
listen up


It's not about the grades you make, it's about the hands you shake. Remember that.

Posted By: Real
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Except when it comes to getting the best internships and the best recommendations from influential professors, it is indeed about the grades you make. You also can't get into a decent grad program or professional school, like med school, dentistry or vet school, without them. And good luck doing well on the MCATs or the CPA exam if you don't know the material. But, hey, you just keep shaking those hands. But don't forget to wash them, too.

By: well...
by: Hmm..   

Yes, all of what you said is very true. However, I think what OP was talking about is about all the posts that are made asking about grades, and what houses would cut at a certain GPA. At least that is how I interpreted this post, considering there are a lot of posts on here asking such things. But I definitely could be wrong, I just figured it was about recruitment because it is a greek site.

By: Hmm..
by: @well   

Totally true BUT if you can't get over a 3.8 you had might as focus on connections cause your GPA isn't gonna get you any further than a 2.8... Something to keep in mind

By: @well
by: Truth   

My sister got into the U. of Chicago graduate school of business with a 3.5 in accounting at Mizzou. She graduated two years later with three six-figure job offers. And it wasn't because of her connections, I assure you. So unless you know what you are talking about, Little Miss 2.8, just STFU.

By: Truth
by: LOL   

I'm a 4.0 in the school of accounting, that person "minimizing" your "hard work" works a lot harder than you and what I'm saying is 100% accurate. You're just as likely to be successful with a 3.6 as a 2.7 because a 3.6 just isn't impressive. To the girl with an elaborate story about her "sister," University of Chicago MBA is not a top 10 school and making over 100K is a possibility for any b school undergrad so snaps to her for choosing the most successful undergrad degree next to engineering. Side note, not saying people who aren't in the top 2% of their class can't be successful - I'm saying your GPA will not help you unless it's 3.8+. And coming from a student of mizzou's b school, your sister really should've been able to get that GPA higher, it's really not THAT difficult. Hard work, yep, but doable. Guess that's why she went to university of Chicago Lol

by: Shut Up   

Congrats on the creative writing, but YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. And are you REALLY calling an MBA from the University of Chicago worthless? Because according to US News rankings its Booth School MBA program is #3 in the nation. How about this: You and your fictitious 4.0 can report back when you, too, get a 756 on the GMATs.

By: Shut Up
by: ^   

Never said worthless but the top business students are certainly not aspiring for booth!! 3.5 in accountancy that's a disgrace!

By: ^
by: ^   

Haha no I'm going into my fourth year, ask me anything from an accounting class aside from audit and taxation. Except you probably don't know anything because you're probably an English major and you're probably the one with a 3.5 :(

By: ^
by: Wait   

I'm new to t his thread and I couldn't care less that some rube isn't aware of how prestigious the Booth School is, but did someone just admit that they are a senior and are on this site all the time? Oh, honey. That's a real tragedy. Sad your little 4.0 didn't get you a decent internships. I can tell you that if you were hired for the summer by the Big 4 you sure wouldn't have time to post all afternoon.

By: Wait
by: ^   

I got off work at 4 ... Posted when I got home and before the bf showed up, now I'm going to bed lmao. My prestigious and paid internship is doing me just fine but thanks for your concern ;)

By: ^
by: Wondering   

Caught this thread this evening and I find myself feeling so sad. What in the world possesses someone to be so boastful? Why does someone spend so much time lying about their 4.0, insulting others who are doing so well, making things up and trying so desperately to convince us she has a powerful internship (even though she was posting ALL DAY LONG)and a boyfriend. Is she so insecure that she has to make up an entire new life? Does she feel superior by putting others down? Is there not even one part of her life that she can be honest about? In my experience truly confident people love their lives and only wish the best for others. And those who are desperately unhappy resort to a rich fantasy life. I wish success for you, I wish warm friendships and amazing experiences. But most of all I hope there is a time when you can be happy just being yourself.

By: Wondering
by: Again?   

No one cares. Time to take your meds and crawl back into your dream world.

By: Again?
by: Really?   

^That's a little harsh. She clearly is a troubled girl. How about if we just ask her nicely to go away.

By: Really?

You can't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree.

By: Real
by: Wow   


By: Wow
by: Real   


By: Real

In some careers who you know is a big part in your success. However, in others without the numbers, who you know can't overcome that hurdle. My advice- make connections,get experiences, don't be shy. But also study your butt off and do your best to keep all options open. You may change your path down the road and don't want the new passion to be denied because you slacked.

