
to all freshies


Ask yourselves these questions, if you can't answer them, take some time off and save yourself the money!
College is definitely not for everybody. What are you studying for? To get a job? Ok what kind of job? Why do they care about your degree over someone else with a degree? What does your mom think is going to happen when you get out of school? What industry are you going into? Is college doing anything to prepare you for that industry?
Seriously, if you can't answer one of these questions, go do something more productive with your time.

Posted By: Jr
Page 1 of 1

Lol why are you posting this

By: ?

"What does your mom think is going to happen when you get out of school?" What...??

By: ??

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by: ^   

Cause most of us are here because our parents expect it from us, this is a clip from skinny confidential

By: ^
by: Huh?   

Speak for yourself. Most of the people I know are here because we value education, not because our parents expect it. And also because we're not losers.

But this probably is just a post from the know-it-all alum who likes to lecture us and has nothing better to do that pretend to be an accounting student.

By: Huh?
by: Really?   

What do you not understand about college being a place to learn, figure out who you are and after weighing lots of options, deciding what your future should look like? And where else should you do that than within the confines of a warm and welcoming environment,. Yes it costs money, Yes you must pay to enter that realm. But what a sad, sad world it would be if we all turned out to be who we thought we should be when we stepped foot on this campus. I have much more respect for your sisters who are trying to figure it out than I do for someone who doesn't understand that we are not, nor should we be, the same people as we enter college as when we graduate. You might want to put a price tag on that, but the biggest lesson of all --- that we start to lead an examined life that will eventually take us where we want to go through all the incarnations of our careers -- is absolutely priceless. It's a shame that you haven't figured that out.

By: Really?
by: Yes!   

At times I am blown away by the depth of thought presented on this site, as evidenced by the post above. But I also am blown away by the superficial thinking of the OP.

By: Yes!
by: Lol   

I'm blown away by the fairytale life that you idiots live in. You don't have to pay 20K to find yourself. You'd actually probably do a hell of a better job doing that in the real world, travelling, working, volunteering, whatever it may be. The price tag is worth it ONLY if you leave college with hard skills that you can show to an employer that will make them choose you over another candidate. Your sad little story about "finding yourself" in college isn't going to make your 3.2 arts degree look any better, dreamers. Keep lying to yourself, the only one you're hurting is YOU. So sad, I'm sure your parents are so proud of the "life lessons" you learnt in the bubble that is mizzou. What a joke! I feel sorry for yall

By: Lol
by: Ya   

I do agree tho that college is about learning how to learn, ie you best be getting a 4.0 in that useless major of yours

By: Ya

Lol most 18 years olds not have their life plan figured out yet. Just because you aren't set on what you want to do for the rest of your life at 18 doesn't mean you should just give up,
quit college, and say screw a degree?? Are you kidding me? That's like the worst advice ever... I changed my major twice! There were times I struggled and questioned myself why I was here but I didnt just quit ?? Lol I'm now in law school to become a prosecuting attorney I originally was a business major, then education, I had no clue at 18! Stupid post. Also most people are here because they want to better themselves and have a Brighter future. Many doors are closed when you don't have a college degree, sorry I don't want waitress to be my career choice.

By: Uhhh
by: OP   

I'm all about the college degree, I just think you should have a goal at the end of all this -or be open to switch majors as you figure it out. I imagine you were incredibly more successful once you did end up with a specific direction in mind, right? You didn't end up in law school by accident, at some point you asked yourself those questions and made some decisions and made it happen. Some people unfortunately never put those pieces together or bother questioning anything until after they graduate and can't find a job.

By: OP

I think it's hilarious that people can be SO opposed to the OPs theory that you should contemplate your future when in college. Nothing negative about that. Clearly some people are very insecure about their own lives and decisions...

By: Lol

College is where you can take classes in business, science, math, the arts, and discover careers you never knew existed. It might work for some to take a year or two off, but for me, that would have meant working full-time at an entry level job, and living at home or trying to make ends meet, not travelling (alone?) and finding myself. I feel like I would be exposed to fewer options in the "real world" than I am in college.

