
describe adpi here


I am an ADPi at another school. I am thinking of transferring schools next year and wanted to know what the girls are like here. The ones at my school are sweet for the most part and many party but not all. I would just like to get a general vibe so it can help me in the process of deciding where to transfer.

Posted By: Transfer
Page 1 of 1

They're band geeks. Academics focused, don't party very much although every house has a few who do. Outspoken, not very popular. Usually in top 5 for grades though

By: Sorry

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Adpis always come to our parties and they are really fun and nice They aren't known for being a "hot house" but there are some really hot chicks I would say they are a top middle house!

By: Farmhouse
by: ^   


By: ^

i personally am an adpi here and i love my chapter! yes, we do focus heavily on academics and being involved, but isn't that what college is all about!? my sisters and i do go out at least once a week though, so i wouldn't say our stigma is socially awkward nerds who just stay at home lol! i have friends in almost every other greek organization here, and i truly think all chapters at mizzou are great, so don't listen to the negative stuff you see on here because no matter house you ask about people will always have something mean to say! anyone i know would be happy to be an adpi because we are one of the most selective houses on campus, so without a doubt you would enjoy this house if you transferred :)

By: adpi
by: Nah   

I wouldn't call them selective, Theta has more well rounded (and intelligent) girls than Adpi😂

By: Nah
by: Transfer   

Thank you so much for your reply! I'm honestly perfectly fine with a more academic chapter. I'd say my current chapter is a 60/40 mix with less of an academic focus so I will definitely consider that when picking a school!

By: Transfer
by: Transfer   

Would you say that ADPi's prioritize academics over going out? Like if I had to stay in to do hw on a weekend night would I be in the minority (that's how it is at my current school).

By: Transfer
by: ^   

They stay in and do hmwk > going out

By: ^
by: adpi2   

I would definitely say most girls go out weekend nights

By: adpi2

First of all, this thread was started by the same girl who starts all the other threads. She takes great joy in having other houses criticized. But to answer the question, ADPi is a great house. In fact, there aren't many sororities here that aren't great. We have a very high standard on this campus and ADPi attracts outstanding girls, just like most other houses. Funny that someone thought it was insulting to say ADPi is a sorority that focuses on academics. In whose world is that a negative???????????????????

By: Yup
by: ^   

It was an ADPi who made that comment, she was probably embarrassed because you aren't the well-rounded smart girls, you're the loser "smart"ish girls (your 3.5 only makes top 5 because the competition isn't strong.) Also, it's funny how you blame APhi's for starting threads about themselves solely because they get a couple positive comments and yet you blame "anyone but an ADPi" on starting a thread like this just because you got some negative comments. You also got positive comments but do we accuse the OP of being a Mizzou ADPi? Hint, maybe you got negative comments because y'all don't have a great reputation ......

By: ^
by: Enough   

Yea, right.

By: Enough
by: Transfer   

Just want to put it on the record that this is my first thread ever on this website. I don't need to know what the other houses are like because I'm already in a sorority. They sound like they might be a chapter I'd affiliate with rather than retaining alumna status! Thanks for the input!

By: Transfer
by: This   

Great house, excellent retention, high standards.

By: This
by: ^   

ALl you need is a GPA wouldn't call that high standards ...

By: ^
by: Huh?   

Name a standard that is higher, please.

By: Huh?
by: ^   

Needing a GPA and a personality is a good start

By: ^

Why is adpi trying to go for a the hot party girl image all of a sudden? 1) it's embarrassing 2) that type of rebranding not gonna work for you

By: Lol
by: no   

This is greeklife at mizzou. Most people go out it's not a big deal.

By: no

ADPi= 2 words - - Boring, lame

By: MN Native

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