
new rank


Two months have gone by since recruitment and we have had time to see who is wearing their letters and what they are accomplishing. I would say these are the Top 5 sororities:
1. PiPhi
2. Chi O
3. Theta
4. TriDelt
5. Alpha Chi
And, yes, this is just my opinion and the list is subjective. So if you disagree, list your own Top 5 and tell why.

Posted By: It's Time
Page 1 of 1

I would switch Theta and TriDelt. I think both had a great rush but TriDelt is getting its mojo back. And as far as I'm concerned ChiO and PiPhi are in a virtual tie for first. They both get who they want.

By: Close

Pi Phi
Alpha Phi

By: Mine
by: No way   

Gamma Phi and Alpha Phi are much too one-dimensional. This is Mizzou, where the best houses have it all. Gamma Phi and Alpha Phi are a long way from having it all.

By: No way
by: ^   

If you're strong enough in your niche you can still be top, whether you agree with their recruitment tactics or not. Theta is one dimensional but I still consider them top.

By: ^
by: A hem   

There is nothing one-dimensional about theta. They have a great sisterhood, outstanding grades, lots of beautiful members, are outstanding at leadership and their philanthropy is terrific. Every time someone says they are one-dimensional you can bet it was someone who didn't make the grade cut and only saw the theta house once during rush. And that means YOU alpha Phi, and probably Gamme Phi.

By: A hem
by: Jone   

What a joke aphi and gphi have all of the above except switch grades with social life. Another positive is they aren't afraid to preach that other houses (like Theta) are great even though they are total opposites. Why are you so hateful? What good would it be if every house was the same, how would you find your home if all houses were identical?

By: Jone
by: Hahaha   

Found the alpha flea ^^^

By: Hahaha

No particular order
Pi Phi
Chi O

By: .

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by: ^   

ADPi has gone so downhill you must be crazy

By: ^
by: :)   

What are you basing that on? ADPi won homecoming last year, they have a great chance at placing good this year, they continue to stay one of the top houses in grades? If you're basing it on looks then yes, ADPi is no GPhi when it comes to that area, but they are classy and so kind hearted, so no I wouldn't say they're going downhill in terms of the type of girls they look for.

By: :)
by: ^   

They're mean and losing more and more girls to AXO every year. If you base tiers on winning competitions then Kappa should definitely be on your list.

By: ^
by: Fact   

ADPi continues to be one of the most selective houses on campus. I definitely would put it ahead of Kappa and AXO. My ranking would be:

By: Fact
by: ^   

In your dreams ADPi what a joke

By: ^

1. Pi Phi
2. Chi O
3. Tri Delt/Theta
4. GPhi
5. Kappa/AXO

Obviously I listed more than 5, but I felt that I had to include both niche sororities and overall well-rounded to get a more accurate ranking.

By: My thoughts

I always have to laugh when women come on this site pretending to be guys and telling us which houses are best because of all their "hot" girls. It's 2016, and perhaps it's time to stop judging ourselves according to whether guys think we are hot or not. We are about to elect a woman to be president of the greatest power in the free world. History is happening before our very eyes. Time to think about loftier goals than just pleasing loser guys on the hotness scale. Just sayin'

By: Have to laugh
by: Yes!   

^ Couldn't have said it better myself. I am in a "hot" house because I am a legacy, but I get so bored with that being our main identity. It's bad enough when guys think that, but when girls are proud of it I just cringe. I think we can all aim a little higher.

By: Yes!
by: Wow   

And I find it amazing that Greek women, on this campus, would still categorize houses as 'one dimensional' and 'only looks'. There are AMAZING women in every single house. If you think certain houses are so 'one dimensional', I suggest you get out of your own little bubble and go meet some of these other women. Mizzou puts on a very competitive recruitment. GPA cutoffs far surpass many other 'big' schools. Every single house has beautiful women-and some have more than others. That does not make them 'one dimensional'. Some houses are filled with beautiful women who are doing amazing things. Some houses are filled with 'sporty' women doing amazing things. Some houses are filled with 'studious' women doing amazing things. It all depends on how YOU look at things. Please stop putting pretty girls down, it's absolutely no different than putting 'plain janes' down(and that's a nice way of phrasing it). No one should be influenced or intimidated by looks. Mizzou Greek Life has amazing women in every house.

By: Wow
by: Yeah, right   

So why don't you tell me all of those amazing things that APhi is doing, because even they refer to their house as just a pretty house. The fact is that there are some houses that recruit on looks a lone, and a house like that prides itself on being one-dimensional. I'm not saying there aren't people in that house that have more to offer, but the fact is they settled for a house known primarily for looks and they have to live with that for four years.

