
alphaphi wannabe gphib


Pink dresses? Who made that terrible decision? All this does is reinforce their image that they are try hard wannabes and gives a good idea of why they are dead last in grades every single year. Actually pretty rude and disrespectful is what most are thinking..

Posted By: Lol
Page 1 of 2

Quit trying to stir up drama the houses are school and GPhi is chill af unlike some people

By: GPhi
by: FACT!   

thanks aphi, but zeta actually blew your pc class away. go spend a little more time on greek rank why don't you?!


I don't think anyone is trying to stir things up and ya, most agree gphi is chill af, they do their own thing and always have, that's what makes them unique. but if a house can't even create their own pref day, with hundreds of colors to choose from, you choose your competitions colors? no drama, just pity

By: ^
by: ^   

Why in the world do you assume that using the same colour is taboo? How many others used the same colour as another sorority? Quit being petty

By: ^
by: ^   

when a house is known as taking the leftovers of tri delt and gphi, you don't take their colors,flowers and other ideas. most houses would do something to STAND OUT.this just makes them look like the annoying little copy cat that can't think for herself. tri delt and gphi again did their own thing by casual and fun this week, they didn't overdo the outfits and makeup. obviously aphi missed that call but I'm sure casual and fun will be in the dress code nextyear. prob baseball caps and jeans? that would be kind of unique and not a direct duplicate.

By: ^
by: ^   

LOL you just sound really salty

By: ^

Get your facts straight! Dead last in grades is tri sig
This is public info , Google it

By: Dear troll
by: ^   

^is right for whole house. tri sig new members blew aphi new members away

By: ^

both houses cut me this morning and i dropped but it was weird that aphi did notecards the day after gphi did notecards. houses were similar but one is definitely a leader and one is definitely follower/wannabe. still would've taken aphi though

By: whatever

Let me get this straight: Wearing pink dresses reduces your GPA? Who would have guessed.

By: ????
by: ^   

Dyyyyiiiiing lmao "literally this proves why their GPA sucks" like omg you guessed it!!!! Wtf

By: ^

I highly doubt this is true. Just an attempt by someone to make aphi look bad.

By: No
by: Lol   

I also didn't think this was true but I just looked and it's true! That is pretty sad. WHAAT were they thinking?? You DON'T do that when you are already considered a wannabe sorority smh c'mon APHI, you should know better!

By: Lol

If this were any other house but Aphi, let's say adpi this would not have even been talked about, but gphi is starting to get threatened by Aphi.

By: Lol
by: ^   

Easy ADPi, read her sentence more slowly, there wasn't even a hint of hate on ADPi. "If a normal house like ADPi did this, no one would care." Breaaaathe girl breathe

By: ^

These outfits are chosen in the spring, 4 months before recruitment. How could each house know what the other was doing? This is ridiculous. Also, who gives af?

By: You should know
by: ^   

On the one hand I agree, who gives af. On the other hand, although outfits are chosen in the spring, pink is gphis color and they have been wearing pink dresses on pref day for too many years to count, and that is pretty common practice with many gphis across the country. It was a really poor, but intentional, choice by aphi and hopefully they learned. Had it been ChiO or Adpi or other houses it wouldn't be as big a deal because those houses don't pull the same types of girls as gphi, aphi, and tridelt. Of all the 'categories' of houses those 3 probably pull the most 'stereotypical' type of girl, no offense intended. Again, it was a poor choice by aphi who had the chance to really break out this year and make an image for themselves, so that's disappointing for those of us who really hoping for them to step it up. But let's move on from this, most everyone got their laugh from it today but c'mon people, lets just drop it, move on and think about tomorrow!

By: ^
by: ^   

Ok seriously.. To all y'all saying they should've picked a different colored dress to stand out... What difference would that have made? Would their image have been changed because the color of their dress, like you're suggesting? Not a chance, you'd still be hating on them for some reason or another. Besides pink is my fave color, and many girls fave, there's no reason why one sorority should have jeopardy over it.

By: ^
by: ^   

I think thay'all are saying when you have always been considered a wannabe try hard house who claimed to take tridelts place last fall y'all shouldn't pick your competitions dress color that is their known color and they'al have been wearing forever.Y'all look like the lost little girls on the playground who wanna be like the other girls.
Dumb choice. What's wrong with y'alls own colors?

By: ^
by: hah   

Every time an alpha phi opens her mouth on these boards all one could do is cringe. Please have someone proof your posts, maybe even have a few proof your posts and don't use 'big' words if you don't know what they mean or the context to use them in. Just because a house has always worn a certain color, and even though that color has significance (pink carnation) doesn't give anyone JEAPORDY! OMG, did you mean priority? Now please explain to me how that was 'spell check'.
Seriously aphi get off these boards, you are digging yourself deeper every time you open your mouth!

By: hah
by: LOLLLL   

Lmao... "Priority" over a color? That makes a lot less sense than jeopardy. She prob meant monopoly. Either way you're an idiot.

by: ^   

Please tell me you are kidding with monopoly. If not, review grammar 101. Monopoly fits in that sentence about as well as jeopardy. And we wonder why people stereotype sorority girls as dumb bimbo airheads-when one can't even construct a proper sentence or use basic words correctly. hhahahhhhaha

By: ^
by: ^   

Lol no. Monopoly is defined as one entity having power over one resource. I'm in finance and have taken many Econ courses, you're 100% a moron!

By: ^

Guess it's true, c'mon aphi you know better than that!

By: Whoa
by: No   

No, APhi doesn't know better, look at their GPA!!!!!!!!!!

By: No
by: Um   

literally almost the same GPA as gphi get out of here

By: Um

This chant was just being sung on our floor down the hall. Assuming they were all cut by them but not feeling the love up here wow

By: lol

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