
grade cuts?


What are the grade cuts for the majority of sororities on campus? The ones I'm really interested in are Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, Kappa Gamma, and Alpha Chi Omega. Thanks, y'all!

Posted By: twoeighteen
Page 1 of 2

The houses with the highest grade standards are Theta, ChiO, PiPhi and ADPi. If you didn't have mostly A's in high school with lots of AP classes, good luck in those houses. Kappa also has been paying closer attention to grades in the past several years as they raise their standards overall. For the rest of the houses you mentioned, grades are a factor, but not the most important factor. What's a good high school GPA? There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking to get into a top house (gradewise) you'd better have had over a 3.6 in high school.

By: FoSho

I'm sure I'll start something, but I went to a private, all girls high school in St. Louis. I took every AP course offered to me and did well. I was graduated with a 3.58. I also received 4's and 5's on all my AP tests, and I went into college with over 30 hours of college credit. Why am I telling you this? Because AP courses DO NOT give you a grade bump at my high school. For example, B is a 3.0, NOT a 3.5. Public high schools inflate their grades, so their graduates come out with a ridiculous 4.2, etc. on a 4.0 scale. Houses DO NOT take this into account during recruitment, or at least my house does not. (My house is considered "top tier".) I have a 3.8 GPA, and the girls who got in from public school are struggling to make grades.

By: Laughing

You realize 3 of the houses you listed that you are only interested in are considered bottom tier or lower-mid tier at best (Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, and Alpha Phi)? What's up with that?

By: really
by: twoeighteen   

I am not interested in tiers, actually. I'm interested in houses that I have friends in, that seem to have a presence on campus, and who I think I'd enjoy. I think all of the houses on campuses have something to offer, these are just the ones I'm interested in.

By: twoeighteen
by: why   

first off, why do you care what houses she is interested in?? 2nd, all those houses are mid tier. I don't care what you think of DG, they're still solid mid tier because they're popular with frats and still get fun, social, pretty girls.

By: why

Laughing: Congrats on mommy and daddy paying for your private education, but it must not have done you much good because you are terribly misinformed. I went to a public high school where the average ACT/SAT scores are significantly higher than the private and parochial high schools nearby. My school did not inflate its GPAs. You could not graduate from my public high school with higher than a 4.0. I also am the scholarship chair of my sorority and I can assure you we do, indeed, take the grade scale into account. PLUS, the rush form asks whether the GPA is on a 4.0, 5.0 or 6.0 scale. So the next time you want to use this forum to bash public schools, get your facts straight. Oh, and one more thing. The girls in my sorority who went to public schools are not doing any worse than the private school kids. Only in your world does that matter.

By: MoBetter
by: jealous   

Ooooo someone's jealously is showing!!! Sweetie, you don't look good in public school green!! Giggle

By: jealous
by: private   

okay, the private school grading scale is based on a 7 point scale instead of a 10 point. for example 93-100 is an A at private school, and a low A (93-95) is only a 3.67 (at some but not all private schools) thats not even a 4. whereas in missouri public schools you get a 4 for having a 90-100% average. therefore it is much easier to get higher than a 4.0 gpa at public school and those who went to private schools whoa also got 4.0s and higher must have worked their butts off to achieve that! so yeah, congrats on your "above a 4.0 status" so props to them! and yeah public ACT/SAT scores are going to be higher, there are hundreds of more students at public schools. It's all a numbers game. and in reality it really doesn't matter! so just so you know next time you start bad mouthing private schools (:

By: private
by: meh   

My public school graded with a weighted scale only in harder classes like calculus and upper level languages. even then, an A was a 94% or better in all classes, so working your butt off was still reflected. Public school is no worse than private school, private school is no better than public school. however, public school is free and not everyone wants to pay for something they can get for free elsewhere. Especially with college being so expensive these days. money does not equal intelligence.

By: meh
by: Huh?   

Wow, Private. Too bad you can't fix your kind of stupid. First of all, the 93-100/90-100 A thing is not universal across every public school and every private school in the state. The Missouri Legislature doesn't set that standard, the individual school district, its administration and school board set that standard. I went to a public high school in St. Louis and an A at my school was 94-100. An A/B was 87-93, A B was 82-87 and a B/C was 78-82. Getting an A at my school meant you had to get a 94 or above. Second, the larger the pool of students taking the SAT/ACT, the greater the likelihood of lower scores. I learned that in AP Statistics. Too bad you didn't take it. Private schools in general are filled with more students aiming for four-year colleges, so you would expect those standardized test scores to be higher. And yet my public school had a higher average ACT/SAT even with a larger pool of students taking the test. And third, only a little private school biotch from St. Louis would think that rush revolves around suburban St. Louis kids. Let's remember the entire rest of the state sends their students to Mizzou, too. In case you are not aware, there are scores of other cities and states that send their students to Mizzou, particularly the Journalism School. So if you feel bad about exposing your ignorance, just call daddy. He'll deposit another hundo in your account this week to make it all better.

By: Huh?
by: want to know   

Where do schools report that stuff? What state or federal agency? Where are you getting these statistics? Could you site the webpage? I'm having trouble understand your argument here since there's no concrete evidence to support your claims. I'm 5'10", 120 pounds, a naturally gorgeous brunette with blazing blue eyes. But I guess I don't have to prove that, either.