By: Partially true

Follow gods path.

By: Real

This thread, in a nutshell, is why you shouldn't believe anything on this site. A person makes a blatantly false statement and when she is called out, she keeps lying and making accusations and gets belligerent and just keeps piling on. There are some very unbalanced people who are on this site all the time. And because it is an anonymous site, people are never held accountable. Luckily, the truth prevailed in this case and she was shamed off this board. But use it as an example that you can believe about one-tenth of what you read on here. The rest of the fires are stoked by nutcases like this OP. Oh, and one more thing: grades DO matter and no matter what she says a 3.7 is a lot better than a 2.7.

By: Pay attention PNMs
by: Nope   

A 3.7 undergrad is not going to be chosen over a 2.7. The rule is that if you don't have a 3.8+ GPA you shouldn't put it on your resume... And you can't get good internships with < 3.8 sooo ya sorry but it's a reality you're going to have to face

By: Nope
by: @nope   

You're hilarious! If you think a 2.7 is the same as a 3.7 you're delusional!! A 3.7 is definitely going to be chosen over a 2.7 unless they have an amazing interview. Not matter the field/department you're in.

By: @nope
by: ^   

Um ya but the jobs are all going to go to the 3.8-4.0s who have not only the grades but the prestigious internships that you couldn't get with your 3.7 ... You might wanna work on raising that because (depending on the field) you might very likely be asked for provide your transcripts

By: ^
by: Depends   

a 2.7 isn't even going to get an interview. A 3.7 is a fine GPA for someone who has taken rigorous course work. I am finishing my degree in three years, have a 3.75 now and likely will graduate with about a 3.7. I am in two honoraries and have an enviable internship. Don't listen to people who say a 2.7 is the same as a 3.7. They're idiots.

By: Depends
by: hmm...    

Please explain to me why the 4.0 nursing student didn't get into the nursing program but the 3.4 student did.

By: hmm...
by: Missing the point   

I think some people are missing the point. It's not about a 3.7 or a 2.7. It's about people who come on this site and lie. The OP's premise was that grades don't matter, but gladhanding does. And that's just not true.

By: Missing the point
by: No   

Grades only matter if they are EXCELLENT and that's a fact. There are 3.8+ students in every rigorous program, myself being one of them, it's doable - if you couldn't manage it yourself then you didn't work hard enough. You can and will be turned away from opportunities for students who worked harder than you.

By: No
by: Really?   

Or maybe it's about having two jobs while carrying a full course load. Or maybe it's about coming from an inferior high school that didn't prepare you as well so you are doing remedial work on your own time. Or maybe it's about having to go home every weekend to take care of your younger sister who needs a little help dealing with the death of our mom. Or maybe it's about English being your second language. Not everyone is from a suburban high school where the biggest problem you faced was not finding the perfect prom dress. This is the real world, which is why employers look for a lot more than GPA and professors often give the best recommendations to those who work hard, not those with the highest grades. But you just keep living in your dream world where just by working hard anyone can get a 3.8.

By: Really?
by: Yes!   

This^!!!!!!!! If there is one thing I can't stand about the Greek community it is the smugness. I hope our Little Miss 3.8 someday learns that not everyone in life leads such a charmed existence.

By: Yes!
by: Amanda   

To the girl who thinks anyone who studies can get a 3.8, your White Privilege is showing.

By: Amanda
by: ^   

Well I have a 4.0 not a 3.8 (3.8 is the lower limit of a GPA that should be put on a resume) and have been through more this past year than y'all could imagine - those are excuses, that's it. When you deal with tragedy let me tell you school can be an incredible outlet for that. We all make mistakes, 18yo is young and I get that but the school does allow forgiveness of grades if you go through trauma, so that's an option if something caused a hit on your GPA. I also work full time 9/12 months a year, you just need to learn to take advantage of every minute you get, I'm in a competitive program - if I could do it, so could you. Don't ever make excuses for lack of effort, try harder next time.

By: ^
by: Really????????   

It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I'm pretty sure you have family support, went to a suburban high school, speak English as your first language and aren't in nursing or one of the typical pre-med majors -- or even accounting. My heart goes out to you, but methinks you might just be comparing apples and oranges. I'm sorry you had a rough year, but I doubt you've had a rough life. And don't come back on here upping the ante with an increasingly grandiose sob story, because we're not having it.

