
cult like?


I just pledged my house in the fall and I'm starting to get a lot of cult-y vibes from my sorority and I'm wondering if it's just my house or if all houses have stuff like I'm experiencing? I can't go into details about it because it's considered ritual and secret, but like, did anybody else get a cult vibe when they got initiated? The all white, some of the songs and stuff. Is it just my house?

Posted By: Jane Doe
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And a lot of weird religious undertones? Again, is it just my house?

By: Jane Doe

I can't speak for all chapters but I'm sure for some tradition dies hard. Unless they expected you to do something legitimately medically unsafe I wouldn't fret.

By: Ummm

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our initiations were started at least 100, sometimes 130 years ago. It may seem a little creepy/culty now, but having weird songs definitely does not count. And I know many chapters require white (a few don't allow makeup) as an equalizer in ritual. Unless you have to do something that makes you physically uncomfortable, I think you're being over sensitive. Let's also keep in mind I doubt any sorority has been doing weird things in initiations and it stay quiet for 100+ years.

By: Remember

I thought all sororities dressed up in white for initiation. It's a symbol of "being reborn" into said sorority as a full member.

By: All
by: @?   

Based on you saying "reborn" and creepy religious undertones, I'm 99% sure I can tell you your sorority. I won't say it on here because I don't think it's necessary, but if I'm right, I have a cousin who is in the same sorority at another school and she told me about the initiation before I went through rush. It kept me from really considering that house. Although there is nothing "wrong" with it, I too felt it would be too much for me and did not like the idea of using religion to justify "dying" to my old self and being "reborn" a __. At this point, I guess you're already a member so I wouldn't let it keep you from enjoying the rest of your experience. And just know thousands of other girls did the same ritual so it was nothing of too much concern or everyone would know, but that there are probably other people who also were uneasy with it. Although I'm sure some people thought it was a hoot.

By: @?
by: Not an owl   

I'm not in the sorority you are thinking of fyi. But my house, that house, and all the others I know about dress in white with no makeup. I wasn't aware there were chapters that DID NOT do it this way.

By: Not an owl
by: Honestly   

a lot of fraternities have the same theme more or less too. It's a little weird, but you're taking it way too seriously.

By: Honestly

Did that ritual somehow result in not being able to think for yourself? You actually are asking someone else what to do? If it bothers you enough, quit. If not, it's one night of your life that harkens back to an era when sororities were founded. Being reborn into a sisterhood makes perfect sense to me, symbolically speaking How else can you have new sisters at age 18+ unless you are reborn? But, seriously, if this is all you can think about and you have grave misgiving about it, just quit.

By: Hmmm...

When I say creepy religious undertones, I mean it's in like everything we do. Not only that but there seems to be this pack mentality that I'm supposed to devote myself fully to the sorority and sacrifice for it. Like I had to skip a wedding for a mandatory event and the girls were telling me that it shouldn't have even been a question if I made the right choice. It's all "what can you do for us" instead of "how can we help you grow?"

By: But also
by: Yall   

Yeah that's all sororities for you. The only excuse that will get you out of recruitment is school related. We had girls that would've been fired from their jobs if they took off, so they had to work through recruitment and the sorority still fined them. It's ridiculous, but that's every sorority. Sorry.

By: Yall
by: But   

It wasn't even recruitment. I understand recruitment but it wasn't that serious of an event

By: But
by: newsflash   

thats how all sororites are. get over it.

By: newsflash
by: @but also   

Kind of sounds like sorority life just isn't for you to be honest. It's not also rosey and fun, but you make sacrifices outside of your sorority to include it, and sorority sacrifices for the rest of your life. It's not a black or white love, but a learning experience and a chance to grow. If you don't see this, or are finding reasons to not enjoy sorority life, then maybe it's just not for you. I'd bet that if you feel like it's cult-y and a "pack mentality" then you are not making true friends and probably feel like you're in the wrong house anyway.

By: @but also
by: your choice   

so quit or shut up>

By: your choice
by: Nope    

I've got friends and I'm in the right house, my first choice actually. But there's a really bad cult vibe I'm getting. Come on, none of you are getting it from your house? The sacrifice everything for the sorority vibe? How you're expected to drop everything in your personal life for your sisters? None of you think it's a little overkill?

Maybe you guys don't have friends and connections outside the greek bubble but I do and it's weird. I enjoy it but it is weird.

By: Nope

I actually just recently went through my initiation. I got the same vibes. It was very, very creepy and is actually making me reconsider for the first time, if I'm being honest.

By: A
by: Yes   

Same, I'm so glad it's not just me.

By: Yes

Lol theta

By: Haha

Actually, not all sororities will fine you if you have a legitimate excuse. Some houses consider that hazing and it's against their international rules.

By: actually

On becoming a new member of Chi Omega, Pi Phi or Theta!


I didn't think Chi O had initiation until second semester.

By: LaLa

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