
House Numbers and Retention

by: Be real

A lot of talk about retention rates. NR tends to have lower retention rates for girls that stay with their house all 4 years than OR houses. NR houses typically have more OOR girls that see little value in their Greek affiliation after college. Therefore, many decide not to continue their membership for their senior year because they have already made their friends, already lived in the house, don't attend swaps or any of the events tailored for new members and sophomores, already have a serious boyfriend, have less time because of internships or studying for LSAT, MCATS, etc. The cost of dues is not worth the experience at that point. It has nothing to do with their house or how much they liked it.

OR tends to have Southern girls in them where Greek affiliation follows them home after college so girls will tend to stay with their house for the full 4 years because alumni status means something in their Southern town social circles and neighborhoods. Because they stay does not mean they are happy in their houses.

The retention a PNM should pay attention to is the retention of new members from their first semester to their second semester. I don't think this specific data is publicly provided. If a house loses a lot of new members after bid day, that would be a red flag.

Posted By: Be real
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#11  by: My house   

OP is right.

I'm going to be a senior this year. I will eat at the house, possibly attend formals, and do the required events. However, not much more. Love my house but not much to offer to me as a senior. The senior girls already made our besties and are living with them in houses and apartments. We already lived in the house, did the swaps, etc. I have a serious boyfriend and, honestly, going to his formal in NOLA for the 3rd straight year is not too exciting. I have an internship and applying to grad schools. I'm kinda over it all but my parents pay my dues so I'll just stay in. A couple of my senior friends are dropping and that will have no impact on the friendships with their sisters.

Also, after graduation, I doubt I'll publicize the fact that I was Bama sorority girl. I don't think most people have a positive reaction to that. I do mention it on my resume but only because I had leadership positions in the house that gave me real experience. If I dropped my house, it would not impact me socially or professionally.

By: My house
by: rethinkJul 30, 2024 1:06:14 PM

I'd encourage you to rethink your position about publicizing your membership. Being in a Greek organization, especially holding a leadership position, at Bama, displays A LOT of qualities that companies look for in new hires. Use your membership to your advantage, and remember, your membership is for a lifetime, not just 4 years.

By: rethink
by: My houseJul 31, 2024 10:13:07 AM

I do put the leadership positions and service work on my resume but if I did not have those, I would not include my Greek affiliation at all. I am applying to grad schools in the East and Midwest with a hope of working in a major city in those regions.

NOBODY sees my Greek affiliation as giving me a professional edge on its own and some interviewers have negative connotations about it because everyone knows a major part of Greek life here is wearing fun costumes to over the top parties, drinking, paying big fees, etc. I've enjoyed all of the that but I know no employer sees that as being valuable.

Unless you are applying to some position in the South that has a pick me Bama sorority alum doing the hiring, the Greek affiliation is not an edge. That's a fact. It's 2024.

By: My house
by: YeaJul 31, 2024 10:42:10 AM

Agreed up north Bama overall is seen as a party school and then when you say you are in a sorority there, people don’t always think the best. I keep it off mine too.

By: Yea
#12  by: Huh   

I agree with above who said we all know here that aphi has retention problems. It’s a fact here. If you are an aphi alum or mom trying to hide that, you are just living under a rock. There are really good Aphi girls that know people drop and accept it and try to fix it. Fighting about it being the worst is stupid and there are some really stupid people on this post. We actual sorority girls here all know aphis rep. Deal with it. In the meantime maybe discuss with your chapter if they drop it’s enough to just take out of bio they don’t need to talk about aphi on tik tok.

By: Huh
#13  by: Huh   

Please do what the others have done.
Let’s do it-
Let’s look at axo and aphi for comparison.
Axo spring members 467
Axo fall members 484
Math: 484-467=17
That’s a loss of 17 girls from fall to spring.
Math: 17/484 = loss of 3.5%
Alpha phi spring 443-16 for spring cub girls = 398
Alpha phi fall 443
Math: 443-398 = 45
That’s a loss of 45 girls from fall to spring
Math; 45/443 = loss of 10.2%
Please do the math for any house you want. You can see that aphi had the highest loss percentage. I do tutor at school if this is too hard. Please let me know if you have any requests of houses or you want me to do a different school year.

