
worst experience during recruitment


You don't have to list the specific sorority, just relate the worst experience you had or incident that happened to you while going thru recruitment.

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My worst experience in rush was reading this post. It reminded me that there are people who get off on the negative and who desperately want to find reasons to criticize greek life. Get off this site, you troll.

By: Me

Getting dropped before pref round the second time and maximized my options every round.

By: Bs
by: Really?   

Even by Phi Mu and Tri Sig? Are you a sophomore? Are your grades bad?

By: Really?
by: Bs   

Yes really. I'm a sophomore with a 3.6 GPA. I went to 7 after 1st round, only 2 yesterday and got a call this morning I had no options. System failed me twice. I am very involved with other clubs so I at least have that. I had rec letters and a friend in every house too.

By: Bs
by: Ugh!   

Thanks for the negative comment about Phi Mu and Tri Sig "Really?"

Way to go perpetuating stereotypes - you suck!

By: Ugh!
by: :/   

I am so sorry! Cob is always an option still. And as much as people do not want to acknowledge it, Phi Mu and Tri Sigma do cut girls during recruitment. I've had a friend experience that. I think what actually happens is Phi Mu and Tri Sigma sometimes make the mistake of cutting some of the girls who are really interested in them and focus on recruiting the girls who are actually iffy about joining or not interested at all.

By: :/
by: No   

You make it sound like Phi Mu and Tri Sig have to take ANYONE who goes through recruitment - and they don't.

And they aren't necessarily making a mistake if they cut girls who they believe don't fit into their house.

Why try to make them sound desperate, when they - like any other house at Mizzou - want to make improvements to their sisterhood through the recruitment process?

By: No
by: @BS   

I really wish I could talk to you or hug you. Please know that the system does fail people and that you are wonderful. I'm sorry this happened to you.

By: @BS
by: I'm so sorry   

Did you do COB last spring? Sophomore formal rush is brutal.

You might as well try to COB this year.

Work on your presentation--did you look good and put together? Work on your conversation skills. Make friends with girls who are members of chapters that are realistic for you to join (think about which chapters are most likely to COB this spring and get to know some of the girls--this works on two levels...it lets you figure out if the girls are the type you could connect with and if they are and you become friends with them then you will have a connection in the house).

By: I'm so sorry
by: I'm so sorry   

If you want to try again, I would legitimately work on becoming friends with all of the sorority girls in chapters who are likely to do COB in the spring (Sigma, Zeta, etc.)

By: I'm so sorry
by: Um   

are you plus sized? Because unfortunately (and I don't agree with this or think it's right) that can make a difference at some houses

By: Um
by: Bs   

I will try to COB but I'm sure as a sophomore it won't happen. I do have friends in many houses that even wrote rec letters. I'm work out and a size 2. I tried to cob in the spring but many houses said they were not since quota went down. You would think quota would be the same every year. Hoping girls drop and quota goes up in spring so I have one last shot. Being a part of Greek life was one of the reasons I chose Mizzou. I wish I knew going in that it was so difficult so I could have prepared. Do any houses COB right away if girls don't accept their bid?

By: Bs
by: @BS   

I would ask friends in the houses to see if anyone is going to COB this fall (it's possible but may not be likely)

And keep asking about COB in the Spring. My house COB'd last spring but we kept it on the down low and the PNMs needed an insider invite from a couple of sisters. I also know that TriSig did because my roommate was thrilled to be able to join.

As a sophomore you're going to need to keep an extremely open mind. Do you have friends in TriSig/Zeta/PhiMu/SigKap/KD? If so, can you meet their sisters and also become friends with them so that you have more of a chance/foothold? And ask about COB events.

By: @BS

Worst was having a coughing attack while really trying to impress an Active. So embarrassing and they cut me.

By: Ahna
by: REALLY?!   

If they cut you on something so minor as a coughing attack, then they weren't the right house for you.

by: Uhhh   

If they cut you for having a cough attack that says a lot about them. What kind of sister would that person be when you actually needed something? Would they drop everything to help you out?

