
sorority comments


University of Alabama - UA General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 172 of 333

I would go with this but hey I am guy what do I know.

1. Chi Omega
2. Alpha Chi Omega
3. Phi Mu
4. Tri Delt
5. Kappa Kappa Gamma
6. Delta Zeta
7. Pi Beta Phi
8. Kappa Delta
9. Alpha Delta Pi
10. Zeta Tau Alpha
11. Alpha Gamma Delta
12. Alpha Omicron Pi
13. Kappa Alpha Theta
14. Alpha Phi
15. Gamma Phi Beta

By: What it is

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I am new to this site and was scanning the comments and found this a few pages back. Can someone tell me if this is a real award or something someone made up.
Presidents Award:
Alpha Gamma Delta --- GPA 3.25

Gold Award Winners:

Alpha Chi Omega -------GPA 3.46
Alpha Delta Pi-------------GPA 3.27
Alpha Omicron Pi--------GPA 3.30
Alpha Phi-------------------GPA 2.89
Chi Omega----------------GPA 3.37
Delta Zeta------------------GPA 3.36
Kappa Alpha Theta------GPA 3.10
Kappa Delta---------------GPA 3.27

Silver Award Winners:

Delta Delta Delta---------GPA 3.29
Phi Mu-----------------------GPA 3.30
Pi Beta Phi-----------------GPA 3.19
Kappa Kappa Gamma- GPA 3.18
Zeta-------------------------- GPA 3.16

Bronze Award Winner:
Gamma Phi Beta

By: Question

Yes the Greek Excellence awards are true and very prestigeous.

By: It is True

The Greek Excellence Awards are a self ranking system. Here is what the Greeklife website says about the awards.

"The awards program is based on a chapter self-assessment that measurers performance in the following areas: Leadership Development, Scholarship, Chapter Operations, Philanthropy and Service, and Risk Management and Values. Please note that the Greek Excellence program is NOT a chapter ranking system. It is a recognition program that awards those chapters based on the percentage of points they achieve on the Greek Excellence application."

As they are a self assessment, they are not prestigeous. It's extremely easy to lie about where you think you are. For example, Alpha Phi had the worst GPA of the sororities, yet they got "gold" when scholarship was a criterion for grading. Yeah, it's a load of bull. Keeping GPAs in mind does make it better, but there are silver sororities that are much better than gold ones.

By: Truth

Yea you are a guy who happens to be a Dz or an Pi Phi. You are a joke. No way would DZ or Pi Phi be above old row sororities. Especially DZ!!! OMG You are just above or just below Gamma phi beta.... and Pi Phi---you guys are not cute,at best plain and no one thinks that you are a great sorority any longer. You both must be friends because NO WAY would either one of you be ranked number 6 or 7 You guys got one of the worse pledge classes this year next to Tri Delta. Just take a look at all of those horse-like looking chicks. You all are having a tough time trying to even get swaps this year. KD and Alpha Gamma Delta far exceed you. YOu are not even considered top new row this year. Sorry but true! Theta, Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta beat both of you on looks!!! NO JOKE!!!

By: What it is

Give it a rest, I rankem like I see them. If you don't like where I ranked your sorority then get busy and pledge up some nicer and/or hotter girls. Oh and by the way Old Row only applies to a select few fraternities one of which I belong to. We laugh at you girls who try to pretend you also have an Old Row.

By: Re: What it is

1. Alpha Chi Omega
2. Chi Omega
3. Phi Mu
4. Kappa Kappa Gamma
5. Tri Delt
6. Kappa Delta
7. Pi Beta Phi
8. Alpha Delta Pi
9. Alpha Gamma Delta
10. Zeta Tau Alpha
11. Delta Zeta
12. Alpha Omicron Pi
13. Kappa Alpha Theta
14. Alpha Phi
15. Gamma Phi Beta

By: This Is What It Is

I agree with "What it is" with one minor tweak.

1. Chi Omega
2. Alpha Chi Omega
3. Pi Beta Phi
4. Tri Delt
5. Kappa Kappa Gamma
6. Delta Zeta
7. Phi Mu
8. Kappa Delta
9. Alpha Delta Pi
10. Zeta Tau Alpha
11. Alpha Gamma Delta
12. Alpha Omicron Pi
13. Kappa Alpha Theta
14. Alpha Phi
15. Gamma Phi Beta

By: Good Job "What It Is

Pi Phi at #3?!?! That's funny. They're definitely top 10, but not #3.

By: @Good job

This is the way the Alabama Greeks view the sororities.

1. Phi Mu
2. Alpha Chi Omega
3. Kappa Delta
4. Kappa
5. Alpha Omicron Pi
6. Chi Omega
7. Alpha Gamma Delta
8. Pi Beta Phi
9. Zeta
10. Alpha Gamma Delta
11. Alpha Delta Pi
12. Delta Zeta
13. Theta
14. Alpha Phi
15. Gamma Phi Beta

By: Bama Ranks

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