
sororities (honest)

by: lol

can someone please reply an honest, unbiased ranking of the sororities

Posted By: lol
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#1  by: Girls are tight   

Tri delt
A phi

Don’t really know they other ones. They don’t really matter

By: Girls are tight
by: AlsoMay 11, 2018 1:43:30 PM

Some people might think GPhi is in the top 5, and perhaps TriDelt, but the other two have a long way to go.

By: Also
#2  by: ^^   

Love the sarcasm ^. Of the four listed, NONE are top tier.

By: ^^
#3  by: Enough   

Really sick of people beating up on APhi. They are in dire straits, but why do you think it's fair to target them with your sarcastic posts any more than any other house that's struggling. Time to move on to another house.

By: Enough
by: ^•May 12, 2018 8:55:23 AM

you know a house is crushin it when you have stalkers who can't get you out of their mouths ^

By: ^•
by: YupMay 12, 2018 3:22:52 PM

I guess you would know about not being able to keep things out of your mouth, hon. Bless your heart.

By: Yup
by: ^May 13, 2018 9:31:48 AM

I guess you wouldn't know, no life no man, that's why you troll a bunch of pretty girls online isn't it?

By: ^
by: nahMay 15, 2018 5:13:21 PM

not in that sorority I just hate trolls like you ^

By: nah
#4  by: ok   

any ranking is a biased opinion of what sorority that individual thinks is the best. sis you’re the only one who can make that decision for yourself

By: ok
#5  by: Attempting wisdom   

Opinions from a senior who has recently graduated and gone alum status. No matter what people are always going to try and tier sororitities, but what i’ve figured out after 4 years is tiers and reputations don’t really matter. What matters at the end of the day for me at least was making long-lasting friendships, unbelievable experiences and the opportunity to grow with the love and support of my chapter. That’s what i’m taking with me as I leave this wonderful school. Not how popular, pretty, smart, successful, fun or quirky others thought of my sorority could be. I would encourage you to follow where you feel comfortable and choose a chapter you’ll have the feeling not wanting to leave behind in 4 years because what they gave you is so special. I genuinely believe all 15 chapters here can give you that. You’re young now and probably will do what you want. However recruitment is something else... and you’d be surprised of who you can truly connect with and what your hopes and values will lead you to. Before college I had known a lot of girls the grade ahead of me so I had an idea of reputations and tiers and thought I knew where I wanted to be, but going through recruitment my heart was stolen by a chapter who I figured out as the week progressed, especially on preference day, where I truly belonged. I wish you the best and that you find your true home as you start your journey at this school in August. PS crying because your time in your chapter is over and leaving your sisters is real. Definitely was (still) crying in the club.

By: Attempting wisdom
by: TruthMay 15, 2018 10:29:25 AM

What she said!

By: Truth
by: CorrectMay 15, 2018 11:47:54 AM

Every chapter can provide a rewarding experience and lasting friendships. That's what sororities are all about. It's important to follow what that little voice in the back of your head is telling you and to begin to trust your intuition. BUT, never underestimate the value of having letters you can wear with pride. Be aware of the reputations of some of the houses and before committing, make sure you can live with that reputation,. If not, you will be just another woman who drops out or opts not to keep paying dues all four years, and no house needs that. There are too many houses as it is with retention issues, so do your homework.

By: Correct
by: Attempting wisdomMay 15, 2018 12:41:19 PM

Trust me my friend. If the women in your chapter provide you with love and you mutually cherish them, for whatever reason that may be, you will always proudly wear your letters regardless of what others think. There’s is no shame in joining a chapter that is more reputable, it’s always a plus, and can be a source of pride even, but I can assure you what you truly cherish about your sisterhood will be your greatest source of pride.

By: Attempting wisdom
by: ExceptMay 15, 2018 2:02:06 PM

It's no surprise that the houses with the most questionable reputations also have the biggest problems with retention. How do we know? Just look at the houses that COB year after year after year. There's a reason for that and PNMs should be aware of it.

By: Except
by: ^May 15, 2018 5:16:50 PM

There must be something desirable about them when you^ feel the need to turn EVERY conversation into a conversation about them. Have you no pride? guess not

By: ^
by: 2centsJun 21, 2018 9:16:54 PM

Some houses do better COBing rather than a staged recruitment because it is a more casual way to get to know PNMs with less pressure on both parties. I wish people could see and understand that COBing does not mean a house is bad or lesser. Recruitment is a lot to handle and sometimes COBs get a more realistic picture of sisterhood without all of the chanting, decorations, and fluff that goes into recruitment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with COBing and constantly bashing it can make girls who found their perfect house through COB feel awful and they do not deserve that.

By: 2cents
by: Yes, butJun 27, 2018 12:23:58 PM

If you can't do well in recruitment when the playing field is leveled and 1,500+ girls are eager to join a sorority, there's something wrong. And it's not that the less desirable houses don't make quota. They often do. But they start losing girls right out of the gate and, in the case of several lower tier houses, they can't keep their members because they allow just about anyone to join including those whose grades are really suspect. Those are the houses where girls can't cut it academically and leave school. Those are the houses you want to stay away from.

By: Yes, but
#6  by: Hold on there...   

Those "reputations" you talk about cut both ways.

There are definitely some sororities here at Mizzou that are known for looking down on other houses, and ripping on them at every turn for no reason other than they think they are better, and believe it is their "duty" to point this out to everyone (yes, Chi O and others, I'm talking about you.)

Do you want to be known for being a member of a kind/nice house, or a mean/nasty house?

By: Hold on there...
by: Well...May 15, 2018 3:45:37 PM

I just want to be a member of a house I can be proud of and that best reflects who I am. There are nice girls in EVERY house and mean girls in EVERY house. Surprised you don't know that. And just because a house is selective doesn't mean it is mean. It's also pretty mean to try to tell PNMs that they should avoid houses like CHI O simply because it has found the keys to success. You pretty much are casting yourself as the quintessential mean girl.

By: Well...
by: ^May 15, 2018 5:18:41 PM

is not a pnm

By: ^
by: How about a good houseJun 27, 2018 12:36:25 PM

The debate isn't about "nice house" vs. "nasty house." It's about encouraging houses to raise their standards so that others want to wear their letters. If being "nice"is all you have going for you, you need to aim a little higher because, guess what, there are nice girls and not-so -nice girls in every. single. house.

By: How about a good house
#7  by: Advice   

Go into this knowing that what you think you may want will likely change as you proceed through recruitment. And keep in mind that sometimes things happen that lead you to the exact place where you can be yourself, and be accepted and loved just for that.

There are houses and PNMs that are all about appearances and worry about how they are viewed/ranked, and then there are other houses and PNMs that focus on being with girls who are comfortable in their own skin.

It's all about what is most important to you.

By: Advice
#8  by: REALLY?!   

Let's be honest...GreekRank is NOT the place to get an "honest, unbiased ranking of the sororities".

#9  by: Poppy   

1. PiPhi
2. Theta
4. ChiO
5. TriDelt


By: Poppy
by: YesssJul 17, 2018 4:05:12 PM

^ that's pretty accurate, though I probably would switch Gphi and ChiO.

By: Yesss

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