By: want to know
by: Imperfect   

How about citing where the private school statistics came from? A web page? How about original reporting? Ever hear of it? We do it all the time in J-School. Here's an idea. You can do some original reporting of your own. Call the Missouri Department of Education and ask who sets the grade standards for an individual school district. Then report back.

By: Imperfect
by: NOT FREE   

Replying to meh:
PUBLIC SCHOOL IS NOT FREE. Why does everyone say that? Have you not heard of taxes? Property tax, sales tax, school distinct issued bonds, etc. PUBLIC SCHOOL IS NOT FREE FOR ANYONE'S PARENTS. Even if you live in a apartment in the district, the property taxes are being passed on to the renter. People who send their kids to private school STILL pay THE SAME TAXES as everyone else in that district. So, before you try and dis private school kids again, think of this: they did you a favor. They COULD have attended YOUR high school, thus overcrowding YOUR school. Instead, they went somewhere else, and still paid for your "free" ride. You're welcome.

by: Sure   

Replying to Not Free: Are you not aware that there is a dip in the school age demographic because Gen Y (which is a huge generation) hasn't really started having kids yet to fill up schools and Gen X is such a small generation? Are you aware that most schools have space to fill and kids are rattling around inside the schools because the population is at such a low point compared to 15 or 20-or-so years ago? Are you aware that overcrowding hasn't been a problem for years, and that the amount of money each public school gets from the state is based on the student census. If you want to do public school kids a favor you would go to public school so that the schools can get more federal, state and district money. Or does all of this elude you because you have an inferior private school education?

By: Sure

Kappa will have the highest cut offs. I don't know about DG. Aphi doesn't have a grade cut off as far as I know, you just can't be lower than campus ave 2.6 if you're a sophomore. Alpha chi was 3.2 I think this year?? I know they raised theirs but not sure on the exact number. Good luck!

By: Grades

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by: those   

^ those look like cut offs to stay in good standing or coming in as a sophomore, not HS grades.

By: those
by: For a Fact   

Kappa cut at a 3.3, like several other houses. Not that difficult. ADPi is about the only one that gives a crap about ACT scores. Don't even know why it's on the registration form.

By: For a Fact

We look at ACT scores before GPA, since there are so many private schools (and some public schools) that give away A's just for showing up. And I'm not an ADPi.

By: USToo

The post above is embarrassing because of the spelling and punctuation mistakes. HOWEVER, it is true that public schools in affluent areas of major cities are much more difficult than most private schools in St. Louis. That's because there are so many people at Mizzou from suburban Chicago, for example. They can't get into U. of Illinois because it is so competitive. So while Mizzou might not get the best and the brightest out-of-state students (except in journalism), the next-best students are still very bright and are helping to boost Mizzou's academic reputation. And I have a question for our favorite little private school apologist: if your family placed such a high value on a private school education, what are you doing at Mizzou? They probably should have saved that money they spent on your overrated high school and used it for college, instead, if going to an elite school means that much to you.

By: tootrue
by: actually,   

I think this person was asking, if they wanted "the BEST" for you, why send you to Mizzou? There are much better schools in the country than Mizzou and if they spent that kind of money for HS why not college? Why not send you to Yale or Princeton or Wash U? Or did your private school not help with admissions to those schools?
I know people from my rural public school who got into Harvard and UMKC's 6 year MD program. Why not you? And what happens if you ever want to move away from St. Louis? Your private high school education isn't going to matter much to people who don't live in that little bubble. In fact, it may even work against you considering what an awful, conceited personality you've displayed on this little thread.

By: actually,

Yes, where you went to high school is the end-all and be-all for St. Louis residents. Sad, isn't it? I, for one, hope that I don't peak at age 17. And if where you went to high school is a huge part of your identity, you need to expand your horizons a bit and aim a little higher. Oh, and where did my public school education get me? A full ride to three universities (two private, one public) and an almost free ride to Mizzou, where I will spend a grand total of $800 per semester on my education at the top-ranked journalism school in the nation. I'm from Cali. and I couldn't be prouder to be here, even though I am both bored and amused by the St Louis preoccupation with how much daddy paid for his little darling to get an inferior education at a school that accepts just about anyone whose check doesn't bounce.

By: Really?
by: jealous   

from this post we've learned:
1.) You couldn't get into California schools FREE even with all the billions in taxpayer money they waste out there:
2.) You're embarrassed that you didn't/don't/won't ever have the money for the best of educations:
3.) You're embarrassed by YOUR high school

and what's more, I go to Mizzou on a scholarship! I don't need to go to a "better" college, because I made all my contacts in high school. You think I'm living in the past, but what happened to me in the past, high school, is what's going to help me in my future. It's WHO I know. I have contacts that most people can NEVER make. I don't need a "better" college! Most people I know do it this way, too, because...why waste the money on college when it's set up for you in high school? I'm not going to be a doctor or lawyer. A degree in business means DOING business, not floundering around in this economy trying to find one. I've got a leg up already and buying a triply expensive Harvard education won't buy me that. Poor, poor jealous YOU.....

By: jealous

Well said, well said ^^^


Why in the world would she go to college in California when she can attend the best journalism school in the world almost for free. Mizzou's J School IS the best of educations, and the hypocrisy is pretty entertaining coming from someone who also has a scholarship and has opted to attend a business school that is not particularly highly ranked, at least vis a vis the J-school. And if you made all of the contacts you'll ever need in high school, my guess is that you are aiming exceptionally low.

By: Huh?

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