Some people need a breather after high school, though. To each his own. You can't say either way is right.

By: To Each His Own
by: ^   

If you're in college doing all of those things (taking different classes, weighing your options, ASKING yourself those same questions this post is about) then you are not who this post is directed at! We all know people who are lost and are here just because it was what they were expected to do and are just going through the motions, choosing classes based purely on the prereqs for their random major and whichever bird classes they can fit in as electives. If that isn't you, you're doing it right!

By: ^
by: ah, nope   

I don't know anyone who is lost or who is just going through the motions, but then I am in a house that is known for outstanding, motivated women who get excellent grades. We are in challenging majors and use our electives to learn about things we might not otherwise be exposed to. In short, I don't know where the OP goes to school or who she hangs out with (if she ever does hang out since she seems to be on here all hours of the day and night) but I think her original premise says more about her narrow, skewed version of reality than what is actually true. I mean, what difference does it make what you mother thinks, anyway. As for being prepared for "industry," no thanks. There are far more intellectual careers that have nothing to do with "industry." for godssake. But, whatever. It's time for the troll to have the last word and then we can all move on. So, go ahead Hun. Last word starts now...........

By: ah, nope
by: ^   

B.S. I am in a top GPA house and many girls have no idea what they plan on doing with their GPAs. You just like arguing cause that is absolute BS.

By: ^
by: Yup^   

There you are. Right on cue. Thank you so much, and have a good night. (This is just TOO easy, isn't it?)

By: Yup^
by: ^   

Trust me, I'm really smart. I'm an accountant. I have 100 job offers. I'm in a top house. I have a lot of friends. I am smarter than you. I know everything. You shouldn't disagree with me. I have a boyfriend, He's really hot. He's in a top house. He likes it when we go out and I post constantly on Greek Rank. No one is as smart as I am. I have all the answers. Don't doubt me or I will keep posting, I just want to be right. I want everyone to think I'm right. It's important to me that I am right. I don't like it when people disagree. Then sometimes I think I might not be right. But I really am right. No one is as smart as me. I'm in a top house. Learnt really is a word. Trust me about that. I'm really smart. Don't doubt that. I have 1000 job offers. I make $200 an hour. I am really popular. I have lots of friends. My friends all think I'm right. that's why they're my friends. Don't doubt me about that. Your opinion isn't as good as mine. Every time you voice your opinion I am going to call you a name. You are an idiot. That's because you don't agree with me and I am always right. You should only major in business. Anyone who doesn't major in business is an idiot. What industry are you going in to? Industry is the only place to work. There is no value in expanding your horizons. If you take an English class you are an idiot. No one who is an English or history major was ever successful. What does your mother say about that? Only accountants are successful. Please agree with me.

By: ^
by: No   

I don't even use the word industry??? Isn't that like a music/acting thing typically ?? also I'm too busy studying to go out, you'd understand the struggle if you actually attended a university (although I do recall you trying to argue that a 3.2 GPA can take you places 😂 sad that you're always on here posting late at night and STILL can't manage a decent GPA) PS: thanks for validating that your post was complete BS and you're just the lunatic that argues whatever I say, there goes any validity it may have had.

By: No

To recap, I'm really smart. I'm really busy. I'm busier than you because my major is the best. It's really hard and I'm a genius because I am majoring in accountancy. I will earn $1 million a year. Right now I earn $400 an hour. I had the best internships. I am the smartest person. If you were smart you would be in accountancy too. I like to use the word accountancy. It makes me feel smart. You are stupid. You take English. You take history. You won't ever be successful. I should be your role model. A 3.2 in physics really sucks because it's not accountancy. Only accounting classes count. When you post at night you are a loser. When I post at night it's OK. You are a lunatic. Why don't you just let me have the last word? That's the only thing that makes me happy. Well, calling you names makes me happy, too. Lunatic. Lunatic. Lunatic. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. There, now I feel a lot better. If only I could have the last word. If only everyone agreed with me. I like to deliver lectures. I am right and you are wrong. Always. I wish I had a friend. Then I could deliver lectures to my friend. About accountancy. It's great. I will be rich. That's all that counts, anyway. Money, money, money. That's why we go to college. If you don't go to college to get rich, you are stupid. A stupid lunatic.