By: Yeah, right

Pi phi/ chi o

Mid tier:

Bottom tier:
Phi mu

By: All sorority
by: ^   

Gphi and aphi are both better than tridelt. Go away alum, there's one dead give away you don't go here anymore, get a life!

By: ^
by: Yes and no    

Aphi is down with KD tbh, gphi though could be above tri Delt!

By: Yes and no
by: wow   

ok zeta is not bottom

By: wow
by: Wait a sec   

Switch SK with Phi Mu - they have scored higher/more consistently at competitions over the past three years than SK.

By: Wait a sec

Zeta is as bottom as it gets... unless you're a sigma. Nice try zeta.

By: Lol zeta
by: ugh sorry   

ugh sorry you're so jealous of zeta :/

By: ugh sorry
by: Laughable!   

Lol is that really the only response you can come up with zeta? That's the problem with your house, you have huge egos and no one understands why. No one is jealous of zeta. Just ask the 20 girls that has already dropped your house this semester, or all your top picks that went to SK ;)

By: Laughable!
by: Ali   

Who said I am an SK? All I said was that SK is better than zeta. Go ahead and bash SK, makes no difference to me! You'll never guess what house I'm in, we don't compete with bottom tier houses like zeta for pnms ;)

By: Ali
by: @Laughable   

Literally NO girl has dropped. You're not in zeta so I think that I would know if 20 girls dropped. We still have all 93 girls we started with this semester

By: @Laughable
by: Just stop   

Then why have you already COBed, and COBing again currently? And why did a girl in my dorm just receive a bid to zeta? Yeah, enough with the lies zeta. Your retention sucks and your house sucks for attempting to lie to cover it up. You girls really are stupid, aren't you?

By: Just stop
by: Wondering   

If you aren't a Zeta, what possible difference could any of this make to you? Why do you care and, more importantly, why do you care So MUCH?

By: Wondering
by: ^   

Because she's an SK aka zeta wannabe

By: ^
by: Doubles    

Wait, did anybody else just read the same thing I did? Did zeta just say they took 93 NMs? Omg! That's almost as big as Sigmas PC! Holy crap! Is zeta hurting that bad that they had to take almost the same PC numbers as sigma?! I knew zeta had retention issues but, wow, that's not good. Zetas barely any better off than sigma at this point.

By: Doubles
by: @juststop   

are you in zeta? because if you were you would know that we aren't COBing again

By: @juststop
by: @just stop   

i never said we didn't cob. we did cob and we're proud of it. Because we had more room for girls there's nothing wrong with that! We started off with enough girls to live in house and then we realized we could have more girls so we added. Nobody dropped. If you really don't believe me go talk to our president.

By: @just stop

Top - no order


By: Lakeshore
by: Yup   

So you agree with the OP. So do I.

By: Yup
by: miz   

Get off of this site AXO

By: miz

only relevant houses:

gphi, aphi, tri delt, dg, and pi phi

By: relevant
by: lmao   

dg is not relevant at all

By: lmao
by: ^   

Get real, who are the most popular girls every time? Not your hohae

By: ^
by: ^   

I've personally been in a relationship for 4 years and have sisters with similar stories, can you really call yourself a stand-up member of PHA with the way you speak about sisters in other organizations? That's weak, you have nothing to be bragging about

By: ^
by: Hmmmm...   

So you've been in a relationship for four years, which means it started before you were a Gamma Phi. So thanks for proving the point. And if you don't even know someone, how do you know if that person has anything to brag about? Stupid Gamma Phi.

By: Hmmmm...
by: Seriously rude   

Your statement do you know any Aphi or Gphi who are actually dating anyone- two different people said they knew quite a few Gphis who have been in long term relationships. Therefore your supposed fact is actually a falsehood. You act as though you are a representative of Greek life. Let go of the stereotypes!!

By: Seriously rude
by: ^   

Seriously! You're assuming all pretty fun girls can't do long term relationships? Please we have no trouble with that. Talk about insecure!

By: ^
by: Well, no   

There are lots of pretty girls. Greektown is full of them and every house has them. Scores and scores of them. But it takes a special kind of girl to want to be in a house that is known only for that. In other words, GPhi and APhi get the girls who DON'T pride themselves on grades, leadership, talent, athletics, etc. It's easy to be pretty. It's a lot harder to be multi-faceted. And that's where the pretty houses, with their pathetic grades and ho-ish reputations, come up short. It often has been said that you might want to sleep with a GPhi or APhi, but certainly not take them home to mama.

By: Well, no
by: ^   

Ha ha keep telling yourself that sweetheart ;)

By: ^
by: ^   

It kinda plays a part no matter how much y'all tell yourselves it doesn't

By: ^

My roommate is a Gphi- !abd alotif them have long term boyfriends. Like older members and a lot of babies- including my roommate

By: Roomie

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