Signs point to no.

I hope you figured that out. All that glitters isn't gold.

By: Uhhh

Did anyone receive any "promise" bids from any of the houses, and then get cut by them? I did, and my heart is broken.

By: Promise bids
by: Really!   

Are you SURE it was a promise and not a " I really want you to be an XYZ?" Sometimes girls confuse an active been entrusted with a promise

By: Really!
by: Promise bids   

Maybe I was mistaken, but I swear they said something like they could see me as one of their sisters.

By: Promise bids
by: Fact   

That's NOT promising you a bid. Of course the person talking to you wants you to think she could see you as one of their sisters: you made it that far. But the only person who can promise you a bid is the rush chair who personally takes you aside to tell you that. Otherwise it's not a promise, just a word of encouragement.

By: Fact
by: I'm so sorry   

That is not promising a bid, that is what the active was told to say so that you would feel like they paid attention to you and were nice.

By: I'm so sorry

That was supposed to say an active being very interested. No girl has the power to offer you a bid- the whole house votes.

By: Really!

Getting dropped by every single house except for one, and then having you Pi Chi talk you out of preffing because she can tell you don't like the house. I was so excited to rush and this is what happens... not the best way to start college :(

By: M
by: ?   

Really? I thought Pi Chis were supposed to tell you to stick it out.

By: ?
by: DisagreeTiger   

No, a Pi Chi can suggest you consider dropping if they truly believe you will not be happy with a house so as to avoid a resignation.

By: DisagreeTiger

I do think that there are girls who are very quiet, have 3.0 gpas, but are very sweet that get lost in the formal rush process. There is no way to really get to know all of the girls. Especially if they don't know any of the sisters and don't have letters of rec from alums.

By: Happygolucky

People said Mizzou's recruitment was cut throat, now I know why.

Girls that didn't get cut and receive a bid tomorrow should consider themselves VERY lucky.

By: Sad

Getting cut before pref round after maximizing my options every time with above average number of houses to visit until then. Fun & outgoing conversations at the houses and a high GPA. No idea what went wrong. Greek is what made me choose Mizzou over other schools. Likely leaving Mizzou now.

By: Heartbroken

Ladies who were cut:
I know today is NOT a great day for you. I'm so sorry that you're hurt, wondering what went wrong, etc. It doesn't help that friends and room mates are out celebrating with their new sisters. I want to encourage you that it's not a you problem, it's a Mizzou problem. Our numbers for recruitment are ridiculous. Other SEC schools have upward of 20 sororities and we have 15. Sure it's only 5 chapters fewer but that means that if quota is 70, you're looking at around 350 ladies who may have been worthy of a bid but just didn't get high enough on a bid list for either of their options. Please consider COB if you are still interested- some girls will drop from each chapter (yes even the top tier ones) and chapters are looking for positive additions throughout the year. The chapters that have a 'bottom tier' rep on this website are often ones that COB and if you connect with the girls, you will still have a GREAT experience here at Mizzou. I graduated last year so yes, I'm just another creepy alum stalking Greek Rank now, but Greek life is just one piece of what made my 4 years at Mizzou amazing. It's not everything but I completely understand your heartbreak today. Please don't leave Mizzou, don't swear off Greek life entirely. Take a step back, learn a little about how you can COB, and enjoy the time that you have learning more about different chapters so that when the time comes, you find your perfect home.

By: Sad

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by: Disappointed   

It is easy to tell the girls who were cut to sit back, reevaluate and try again.

The fact that this recruitment was such a disappointing mess rests squarely on the shoulders of the PHA Exec Officers.

If there is to be a change in how things were handled, there needs to be a shake up in the PHA leadership.

By: Disappointed
by: A mess?   

Rush is always difficult. This year was no exception. Well, except for a lot more whining. There is a reason our sorority system is so outstanding. You really have to stand apart to make it. I feel bad for those who didn't, but as long as standards remain high it will always be that way.

By: A mess?

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