By: ^
by: ^   

You forgot one - you don't go here. PS: science majors are usually graded on a curve so a 3.2 basically makes you like.. What bottom of your class? Always on the mid to lower end of your tests... I wouldn't admit that if I were you....

By: ^
by: ^   

I'm going into risk management how do you not know this, I thought you were my biggest fan? disappointing. STEM majors are all good in my books FYI, but you need to get a better GPA than that 3.2!

By: ^
by: Nice try   

There is no risk management major at this school. Why would someone who is going into risk management go to a school that doesn't have that major. That would be as stupid as someone majoring in English or history. so now we know you are a liar and a fraud. Nice try, but you have no credibility. For weeks you have been lecturing us about choosing a major that will guarantee you have a job and that if you don't do that you are wasting your time and your money. And now we find out that you aren't even attending a school that has what you want to major in. What a total waste. What an idiot. What a moron. What a fool. So much for your credibility.

By: Nice try
by: ^   

That's embarrassing... Most risk management positions require a CPA or CFA. Hense my accounting major. Get over me, you're very lost

By: ^
by: But...   

What the best positions require is a degree in risk management, and you are a fool not to have one. You could have gone to U. of Illinois, U of Wisconsin, U of Georgia, Georgia State or any number of schools to get one. So who are you to lecture the rest of us on what we should and shouldn't major in, when you are going for the cheap degree, not the best degree? You are an impostor and have lost all credibility. I cannot believe you still have the nerve to post on this site.

By: But...
by: ^   

No... Actually. Most request a degree in finance, economics or accounting as risk mgmt is not common in undergrad. I'll be specializing in risk mgmt for my MBA, don't you worry, I'll be aaaaa-ok :)

By: ^
by: Yup   

You just keep thinking that. First of all, judging by your limited intellect and obsession with the mundane,there is NO WAY you will pass the CPA exam. Second, you will wind up with a second rate degree that pretty much prepares you to be a bookkeeper. Third, if you really cared about a quality degree, you would get one in risk management. So my guess is that you couldn't get into U-Wis, U of Ill. or UGa, which means it pretty much sucks to be you. And, finally, what she said. How dare you post on this site and tell others what to do when you so obviously are taking the easy way out instead of getting the best degree in your field. You are either lazy, poor or have extremely bad judgment. In any case, you are no expert. On anything.

By: Yup
by: ^   

Ummmm our b school/accounting in particular is one of the best in the nation. I'm top of my class and am surrounded by incredibly intelligent students, as admissions are quite competitive. Our worst student is better than your 3.2 in "physics" (good luck with that.) Try again. Or better, get over your creepy obsession with me.

By: ^
by: No way   

First of all, what makes you think I am a physics major? Or that I have a 3.2. Do I write like a physics major? Do I write as if I have a 3.2? At this school? Get serious. Second, with your limited intellect there is no way you will pass the CPA exam and I seriously doubt your grades are anything to write home about. In fact, I doubt you are even in accounting. Finally, it is your obsession that spurs me to greater and greater heights. After all, who is it that HAS to have the last word? Every. Single. Time. Now, we have an important election coming up. The debate last night proved just how important it is that we don't elect an orange buffoon to the presidency. The markets reacted appropriately today when Hill wiped the floor with his ass last night. Perhaps you should be keeping an eye on things like that. It would be so much more worthwhile than trying desperately to persuade us you aren't such a sad troll.

By: No way
by: ^   

You don't write like you have a 3.2, you write like you couldn't get in.

By: ^
by: Ha, ha   

Get in to where? Oh, if only you knew the truth.

By: Ha, ha

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