
what are the real sorority rankings here?

by: Haylie

What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
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Page 1 of 7
#1  by: real   

First of all, let me say EMPHATICALLY that all 7 chapters at MSU are great chapters. At most other schools, even the "lower tier" chapters would be highly competitive groups. With that being said, I'll just give you this as a "most people agree that..." statement. Take it with a grain of salt.
Top Groups - DG & Chi O
Still really good - KD
Solid Mid-tier - Phi Mu
Very Good, but struggles to get "top" rushees - Tri Delt
Solid groups, but usually take rushees other groups have released - Pi Phi, ZTA

By: real
by: hahahaOct 9, 2013 8:54:49 PM


By: hahaha
#2  by: Completely   

agree with the previous statement.

Chi O and DG consistently pledge top girls and keep them for 4 years. These two groups dominate every organization on the MSU campus and are always in leadership positions. Also top two scholarship year in and year out.

KD is a wonderful group of ladies. They pledge top girls too but can't retain as many members as the other top 2 groups. They are fairly involved on campus but don't dominate.

Phi Mu seems to get a really good pledge class followed by a couple of ok ones. They can't quite seem to step up to match KD. Close but just not quite there.

Tri Delt, Pi Phi and Zeta have good members but get the girls that the others cut. They all work hard to be involved and contribute on campus.

By: Completely
by: MomDec 14, 2012 10:38:54 PM

Word is now....everyone on campus views houses as..
Chi o
Phi mu

By: Mom
by: Well.....Dec 15, 2012 12:25:02 AM

No, Phi Mu - That is not the "word" around campus. You do realize how transparent you are, right. If anything, the "word" is that Phi Mu has dropped in reputation following the shenanigans of this pledge class. I agree that DG has everyone scratching their heads. Not really sure what's going on with them. Chi O/KD are still tops. That's not gonna change. DDD and ZTA got a great pledge class and continue to earn respect and move up in reputation. Pi Phi's had a good year, too. Phi Mu, not so much.

By: Well.....
#3  by: Exactly   

Even if you aren't in the top 2 you can agree that the posts above have it right. Thats how everyone on campus views the houses. The only ones that disagree are Phi Mu's...

By: Exactly
#4  by: Exactly   

Even if you aren't in the top 2 you can agree that the posts above have it right. Thats how everyone on campus views the houses. The only ones that disagree are Phi Mu's...

By: Exactly
#5  by: Changing up   

By the recent pledge class I'd say:
Chi O
Phi Mu
Pi Phi

By: Changing up
by: Greek ObserverOct 26, 2012 3:34:35 PM

Hahaha...I just saw this! Obviously posted by either a DG or Pi Phi. Neither DG nor Pi Phi had nearly that good of a PC. Of course, things have become much clearer since those first days after rush. Chi O had an excellent class. KD also had a very strong rush. Phi Mu - not so much. But, the surprise has been ZTA. They snagged some excellent girls from out of state. DDD also very good!

By: Greek Observer
by: your kidding mJan 30, 2013 8:40:19 PM

please tell me how DG is on your top list when they didn't even make quote ONCE AGAIN and giving out snap bids? try again. cheating couldnt even give them enough girls

By: your kidding m
by: Um heyJan 30, 2013 9:26:35 PM

DG didn't have #1 but they definitely had 87 girls on bid day, which is over quota. There is literally a report from Panhellenic that has all the #'s, that's how I know. Based on this report, they are still the largest chapter with XO being #2. And they made quota last year too, so not sure what ONCE AGAIN is suppose to mean....So please don't start rumors, it really hurts the entire Panhellenic community.

By: Um hey
#6  by: Pledge class   

Chi O had the top pledge class hands down. DG's was strong but not tops. This is what all of the guys are saying:

Chi O
Phi Mu

By: Pledge class
by: MomDec 16, 2012 5:45:16 PM

I am really amazed that you all can judge girls you only know on paper. Do you realize how inflated those resumes are? After 1 semester it's looking a little gloomy for both dg and kd. I mean after the drama at the kd house and the dg homecoming....... You be the judge now! Chi o .... Phi mu....Ddd! No doubt!!!!

By: Mom
#7  by: PC's   

Chi O and DG's are totally tied, they both have SO many girls whose names I heard all week. Both are super strong. Phi mu MIGHT have one to give KD a run for their money. A lot of girls I thought would be KD's went Phi Mu instead. Interesting to see how everyone will do this year. Until then, I think it's:
Chi O/DG
Phi Mu

By: PC's
#8  by: Really?   

There are more than just 4 sororities at this school.. I know the rest aren't up to YOUR level of superiority but we still matter and should NOT be left out.

By: Really?
#9  by: observer   

REAL sororities are not tiered...only those that still have a high school mentality rank sororities (and fraternities). Each sorority is tops in any given field. If you want a popularity contest then your are in the greek system for the WRONG reason. Each sorority has its strength and weakness...This is not high school ..these are organizations that you join to become part of a group and enhance your college experience. Each person is going to be attracted to something different. It is interesting that people want to put a RANK on a sorority.....grow up....there are only so many girls one sorority can take so there are many good girls in ALL the sororities...and each girl thinks her sorority is the greatest and that is what it is all about...

By: observer
#10  by: Truth   

If you know anything about MSU greek life you went into rush focused on 4 sororities. It's the truth here. 4 chapters are better than the 3 others. 1 of the 3 is getting better and maybe it will be 5 in a few years over 2 or 3 if ADPi stays. It's not nice or politically correct, but it's life. It is a popularity contest and no one goes in attracted to the least popular. They might be happy by the end of it but I doubt anyone goes to every water party and thinks that any of the 3 are better than any of the 4. There is a reason those 4 are the best, and thats just how it is.

By: Truth
by: Truth?Aug 29, 2012 10:03:26 PM

Hey there Phi Mu. I can tell by your air of being better than everyone and the fact that you said 4. Chi O, DG, and KD consider a top 3, not 4. Everything you said is offensive and totally YOUR opinion. You make the system look bad and give "the 4" a bad image. Great girls are everywhere, open your eyes!

By: Truth?

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