
ranks after homecoming


Chi o
Pi phi - finally can shut the haters up, there's no disappearing after recruitment this year!

Adpi - they're finally back, this house was always a strong competition house and they've proved it again this year
Gphi - much better showing this year in HC, but too many scandals this year already keep them at the bottom of mid tier

KD - continues to be on that thin line between mid tier and bottom tier. Great HC showing, but one of this years worst new member class keeps them in bottom tier
Phi mu- serious props to phi mu! They haven't placed in HC since 2005(?) despite a mediocre rush, they've earned a higher spot in bottom tier for involvement

Posted By: Rank it rank it
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Someone gets up first thing in the morning and writes a detailed list of rankings? Because we don't have enough of these? Whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better or help you get out of bed in the morning I guess. But seriously...Get A Life!

By: Seriously...

I would move Phi Mu right below KD. Also, ADPi above Kappa and AXO over APhi. Not a good HC for APhi...

By: Personally
by: Alpha Phi??   

What happened there? Thought they'd do better since they're on the rise.

By: Alpha Phi??
by: True   

Agree with this completely, phi MU deserves at least top end of bottom tier

By: True
by: No   

Stop trying to make adpi happen. It's not going to happen. Kappa is forever a more popular house.

By: No

Who wrote this? An AXO or a DG? I watched a lot of that parade walk right past me, and I got a chance to see a lot of the girls in each house.
In my opinion, Phi Mu (HC winning props shout out here, Phi MU) and DG have the worst looking girls, but we can't judge a book by it's cover. DG just didn't bring it, so sorry! the drop to bottom tier. Not classy, not cute, not winners.

AXO the constant MGR trolls, didn't bring it, either. Sorry, you can have the bottom of mid tier, or KD's place at the top of bottom tier. Better luck next year.

My list:
Chi O
Phi Pi

A Phi

Phi Mu

By: wow
by: Thank you!   

Much much better ranking, phi mu and KD deserve those new spots after hoco, and ADpi proved themselves as well

By: Thank you!
by: Very close   

Except AXO above A Phi and GPhi above KD, which I hope changes soon. But I'm glad someone agrees that DG is bottom tier. I personally think G Phi is headed that way too if these scandals keep coming up and they recruit the same PCs.

By: Very close

I think we've pretty much determined that AXO should be rated significantly higher and that there is no way the Kappa loonies deserve top tier. Props to Phi Mu, though. They worked hard and it shows and that's what it takes to rise through the ranks. Also a shout out to PiPhi for such a strong showing. I would say ChiO, Delta and PiPhi are equally strong houses who get outstanding girls. It just depends on what people are looking for.

By: really

OK...so the worth of a sorority is largely based on house decs, a skit, and a float?

I'd put more stock in what each does the REST of the year on campus. What do they do to support their philanthropy? How involved are they in other things on campus? How is their sisterhood? I know that last one is hard to assess from the outside, but do you see them together? Doing varied things and not just getting wasted at frats?

By: OK

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by: Wait   

I don't get it. People say insulting things all of the time when houses don't do well at things like house decs, a skit and a float. So why in the world would their stock not rise when they DO do well? Every house has a philanthropy that is pre-determined by nationals. Some are great fun, some are quiet. There is no reason to judge a house on philanthropies because they are so different. As for sisterhoods, who are we to judge since we aren't a part of it. And there isn't a sorority on this campus that just gets wasted at frats. Do you even go here???????

By: Wait

AXO absolutely did not place in HoCo last year they are so unbelievably average and do not deserved to be ranked over KD,not to mention looks wise you couldn't tell a KD from an AXO they recruit the same pool of girls. Phi mu brought it and definitely secured a spot at the top of the bottom tier. Both KD and Phi Mu are two of the most well liked houses as well because they have sweet girls who value sisterhood.

By: Actually..
by: Um...   

You must be talking about those houses like it's 2007 or something. Axo is nothing like KD anymore. Ask KD. Axo recruits with aphi, DG, and zeta. KD recruits with phi mu and sigma now. That tells me that there is a huge difference in how these houses "look"

By: Um...

Why are we always obsessed with where a house deserves to be ranked? Who are these rankings for and what do they prove? And the constant negative and downright mean comments? For those of us in a house it's our house and it shouldn't matter where it's ranked if it's where we belong. All the rankings do is inflate the egos of some and make others feel bad or second guess their choices. Worst of all it makes our entire Greek system look bad and is especially damaging to our future pnms who are naive and believe everything they read on this site. They need to come to recruitment with an open mind which is so important especially now with the record numbers of girls we have. Homecoming was fantastic and is the best in the country. Everyone worked hard even if they didn't place. Countless hours were spent pomping, painting, rehearsing, etc... by every house not just the ones who placed. And as someone mentioned above, homecoming is not what the worth of a sorority is based on. It is the sisterhood - which can only be judged by its members who are a part of it and not by someone on the outside.

By: Truth
by: Agreed   

Totally agree. Mizzou has one of the worst drop-out rates for PNMs of any school with a large greek system. Compare us to other SEC schools and it's embarrassing how many women choose not to be greek rather than join a house that they think is "beneath" them. Where do you think these ideas come from?? It's the active members who are perpetuating this, and it's just not healthy for a strong greek system.

