
Sorority ranks

by: miz

All of the houses that are actually considered top tier are ranked the lowest on here. A phi, tri delt, g phi, and zeta are literally the most selective houses. You don’t have to be on campus for 2 seconds to know that. Stop ranking houses negative just because you didn’t get in or a girl turned you down.

Posted By: miz
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#1  by: What R U Smoking?   

Those houses are not anywhere near the most selective. Three out of the four don't even have grade cuts and two of them have such poor retention they have to COB all the time.

By: What R U Smoking?
#2  by: at a loss for words   

is it crack? is that what you smoke? do you smoke crack?

By: at a loss for words
#3  by: really?   

is this a joke? the only house that is selective from that list is tri delt. alpha phi ties with phi mu for the lowest retention rate of all the houses. they have to cob year round just to keep a full house. gphi and aphi also consistently have the lowest gpas with sigma. zeta is not even middle. i don't know in what world that is "selective".

By: really?
by: Yes indeedAug 6, 2020 8:33:29 AM

^ totally agree except for one thing. Zeta has come a long way, especially as GPhi and APhi continue to sink. That outstanding new house really helps, too. I would put Zeta in the middle tier.

By: Yes indeed
#4  by: Yup   

Agree completely w all of these comments s like I said before, every house has it’s strengths.m, but saying Aphi, Tri Delt or ZTA is anywhere NEAR as selective as Chi O, AdPi, Theta, Kappa, or Gphi is a joke lol. ZTA def going in the right direction but middle tier for sure.

By: Yup
by: okay ya, but...Aug 14, 2020 2:32:45 PM

Everyone is forgetting zeta’s horrible retention rates, they are constantly giving out COBs. They basically give out bids like “you get a bid & you get a bid!”. They’re not a bad house to be in and get good girls, but maybe wonder why so many girls drop/get dropped. Also keep in mind grades, 2020 grades tri delt and kappa did a full 180. The top 5 houses with the best grades are usually pi phi, chi o, theta, adpi and kappa, but this past semester kappa did a flip with tri delt in gpa rankings, putting tri delt in the top 5 grades and kappa in the low middle. Every other house stayed in their same ranking though. Yeah kappa’s grades dropped, but they are still extremely selective and heavily on the legacy and rec side as well as pi phi. I would say gphi & tri delt are very similar in selectively considering looks and popularity. Either way all these houses are selective, there are so many girls who don’t even get into a house and slip through the cracks of recruitment. So you would be lucky getting into any of these houses.

By: okay ya, but...
by: Must be an AlumAug 15, 2020 10:15:59 AM

Must be a Kappa alum. Zeta's retention rate has improved significantly and they don't COB nearly as much as some other houses. Kappa's not that selective and other houses take their best legacies. And these days, with our demographic at a low point, many more PNMs get into good houses because there just aren't that many girls going through rush. Next time you post make sure you know what you are talking about. Or, better yet, stay off this site.

By: Must be an Alum
#5  by: Lol   

You can always tell which houses ppl are jealous of by the way they talk about them and spread RUMORS about them on this site. HA

By: Lol
by: Don't You Love It...Aug 8, 2020 12:20:53 PM

...when people use factual statistics about grades and retention to tell the truth about a house and some loser insists they are spreading "rumors" because they are "jealous." Hun, NO ONE is jealous of Alpha Phi and GPhi. In fact, I am surprised their nationals don't shut them down.

By: Don't You Love It...
by: UhAug 8, 2020 12:49:45 PM

When no one ever specified which houses they were assuming the haters are jealous of but you automatically assumed those houses....hmmmmmm sounds like you just proved the point! Why don’t everyone just stop posting their opinions on here and let people decide for themselves what they like! Every house at Mizzou is great and no one should be jealous of anyone because everyone should be seen as equal strong women!

By: Uh
by: well..Aug 8, 2020 1:04:09 PM

I think it was pretty clear which houses were being talked about because the entire post is directed at them? i don’t think it was that hard to figure out.

By: well..
by: Pretty sureAug 8, 2020 5:06:57 PM

"Uh" must be an Alpha Phi or a GPhi. How do I know? Only someone educationally challenged would say "Why don’t everyone just stop posting their opinions..."

By: Pretty sure
by: LolAug 15, 2020 9:48:33 PM

Must be an alum,
Hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah hahahahaha stop trying to make zeta seem like they’re doing great. We all know zeta is a good house, but sisterhood wise, they are very cliquey and do not welcome everybody with open arms. About kappa- they’re definitely not top but they’re very selective based off of gpa. Maybe YOU should do some research before speaking;)

By: Lol
#6  by: Lol   

Zeta and a phi???!!?? LMAOOOOO

By: Lol
#7  by: 2020   

here are some nicer ones
axo- fun!!!!, edgy
aphi- frivolous, social (a lot of golden girls!)
adpi- talkative, easy going
gphi- always a good time, intimidating until you talk to them
theta- intelligent, preppy
kd- easy to talk to, all unique
chi o- ambitious, well rounded
sk- quirky, fashionable
kappa- humorous, friendly
tridelt- popular, cool
trisig- unconventional, adaptable
phi mu- big hearts, compassionate
piphi- sweet, pure
zta- blonde, bubbly
dg- affluent, put together
all are hot and can’t be defined by only generalizations like these

By: 2020
by: 2020Aug 16, 2020 12:36:54 AM

You win queen

By: 2020
#8  by: Accurate   

I agree. To the people that disagree, they’re not ranking houses based on grades, it’s status. Socially, looks, and popularity wise these houses are 100% top. You’ll figure that out with in 2 days of being on campus or even stalking their social medias.

By: Accurate

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