By: Huh
by: notJul 30, 2024 2:54:48 PM

You are wrong again.

1) You take only one semester in one particular year. This is skewed and not a fair representation of any situation. This small sample size of ONE out of "APhi has the lowest retention rate every semester" comment would be not considered as any criteria for any research paper. Many semesters need to be added to the analysis for any valid conclusion to be reached. But you know this.

2) You subtract the cob number from the total chapter total. This is also a misrepresentation. The ability to recruit is a strength - not a weakness. The conversation is retention of size as determined on a date certain by the UA admin. Not the middle of the month. But at the end. There needs to be a consistency of data. The admin has selected a date each semester to publish a snapshot of each group's situation. The correct number to use for APhi for Spring is 414, not a number you have decided to use.

You fail.

My numbers for an entire academic year of 2023/2024 (2 semesters) for AXO and APhi show that the retention rate is:

AXO = 88%

APhi = 84%

A 4% difference in total retention for the academic year 2023/2024.

Give it up. You are biased. You select biased parameters and don't conform to any statistical norms.

By: not
by: Cob Jul 30, 2024 3:11:34 PM

I think you are confused at what cob is. Aphi began spring 2024 with 398. They extended spring bids to 16 girls I believe around February 12, 2024. Now sororities don’t really want to be on cob list at all. Old row sororities are never on it. So it’s not a flex to have to cob and recruit. If you look at the gpa of those members they extended bids to that was horrible. I would just stop because aphi stan you look foolish as we students here know this about aphi. Stop talking and this whole thread will stop. That’s how it works. Just ignore.

By: Cob
by: notJul 30, 2024 3:32:55 PM

I know what cob is. I am not calling it a "flex". But if a group can recruit anytime they want and get a reasonable number of women to respond then that is not a weakness either - even if they only have a low gpa. Maybe they are great humans. Nothing wrong with that.

By: not
by: replacement vs retentionJul 30, 2024 3:34:43 PM

You are making up your own definition of retention. Replacement is not retention. Sorority retention is specific NPC terminology and does not and never has meant maintaining a certain numerical chapter membership. It means retaining the individual sisters initiated within the chapter. A chapter initiates their chosen new members and they stay in the membership as sisters, i.e. the chapter retains those individuals. Members being lost and gained in a constant stream to keep up numbers is not sorority, it is a drop-in social club. That is why retention of sisterhood members is a distinct and defined NPC value. Whatever you think you are doing is only reiterating the need for a chapter to replace members because it can't retain them.

By: replacement vs retention
by: andAug 1, 2024 10:26:02 AM

also aphi has fewer members anyway because of the revolving door, so comparing a retention "rate" using an already diminished membership is not a relevant comparison. aphi is only eligible for cob every semester because they can't retain members and maintain campus chapter total.

By: and
#14  by: pnm   

If AXO retention for last year was 88% and APhi was 84% what is the big deal?

It seems to me and a lot of my friends that some people on this site want to drive Aphi down on purpose. I looked at the reports. They have hundreds of members (414). There were all the comments about "I think people should know." Ok...everyone knows now but we still like Aphi. And about their lower gpa? No one wants to live in a pressure cooker house. Might as well live at home with parents.

By: pnm
by: Retention Jul 30, 2024 5:00:17 PM

If you want to do as retention vs. loss. Axo retained 96%, aphi 90%. But to keep fair you have to think about the size of house say in fall axo was 484 and aphi 443. (Including mc). However remember because of system of bids, some mc will be larger than others so that’s tricky too. So fall numbers may be inflated. The number of girl changes makes most sense to me aphi losing 45 was pretty high. I don’t think anyone is arguing that we know they have bad retention. It is what it is.

By: Retention
#15  by: Yep   

Aphi has the worst retention because they take girls that are just there for partying and boys and once those girls realize there are mandatory events that if they don’t attend they get fined etc, they leave. It’s because of quality of girl they take

By: Yep
#16  by: Yep   

They always get a nice size mc and then lose them. It’s a facts. I hear a little of the reasons and they need to realize that they can let pretty ones go if they don’t meet requirements. And stay far away from too many influencer girls.

By: Yep

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