
how do you know its the right house for you?


I am rushing this fall and I'm starting to get a little nervous. I've been reading on here how the new babies thought they got into the right house and now they want out because the girls in their house are nasty and unwelcoming. What is your advice to avoid this?? Rush is a fast paced week and as a PNM you will only see very little of the houses and the girls. Every house will be putting on their best faces to get PNMs to want to join. I know you should trust your gut feelings, but it seems quite a few girls have been duped into thinking their house cared about them and are finding out now that it's not true. I want to rush once and fall in love with my house and sisters. Any advice???

Posted By: Newbie
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Sadly, there are a few houses that put on a great face during recruitment but are known to act completely different after. To be honest it's really just one particular house that has this problem and I won't call them out on here but you can use your best judgment to figure it out. Every other house I know doesn't have a problem retaining members and some chapters have been awarded year after year for the best new member education. I'm not sure where those statistics are, I know what houses they are, but again you should be your own judge. My advice to you is really try and dig deep during recruitment and ask the hard questions. It's easy to tell who is being fake and who is genuine.

By: Answer
by: Newbie   

Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it :)

By: Newbie

What website are you looking at? I can't recall many posts at all about people feeling unwelcome in their pledge class. So my advice to you is 1) trust your gut and 2) for God's sake stop reading this website. If you truly let others do your thinking for you and are so easily influenced, you aren't ready for college.

By: first of all
by: Newbiw   

This site and others. I've also talked to people I know who are at Mizzou. I will ALWAYS do what I think is best, but sometimes when you are new to a place and don't know many people, you want to believe everyone you meet is genuine. I know that won't always be the case, but I want to think that I will see the girls at these houses and know that they are being real.

By: Newbiw

The most sincere houses with the best sisterhoods where you won't go wrong (not in any order)
Chi O
Phi Mu

By: Bebe
by: Newbie   

Thank you so much!!!

By: Newbie
by: And   

Let's not forget these houses with great sisterhoods:
Gamma Phi

By: And
by: Awards   

Adpi, axo, KD, and theta continuously win sisterhood awards year after year. Those same houses also win best new member program.

By: Awards

Beware of what you read on this site. A lot of people who post on this site are those with an ax to grind with a particular house. They are usually angry with a few girls from that house or mad that were cut from a house. They come on here and continually post to make you believe that the lies they are spreading is the truth. They act like they are completely knowledgeable about every one else's house and make judgements about a sisterhood they know nothing about. I am on PHA and know people in every house here and all are happy with their house, even if they are in a house that is rated low tier or continually bashed on this site. There are no houses here that make their pledges feel unwelcome and that is not the cause or reason for retention issues in any house. All of our houses work very hard on recruitment and with their members. For me personally, it took some time for me to feel a part of my house. There are 300 members in each house and it takes time to find the ones in your pledge class that you really connect with as well as older members you best relate to. It is your responsibility to get involved with activities in your house and to get to know your sisters and you need to give it time. Anyone who just COBed a house a few weeks ago and already wants to drop clearly has not given her house a chance or tried her best to make those connections. I doubt if in a few weeks they have met enough people or participated in enough activities to make that decision.

By: Beware

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by: Yes   

You definitely need to give it time. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put in it. No one can tell you (especially on this site) which house is right or wrong for you. I went through recruitment thinking I knew which houses I would fit in ( based on reputations) but figured out I was completely wrong. I chose a house I never thought I would but am completely happy with it. It took me a while too but I found my core group of friends and met older girls by being involved in homecoming and other activities. You really feel the bond of sisterhood when you come back for work week and your first recruitment as an active. It's so exciting to be back with your sisters and to live in house. That really sealed the deal for me.

By: Yes

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