
chio and delta


Both those pledge classes had very different type girls. ChiO had some real awkward ones and delta I thought they looked very plain jane. (More like the way ChiO usually looks) If they hadn't been walking with the group I would have thought they were in much different houses!! Woof!

Posted By: Wow
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Wow you're so kind

By: haha

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I TOTALLY DISAGREE....Delta got some beautiful girls as they always do. Chi O got the top girls from my area(girls my top tier house wanted), and my rush crush.
Every house got great girls along with a few ackward misses........even yours!
TO Delta and Chi O....Congrats on a great pledge class!!!

By: wow
by: some   

Key word for Delta: "some".

By: some

I was shocked at both of them. Very awkward girls. What happened!

By: Agree

They got a lot of girls that my house cut in the first round and I'm in a middle tier house. What happened there? Delta's pledge class is just what I expected from Delta, a lot of pretty girls with a few weird ones tossed in. But Chi-O? Yikes.

By: Chi-O

KNow what you're talking about, Chios and kappas were he hottest girls I saw.

By: I don't
by: yep   

Kappa and Chi O both got really cute/pretty/hot girls

By: yep
by: Eh   

Kappa did, Chi-O got a few really weird looking girls but overall they were good too.

By: Eh

Anybody else get creeped out by ChiO getting in your face at the most intense point Saturday? With tears streaming down the face of my host & her nose two inches from mine, expecting me to tear-up as well, all I could do was giggle.
That was the creepiest thing I'd ever experienced, listed them third Saturday night.

By: creepy
by: Lol   

If you actually thought that was creepy wait till you get initiated

By: Lol

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