
why doesn't alpha phi require study hours

by: Why

They could easily be on par with AXO, if they just worked on improving the active members grades wouldn't it be enough to bump them up a couple decimal pls? I understand not wanting to recruit different girls but that's not necessarily required to boost GPA. Seems like a win win to me, I don't get it

Posted By: Why
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: Correct   

If academics were a priority to APhi, they would have study hours. That's why they get who they get, and why they have retention issues, and why they aren't really taken seriously.

By: Correct
#2  by: Ivy   

Their nationals believe that their members should WANT to seek soroity events to be with their sisters ( such as chapter or studying together ) by their own will. All of our other houses have mandatory study hours and mandatory events. Aphi does not force these events on their members in hopes that their sisterhood will be stronger.

By: Ivy
by: REAALLYY?Jul 12, 2016 9:57:49 AM

That's pretty twisted logic. After you flunk out it kind of doesn't matter what your motivation was, does it?

by: ExceptJul 12, 2016 11:12:12 AM

Social events are very different from studying and attending chapter. If you opt to be in a sorority, the last two shouldn't be an option, but a requirement.

By: Except
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 12:40:03 PM

Can't deny it causes problems and morale problems with some girls, no one likes being told what to do

By: ^
by: nopeJul 12, 2016 1:13:48 PM

Not all houses have mandatory study hours. My house and my freshman roommates house, didn't make study hours mandatory, just if you attended, you got more points (I nor my roommate are Aphis).

By: nope
by: U Know WhatJul 12, 2016 1:45:00 PM

If you don't like being told what to do, you shouldn't join a sorority. You would be a perfect candidates for being a GDI -with an emphasis on the "Independent." I mean, really, being in a sorority comes with obligations and responsibilities. If you don't want to study and make grades, attend chapter or participate in chapter events, don't join.

By: U Know What
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 2:21:53 PM

Lmao.. I guarantee my GPA is higher than yours I'm top of my class. I'm also happy to go to events but I do understand that too much pressure is put on girls to attend events when they might have other obligations at times. Study hours shouldn't even be considered in this, it's pretty easy to sign your hours away as you should be studying in the first place. But some sorority's rules are absolutely too tight and it absolutely causes issues. Just the mentality of saying "mandatory" has an effect on members point of view, I've seen it and you've seen it. From what I've seen Alpha Phi's are pretty involved, I can almost guarantee showing up because you want to as opposed to having to makes a decent difference. If any APhi's want to chime in feel free, I think their system is pretty interesting and I'm curious if it works or if people take advantage ?

By: ^
by: Ha!Jul 12, 2016 2:25:42 PM

You're so funny. Clearly it doesn't work because their most recent pledge class had a 2.9 gpa, their sisterhood sux and their retention is embarrassingly awful. But, hey, you just keep defending them, OK? Because, after all, no one should ever have to do anything they don't want to do.

By: Ha!
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 9:41:22 PM

Their sisterhood is fab but thx

By: ^
by: Wow!Jul 13, 2016 12:16:10 PM

Okay you keep trying to convince us that alpha phi. You guys are STILL obsessing over this website?! Haven't you guys done enough damage already lol

By: Wow!
by: lolJul 17, 2016 1:11:08 PM

chapter is mandatory..

By: lol
#3  by: well   

Bottom line, that's one of the reasons this particular chapter is a mess. Grades are not a priority they have random girls who they take because they look a certain way and then wonder why girls drop because there is so much cattiness. As has been said repeatedly, this house needs to figure out who they are and what they want to accomplish, not just trying to 'be like' another sorority who recruits better. This is a great house for someone who thinks they want to be in a sorority but doesn't care about the other things that go along with it-personal and collective academic achievement, personal and academic standards and a sisterhood that lasts long after college, much less your sophomore year. But honestly, there are some girls who just want the superficial part of a sorority for a little while, so there's nothing wrong with that-some girls are just more commited than others.

