
a little help

by: Meeeee

I would like a little advice. I don't need to know the most popular houses or how they are ranked. I'm mainly interested in your opinions about sororities who would let me be myself. I have great grades and activities and have been told I'm pretty. I am coming from out of state, so I feel like my rush experience will be a clean slate because I know no one -- and I'm excited about that. The problem is that I'm not into designer clothes and wouldn't know a Chanel bag from a Goodwill find -- and the only reason I knew about Chanel bags is because I Googled it! I'm not a big partier and I don't know the latest makeup trends. I'm kind of a natural, outdoorsy girl and my tan comes from lifeguarding all summer, not a tanning booth. I'm also athletic and tall, but not freakishly so. I wear clothes well, but I sort of have my own sense of style. I think I'm a really sincere and loyal friend and am most looking forward to that aspect of Greek life. Are there houses that would be interested in someone like me? I don't want to have to pretend to be someone I'm not in order to succeed at recruitment. Sorry this is so long. I'm just overthinking things, I guess.

Posted By: Meeeee
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: I think   

There are many sororities who would be proud to have you. Just look for the houses that are not easily stereotyped because they're the ones that choose people based on their individuality, not according to whether they fit in. Off the top of my head I would say ChiO, PiPhi, ADPi and AXO would fall into that category. Good luck. It sounds as if you have a lot to offer.

By: I think
by: yepAug 10, 2016 10:46:36 AM

from what you said AXO for sure and also chi o,Pi Phi, ADPI too.I'd add KD too.
Hard to not stress especially coming from out of state. I was very much like you. From chicago burbs and not many from my HS came to miz. BUT, Its awesome here and you'll find a great match. Just chill and enjoy :-)

By: yep
#2  by: Don't listen   

Any house that's naming their own house is just trying to win you over. The majority of the houses here at mizzou are lenient and will love you how you are however, we do have a few that are known to be very forceful and controlling. Those houses would be #1 ADPi, #2 Kappa #3 Chi O. I can honestly say that all of rest of the houses are very accepting.

By: Don't listen
#3  by: Accepting   

I would look, first, at houses that take a lot of out-of-state girls. That would include PiPhi, ChiO, ADPi, AXO and Theta. I would also eliminate the houses that are superficial and rush based on looks rather than substance. That would be APhi, GPhi, TriDelt and DG. You also don't want a house made up of St. Louis private school girls, because they are the worst. They obsess about irrelevant designer stuff like Lilly Pulitzer (WTF?) and think that where you went to high school matters. Just be yourself and let your confidence and individuality shine through. I am certain you will have a great rush. I hope I get to meet you.

By: Accepting
by: ^Aug 10, 2016 12:08:45 PM

I don't see how recruiting based on location has anything to do with being able to be yourself - that's RECRUITMENT techniques ie you won't have to worried about being judged as a sister because you've already passed that test. Totally irrelevant... ADPi and Chi O are some of the more judgemental houses at mizzou. Tridelt is kinda bad but the others you named (GPhi APhi DG) are some of the least judgemental about their sisters - those are the chill houses that let you do your thing and be yourself, exactly what the OP is looking for.

By: ^
by: DGAug 10, 2016 12:30:14 PM

im in DG and i couldn't imagine a sister caring about brands. Also lily pulitzer was popular in 2012 so thanks Alum

By: DG
by: AcceptingAug 10, 2016 1:10:04 PM

I probably didn't make myself clear. In the houses that take a lot of out-of-state girls, it's not WHO you know but who you are that makes a difference. There are sororities on this campus that are difficult to join because you have to know people in the house from your high school in order to have an "in' and those are the houses that are not known for welcoming out of state girls. As for Lilly Pulitzer, as recently as last month people debated whether Lilly was suitable for the last day of rush, so clearly it's on PNM's radar and clearly I'm NOT an alum.

By: Accepting
#4  by: Carrie   

ADPi would be a great fit. Or AXO.

By: Carrie
by: ^Aug 10, 2016 1:05:00 PM

ADPi. We are so sick of you. You're the meanest most judgemental house on campus. That's why you lost every cute sweet girl to AXO and have dropped to near bottom tier.

By: ^
by: Take heedAug 10, 2016 2:13:07 PM

Yes, ADPi, make sure you take this^ to heart because, after all, it's coming from the meanest and most judgmental girl on this site.

By: Take heed
by: LolAug 10, 2016 3:13:44 PM

Just cause I'm mean doesn't mean ADPi is nice... Truth

By: Lol
by: ?????Aug 10, 2016 4:16:37 PM

So it's OK for you to be mean and judgmental, but no one else can be? There's logic there somewhere, I'm sure. In the meantime, I'm glad you aren't the least bit embarrassed by your hypocrisy.