By: Really????????
by: ^   

I am an accounting major and find straight As very attainable, I'm good with numbers but I also work like a maniac. You're absolutely right about me being privileged and having had a great life, I would never try to suggest otherwise, I've been so lucky to grow up with the most incredible family in the world and I've gained an angel this year. I don't see how privilege makes my grades less worthy though? Hard work is hard work no matter what your background is. Just as grief is grief no matter your background. But of course I could never blame someone for putting their family first, I was able to give my all to my family while keeping up with school but that isn't always the case. I'm not sure if that example was a real world example but my heart goes out to you if it was. .

By: ^
by: Well   

Privilege doesn't make your grades less worthy at all, and no one should imply that. But if you are at the starting gate having been surrounded by people who speak excellent English, conjugating a verb is second nature. If you attend a high school where the majority of students take calculus (for one or two years) and statistics, then the standard is that you are well-prepared for math and numbers are second nature. If you are in a French class and English is your first language, then you will have little trouble learning the language when the translation is from English to French. But what if you have to translate from Spanish first? If you grew up in a household where your mom or dad tucked you and your siblings in instead of a household where you might have done the cooking and the tucking while your mom worked two jobs, you're ahead of the game. If a parent was around to check that you knew your weekly spelling list, then you knew someone was watching out for you. Not everyone is that fortunate. Many have roadblocks to getting A's no matter how hard they work. We should never forget that. And we shouldn't be so smug.

By: Well
by: Right   

It never hurts to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. It never hurts to have a little empathy. And when you say ANYONE can get all A's with a little hard work, you are either extremely naive or totally in denial.

By: Right
by: Lol   

Ok so 90% of people should be able to manage straight A's.... Happy ?

By: Lol
by: Oh!!!!   

Oh, what a charmed existence you must lead, totally and completely oblivious to what's going on the in the real world. Must be nice. For example, did you know that it is estimated that as much as 13% of the population has a learning disability. Good luck getting straight A's when the words jump around on the page or when you must attend lectures but are not an auditory learner. I really think you need to stop judging other people by your standards. Happy that getting A's is no big deal to you. Sad that you can't walk a mile in anyone else's shoes.

By: Oh!!!!
by: ^   

Meanwhile you're the same person criticizing Alpha Phi for not having a high enough GPA. Make up your mind, you just love arguing on anon websites.

By: ^
by: Wait!!!!!   

Aren't you the person who says anyone can get A's? So, which is it? APhi shouldn't be criticized for getting a 2.9 gpa or A's are really easy to get? I'm actually the person who commented that you shouldn't believe anything on an anonymous website because it's full of lies (and not since then), but I couldn't let your leap of logic go unnoticed. And I stand by my original premise.

By: Wait!!!!!
by: Nope   

I'm actually the one who gets straight A's and I happen to think you're full of excuses. Work harder. If you didn't do that great retake the class during the summer and study instead of spending all day on GR. And do yourself a favour and quit making excuses for lack of effort, excuses do nothing but harm to yourself

By: Nope
by: Amazing   

Well aren't you the charmer. So glad you're not my sister. As for being on GR all day, pot, meet kettle. Further proof that amazing internship you have is a figment of your imagination.

By: Amazing
by: What???   

If you are graded on a curve ( like most really difficult subjects) 90% cannot get A's
Are you sure you are an A student?

By: What???

Listen up pnms - this is what it's about. Try your very absolute best to get the best grades you can in your first year. If it's not over a 3.8 GPA it's time to be strategic! Network. Gain experience over the summer in a job with relevance to your career (anything that will help you gain any marketable skills that can be added to your resume in the future) it doesn't HAVE to be an internship, I ended up with a job in my field for the government and have worked full times hours starting @ $24/hr for almost 2 years now! Networking is soooo important and if you don't have a perfect GPA then it isn't going to be handed over to you - that doesn't mean you can't succeed and end up with a stellar career. You need to be strategic with your time, what is going to gain the better rate of return, studying to gain only a 3.5 or letting your GPA slip to a 3.2 while gaining real life experience in your field. But, I repeat my initial statement, do EVERYTHING you can to attain that 4.0 in your first year, be at the top of your class and you will be handed those opportunities. Note: if you're considering grad school save the networking for spare time and post grad, grades should be slaved over - not only for admissions purposes but scholarships to help pay that hefty tuition $$$$$.

By: To pnms

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