By: well
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 12:41:13 PM

They want pretty popular social girls, They've made that quite obvious, not sure why you'd think they're unsure about that

By: ^
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 1:39:43 PM

But they can't come close to competing with the other pretty, popular, social houses so they need to come up with something else. Part of their problem with retention is not only grades but girls that thought this house was on par with the other pretty, popular, social houses but they quickly learn how cliquey it is-most of those other social houses are fun and the girls all get along and love going out together. No one has ever been able to put their finger on what aphi's problem is with attracting and hanging on to those girls. Maybe theyre not attracting girls with all 3 of those qualities, plus the advantage of grades so the girls are one of the three as opposed to all three-but maybe if they put more emphasis on grades it would make a difference, years ago the 'dumb, pretty girl' might've been appealing to some girls that filled this house but can't think of ANY girls thinking the dumb, pretty thing is acceptable, thus their recent struggle.

By: ^
by: YesJul 12, 2016 1:46:59 PM

But it's 2016 and the pretty, dumb thing is so 1957. Alpha Phi is a house with no standards. And when you don't aim high, you wind up at the bottom.

By: Yes
by: Wrong Jul 12, 2016 2:24:19 PM

Their standard is pretty, fun, genuine girls. Trolls on GR can hate em all they want but they're happy. Study hours would probably help enough to move them up the .2 in GPA difference that just makes them oh so god awful 🙄

By: Wrong
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 4:43:16 PM

What?? I suppose to an extent, but what is said over and over is retention, grades and sisterhood. For the handful of girls that are known as pretty, fun and social, it's disappointing for the ones that went in looking for sisterhood, achievement and to be part of greek life..
Supposedly, years ago when they dropped the mandatory study hours, it was because their retention had dropped so dramatically. For a long standing house on this campus, retention dropped and it's too bad they so quickly dropped mandatory requirements such as study hours and service hours because this house has never been able to regain it's popularity or respect since then. It could very well have been a few bad pledge classes but dropping standards and expectations will never make a house strong again. Until they do that and choose quality over quantity, they will continue to struggle and have girls dropping and bitter against all sororities because they think that's how all houses are.

By: ^
#4  by: wait   

on par with axo? axo are known to be motivated and sweet, with no disrespect those two houses are as different as can be-no question about that!

By: wait
#5  by: What?!   

Did someone say 'pretty, fun and GENUINE girls'? Many of these girls might be pretty, a few might be fun when they are with girls from other houses, but GENUINE? Are you kidding? What exactly does that mean? These girls can't even be honest with each other, much less anyone coming through recruitment. We will soon see how 'genuine' some of these girls are. If this last month on gr didn't say enough about how this house wants to run things, SO superficially, they should at least be able to be honest about who they are. Hmmm, too many girls have left that house bitter so I guess the only thing to say is to stay tuned. Hopefully they will at least be proud of who they are and not pretend they are something they're not. Confusing? Yes it is, until you understand.

By: What?!
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 9:43:18 PM

LOL you give yourself away as a troll who doesn't go here when you attempt to suggest that anon behaviour on GR has any effect on real life. It's ok, when you suggested APhi's weren't genuine that was suspicion enough to know you've never met any. Try elsewhere troll

By: ^
by: ^Jul 13, 2016 1:33:19 AM

OMG girl, learn to speak properly! THIS is the problem, lolololiol, remember the meeting when the aphi used the wrong words, repeatedly! keep your girls off the boards if this is how they act, lol but honestly, they are a top tier hosue with top grades and and undying sisterhood!

By: ^
by: ^Jul 13, 2016 10:44:34 AM

Nothing is even spelt wrong ... Moron

By: ^
by: News flashJul 21, 2016 2:56:40 PM

^You're trying to be funny, right? Because in this country "spelt" is not a word.

By: News flash
by: WowJul 22, 2016 11:30:39 AM

How stupid are you, this is the 3rd time I've seen someone try to argue with an Aphi when the Aphi was right. Do you not realize that gives them more credibility?