By: ?????
by: ^Aug 10, 2016 4:24:48 PM

I answered the OPs question, I don't how my character has any relevance to this post... I'm also not actually mean, just stating facts about ADPi, but that is besides the point.

By: ^
by: OKAug 10, 2016 4:43:46 PM

So there is nothing mean about the comment you made earlier callng ADPi "the meanest most judgemental house on campus. That's why you lost every cute sweet girl to AXO and have dropped to near bottom tier." So those are actual facts that can be quantified? Surveys have been done that prove your point? No opinion whatsoever? So you really like ADPi but you couldn't help yourself and you just had to continue your anti-ADPi vendetta of the past few days as a public service? I have to say you represent the very worst aspect of Greek life and are a terrible example for PNMs. If you aren't an ADPi, it makes no difference whatsoever what you think considering it is an absolutely uninformed opinion. And if you ARE an ADPi, you would never stoop so low.

By: OK
#5  by: I think   

I think the OP would pretty much be the quintessential PiPhi or ADPi. Independent, hard to stereotype, confident. I bet you will rock recruitment. Be sure to report back.

By: I think
by: WowAug 10, 2016 3:14:51 PM

Stfuuuuu ADPi you bring like a handful of girls into standards for the stupidest things. If you want to have no fun at all and all of your social media controlled by your sorority, join ADPi.

By: Wow
#6  by: It makes me angry   

The OP asks a legit, heartfelt question and one of our regular nutjobs goes off on an anti-ADPi riff. Go figure. But to answer "Meee's" question, there are many houses where you will feel comfortable and who will like you for exactly who you are. Several houses are known for being friendly and accepting and they embrace diversity. They include PiPhi, ChiO and, yes, ADPi. AXO might be a good choice, too. But the point is that you should have your pick of houses because you sound like a smart, confident girl who is going Greek for the right reasons. In my opinion, any house would be lucky to have you.

By: It makes me angry
by: ^Aug 10, 2016 9:14:55 PM

Most houses are accepting but ADPi is NOT one of them. That's just their reputation on campus. The OP deserves honest answers, calling ADPi friendly is not honest!

By: ^
#7  by: ???   

A "natural, outdoorsy girl"? Don't bother with TriDelt, Gamma Phi or Alpha Phi. Have you ever seen those girls without makeup? No, I didn't think so. But it probably would be a scary sight!

By: ???
by: ^Aug 10, 2016 9:15:38 PM

LOL someone forgot to coverup their jealous today

By: ^
by: Aphi Gphi trideltAug 10, 2016 11:34:05 PM

I have a lot of friends in these houses. You will most likely see them without makeup or not much in class. Do you post Instagram pictures of yourself in a lab? I didn't think so. PNMs -don't be fooled. Even though these "pretty girl" houses can dress up and go out doesn't mean you won't see them lounging about in sweats and no makeup! It is more about confidence and attitude w these girls.

By: Aphi Gphi tridelt
by: Huh?Aug 11, 2016 10:18:06 AM

If it's about confidence and attitude, why do they feel the need for layer upon layer upon layer of makeup? That's not exactly an indication of pride in their true self. Did you hear the one about the drunk sorority girl who had a one night stand at the SigChi house? She had taken her makeup off before going to bed and the guy she was sleeping with woke up, started screaming and then ran all around the house. "There's someone in my bed I've never seen before! What should I do?" "Just take her back to the Gamma Phi house."

By: Huh?
by: ^Aug 11, 2016 12:03:02 PM

I love reading posts by sad jealous insecure girls like this one ^

By: ^
by: ?Aug 11, 2016 12:17:26 PM

Jealous of what, exactly?

By: ?
by: Oh, myAug 11, 2016 12:19:09 PM

Jealous of sleeping around? Oh, Hun,. You have a lot to learn. Drunk frat guys aren't exactly selective about who they bang.

By: Oh, my
#8  by: Of course not   

I haven't a clue what you are talking about but if an incoming freshman has questions about recruitment, she SHOULD be on this site. My question is, what are YOU doing on this site?

By: Of course not
by: ^Aug 12, 2016 10:11:36 PM

Thx troll but you're the only loser who says "I haven't a clue" get a fckn lifeeeee

By: ^
by: HmmmmAug 13, 2016 12:03:13 AM

I'm quite sure that not just one woman in the world says "haven't a clue." But then I'm not exactly keeping tabs like you are.

By: Hmmmm

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