


Rush is a funnel process; mutual selection means that the most desired houses, typically Old Row + Pi Phi, ADPi and Zeta, make the heavy cuts in the beginning. These houses will release over 1000 pnms the first round and know for the most part who these people are before rush week starts. Basically, those houses tend to do the best at the end of the week and get what they are looking for, where as the others want to make quota.

Level 1:

KD- connections, family reputation, exclusivity

Kappa- connections, family reputation, party people

DDD- connections, family reputations, well-rounded and involved

XO- connections, family reputations, well-rounded, earthy

AXO- connections, attractiveness, grades, involvement

PM- connections, attractiveness, grades, involvement

AGD- connections, well-rounded, involved

Pi Phi- attractiveness, cool-factor, party people

ADPi- grades, involvement

Zeta- attractiveness, party people, would boys like you

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Level 2:

DG, DZ, AOPi, Gamma Phi -whoever is decent and still available after level 1 funnel

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Level 3:

Theta, Alpha Phi, Sigma Kappa- making quota

Posted By: Hello
Page 1 of 1

This is pretty old. It's rare that a sorority judges on family reputation anymore. With so many out of staters we don't really know much about the family. We judge more on social media honestly. The only house that is basically all what you look like is alpha phi. All houses have pretty girls;it is bama. As for party girls there are ones in every house. The ones known for their party ways is also alpha phi but they get used up by senior junior/senior year anyway.

By: old

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by: ???   

Family is huge for sororities like kd kappa and chi o

By: ???
by: no   

Not for oos girls.There have been a few oos girls that went old row from where I live in the north.They are amazing, but their families have some problems.I'm happy they weren't judged on their families as they really are pretty,smart,involved,etc.

By: no

There is a lot of truth here, even if people don’t want to admit it.

By: Yes

You forgot Alpha Gam weighs a lot on faith/religion


ADPI didn’t make quota and had to COB so I don’t think cut as much as old row and zeta. Pi Phi might …

By: A

KD is known for mostly ONLY wanting girls from certain cities, families, and incomes. I think this reputation has some truth.

By: A

Same old thing from PiPhi and ADPi.

No. ADPi you are in the bottom row getting leftovers from everyone else.

Get ready - there will be the same alum team posts hyping both of these groups all the way to recruitment in August.

By: yup
by: Right   

I was gonna say this feels so off and WAY outdated. No college student even talks like this lol. The PBP/ADP grandmas love GR.

By: Right

Adpi doesn't get leftovers - don't be so annoying. Top is Zta, phi mu, axo, kkg, ddd from what I have seen. They are the houses that both the old row and new boys want but also have grades and involvement to back it up to the older people who that stuff matters to. The rest of the houses blend with tier 1 and 2. Tier 3 is true. I agree all the houses want the southern girls as they are least likely to drop. Aphi mc '21 and '22 were horrible risks and gave the sorority a bad name building upon past scandals. The two new classes have been better so if they keep it up they will be more respected by everyone and get out of tier 3.

By: ?
by: stop   

Sorority quality is not about what the frat boys want. We don't live our lives through their eyes.

By: stop
by: !   

Yes to above with what house are top.The top houses have a mixture of both looks,grades,inolvement.Yes,it isn't dependent on the boys,but is stinks to be in a house that you are told as a pledge that you can't bring a girl to an event from certain sororities.Iykyk,It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't live it here.

By: !
by: obvious   

Hi Adpi. Yes, you get the leftovers. Even AOPi and Theta do better.

By: obvious

genuinly not trying to hate but i def wouldn't say piphi is one of the main houses that looks at 'cool' factor.
the girls ive met from there are more the giggly, easily excited type

By: piphi

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