By: Wow
by: ^Jul 22, 2016 12:05:35 PM

What? That doesn't even make sense? And obviously you read through this entire thread and tried to distract from the last post here where an aphi flat out lied about being able to have posts removed. Seriously, get a life already. Worse grades, worst retention, flat out lying on an 'anonymous' website, demanding girls flood that same website with your name so people 'know you', rumors of poor sisterhood and being to cliquey within your own house in addition to having one of the houses in the absolute worst condition and you are still going to pull these threads up?

By: ^
by: ^Jul 22, 2016 1:02:13 PM

YOU CANNOT PAY TO HAVE A THREAD REMOVED. What a moron. All anyone has to do to see you're lying is click on "report" on this very thread and they could see that. Idiot

By: ^
by: ^Jul 22, 2016 1:18:33 PM

Moron? Idiot? So now in addition to that other long list of 'problems' we can add a lack of vocabulary, maturity and class.

By: ^
#6  by: What?   

Was this original post about aphi being like axo? Seriously? There are the girls you want to 'hang out with' after a long night and the girls you want to spend time with in college. Seeing that one group doesn't hang around much after sophomore year, who would you choose? Nice try aphi-you don't even come close to competing with axo, that was one of the weirdest digs someones made lol. It's like going to walmart and neiman marcus, careful who you decide to bring under your bus

By: What?
by: LOLJul 12, 2016 9:44:25 PM

AXO is like Macy's, never Neiman hahahaha so average and you know it

#7  by: My house   

My sorority only requires study hours if you're below a certain GPA. I think that's the best solution because it allows the girls who are responsible to have freedom to do their own thing but offers a system for girls who need a little help to get it. I agree that they shouldn't treat us like children and require study hours for everyone, but not having any doesn't seem to be working for houses like APhi.

By: My house
by: UmJul 22, 2016 11:49:52 PM

Aphi does that same thing

By: Um
by: HAJul 24, 2016 1:27:55 PM

Then that can only mean APhi rushes stupid girls then. Because my house does that too and we're always top five in grades. SO.

By: HA
#8  by: well   

I guess I'll be the only honest one so far. There are questions about the girls in this house being true to themselves and trying to sell themselves as someone else. No one cares if they are from a rough part of St Louis Chicago or Kc-why would any of these girls claim to be who they aren't? Especially in this day and age-Mizzou was great when I was there, but I will say sorority life left me questioning what it's all about. I thought I had friends from my home town, or at least close to my hometown, but it was too cliquey, fake and a lot of people pretending to be who they weren't. THAT'S why I left the house I thought would hold my sisters 'for life'. I'm not the only one from this house to leave because of this, if you are looking for drama and think you can deal with it, good for you. This is a tough group, though. All about 'images', which sadly no one on this campus even respects. it's not like other campuses. this house is different. I'm one of probably the few that wishes she didn't suicide-too many girls from my floor have loved their houses, I just gave in to wanting a house. Don't even expect you to respect what I'm saying, but it might be one of those things you realize in hindsight, like I did.

By: well
by: ^Jul 12, 2016 9:46:28 PM

It's unreal that you keep posting on here, you left because you betrayed your sisters by being shady with one of their exes... Be a sister and you'll get a sister in return.

By: ^
#9  by: ?   

Is it true they are enforcing mandatory study hours several times a week with absolutely no exceptions? Can a sorority really 'fine' you monetarily? Seems counterproductive as some girls actually have to work their way through college.

By: ?
by: LolJul 16, 2016 4:34:03 PM

Heard something similar but it's supposed to be quiet for now. Nationals is expecting this chapter to shape up after their retention and grade problems (not to mention the poor leadership in encouraging actives to be on these boards). The concern is now that if pnm's know about mandatory study hours etc it will make it more difficult than ever to attract quality girls. Seems like a last ditch effort-grades, retention, poor sisterhood and not even holding consistent weekly chapter meetings with hopes that new leadership might turn things around but unfortunately seeing the cattiness that came out on these boards-no clue what they are going to do tbh. They will still attract the decent looking girl that gets cut from other houses and just wants to wear letters, any letters. Sadly that's where the retention issue then comes in to play. They need to start attracting girls outside of their little cliques that don't get invited back to any other houses(or houses they feel are below them)

By: Lol
by: Huh?Jul 16, 2016 4:45:55 PM

"...if pnm's know about mandatory study hours etc it will make it more difficult than ever to attract quality girls. Well, that doesn't make sense. Wouldn't mandatory study hours help attract quality girls? I mean, grades are a huge part of the problem with Alpha Phi, leading to retention and other issues. Seems to me if they make an effort to do something about study hours that will help.