By: Agreed
by: nope   

While Mizzou is very selective, it does NOT have one of the highest dropout rates in the SEC. And what possible concern could it be of anyone else whether someone opts to drop out instead of joining a sorority where they don't feel comfortable? We have an EXTREMELY healthy Greek system. So stop spreading lies and half-truths.

By: nope
by: Yep.   

Only 70% of women at Mizzou who register for recruitment end up in a house. Almost all of the 30% are women who choose to drop out even though they could have gotten a bid if they stuck with it.

South Carolina is 86%. Georgia 82%. TX A&M is 82%. Auburn is 92%.

Sorry for being honest. I love this school, but it does us all a disservice to sugar coat things. It's a concern because the "uncomfortable" feelings are often a product of the kind of snobbery and cattiness that is rampant on this site. PNMs see us tearing each other down here, they hear the rumors spread by actives when they do campus tours and get to campus in the fall, and they drop out.

The system isn't broken, but it has SO MUCH room for improvement. Denying that doesn't change the facts.

By: Yep.
by: i dont   

I don't want to say you are a moron, but you are a moron. There are 15 sororities. there are 2,000+ girls going through rush. If each pledge class has 100 members, that's 1,500 girls who join a house. That means there isn't room for at least 25% of the people who go through rush. So 30% drop out. That means only 5% could have gotten into a house but opted to drop out. The other 25% wouldn't have gotten into a house, but not by choice, if they had stayed. Do you get it, or is it too complicated?

By: i dont
by: no   

Retention is GREAT at MIZZOU. If women stay in the process and don't receive a bid it's THEIR fault because that means they single intentionally preffed. If PNMs weren't so narrow-minded about joining certain chapters (probably due to the ridiculous rankings on this website) then placement rates would be higher.

By: no

Couldn't agree with both of you more. Since this is an anonymous site we can't even be sure that it is actual Greeks at our university who are doing these posts and rankings. Maybe it's something that can be taken up with PHA about how to handle it in regard to future pnms. They should know not to base their opinions on this site but I know for a fact that most of the girls who pledged this year read this site constantly during their senior year and had already picked their top houses based on it. This led to a lot of disappointment, for girls who actually got a house but didn't think it was ranked very high, and especially for those who dropped out because of it. It makes me mad that a ridiculous anonymous gossip site can have such an effect on our great Greek system and damage the effort that all of us put into recruitment every year.

By: So true
by: hmm   

But to be fair, if you lack the character and integrity to make your OWN decisions about pledging to a lifetime commitment then you don't belong in a greek house. Women of character pledge a sorority because they realize they define their letters. The letters don't define them. If a woman is going to be disappointed based on what a website says that she lacks independence, intelligence and self-confidence and esteem. While women shouldn't ever bash other chapters, I also had enough integrity to go where I felt like people cared about me. I joined a "bottom tier chapter." I CHOSE them over "better" sororities. Ya know why, because I knew what mattered. I don't need to join for "status" because that's not what I needed in life. I brought pride and leadership to my chapter. I never regretted joining my "bottom tier" chapter because I knew it was other people that sucked, not the fabulous women in that chapter. If you are so easily manipulated by a gossip site then by all means go join the "top" organizations because all you care about is having "hot sisters" to make you feel validated in life. Let's hear it for the women who at 18, know what actually matters in life and join the RIGHT chapters for the RIGHT reasons and deal with crap from other people for it. They are five times the woman who let a website dictate her recruitment choices.

By: hmm
by: Easy   

I think we all know who the psycho houses are. They're the ones who are obsessed with commenting the instant someone says something negative about their house. For awhile it was AXO, then Zeta. Now it's Kappa. They aren't doing themselves, or their houses, a favor. The truly top houses don't give an F what people say on this site, good or bad.

By: Easy

One HOCO placing doesn't jump you to the top of the bottom tier or drag you out of the bottom. KD and Phi Mu are still exactly where they were before HOCO. If they can do it again consistently for two more years? Then yeah, Phi Mu will jump above Zeta and SK and KD can be middle tier again. One fluke year, no matter how hard you worked, warrants a jump like that.

Consistency is key and neither house has it.

By: Phi Mu/KD
by: Ha   

It's not like SK or ZTA epitomizes consistency either. Where have they been in comps? Like the majority of people on here, I also think both houses deserve to be top of bottom or kd bottom of middle. You call it a fluke year and I call it two houses working their asses off with pairings who liked them

By: Ha

Last year was the only year of the last seven years KD didn't place in hoco and they got second in greek week, they are consistent. This website is such a joke. I totally agree everyone is mad that phi mu and KD worked hard and did well.

By: Thank you^^
by: Kd   

KD has always placed in competitions and has always been in bottom tier. Why should we bump them to middle tier just because they placed again? Exactly. We shouldn't. Especially since they hae the worst looking PC 2 years running. If that doesn't scream bottom tier I dunno what does!

By: Kd
by: Dumb   

Three years ago they were the same house as AXO. Girls literally couldn't tell the two apart. Just because AXO has moved up does not mean KD gets shoved to the bottom. KD is the bottom of the middle tier, but they ARE middle tier.

By: Dumb

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