimu, ddd,dg,chio, and zeta.thank goodness they can be happy even when their daughter chooses a different path.

By: @ truth is

I agree with you. There are so many people on this website who act like they are experts on each sorority here. Get a life people!! PNM's, do not make decisions based on this site. There are a lot of jealous folks who deliberately post misleading information to try to bring certain groups down.

By: @@truth

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