By: Huh?
by: WowJul 17, 2016 8:22:42 AM

Nothing is more irritating than when people come on here and lie about sororities they know nothing about. There will NOT be enforceable study hours, this is against all of nationals policies. Period. There's no talk about enforceable study hours preventing quality girls from joining, because for one, that's not happening and two, that makes no sense whatsoever. It's sad how much effort you're willing to put in to tear down a house that supposedly is no competition to anyone.

By: Wow
by: Too badJul 19, 2016 9:07:48 PM

It's a shame its national won't be instituting and enforcing mandatory study hours. It might just be this chapter's only hope.

By: Too bad
#10  by: ^curious pnm   

is this different than other houses? like they will have study hours but other houses don't and why? are their grades that bad, or getting better, that they are putting new hours in effect? and how much is the fine if you miss them?

By: ^curious pnm
by: ^Jul 17, 2016 8:30:17 AM

Alpha Phi does not and will not have study hours, that was a rumour created by someone who was clearly threatened. Alpha Phi is the only house without enforceable study hours (although some houses only make them enforceable if you're on academic probation, ie when your grades are slipping) and they are also the only house that doesn't fine when you miss an event. There are no fines in APhi ever, their mentality is that you should attend events because you want to, not because you're forced to. This isn't happening and therefore hasn't affected grades, their GPA has been steady at around .2-.3 below the top sorority's GPA for many years. .

By: ^
by: ^ Jul 17, 2016 10:35:03 PM

Are you kidding?! WHAT HOUSE is THREATENED by alphaphi? Are you serious? They scoop up leftovers from other houses, can't compare to tri delt or gphi, have extremely stiff competition this year from dg and zeta...WHO is threatened by them? All other houses mentioned have the prettier, smarter, more goal oriented girls..Honestly, one of the craziest things to see-other houses at mizzou are 'threatened' by alpha phi???? Not even FRATS like to hang out with them anymore because of their drama, so please answer...WHO is threatened by this house? It seems to be there are just a bunch of bitter girls that left this house who expected more from sorority life that are on these boards spilling your secrets! And this is the only house that can be documented to have horrible retention rates and grades, based on facts from greek life. But anyways,...continue to tell us why people are 'targeting' you.

By: ^
by: ^Jul 17, 2016 10:49:01 PM

Lol WELL my point was that only someone who is threatened would make up a story to try to discourage pnms to go Aphi, wasn't by any means trying to suggest they're a house that's super threatening but judging by the very emotional 500 word essay you just wrote about them - I would have to say YOU are one of those people!

By: ^
by: ^Jul 18, 2016 12:03:14 PM

First of all, re read your post. Perhaps before hitting submit you should proof it, because half the time you don't make any sense. But seeing that you are the one that is supposed to monitor the aphi posts now, try to get your words and thoughts organized before posting because all you do is reinforce the 'less than stellar academic ability' your house is known for. To clarify what someone above said, there is not a single house threatened by you, not one. You seem to have a lot of haters because you are not nice girls and lose too many members by mid sophomore year so you can't even begin to figure our which of your previous members are posting such negative things about y'all. So again, it's documented you have the worst grades, the worst retention and in most everyones opinions the most run down house with a bunch of cliquey girls who don't even like each other,much less any other sorority, but as you were saying, which houses were 'threatening'?

By: ^
by: ^Jul 18, 2016 12:10:20 PM

"Alpha Phi does not and will not have study hours, that was a rumour created by someone who was clearly threatened." Never even said a house was threatened, just you. Keep reaching though. Re-read my posts and tell me again I sound "uneducated," how laughable!

By: ^

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