
House Numbers and Retention

by: Be real

A lot of talk about retention rates. NR tends to have lower retention rates for girls that stay with their house all 4 years than OR houses. NR houses typically have more OOR girls that see little value in their Greek affiliation after college. Therefore, many decide not to continue their membership for their senior year because they have already made their friends, already lived in the house, don't attend swaps or any of the events tailored for new members and sophomores, already have a serious boyfriend, have less time because of internships or studying for LSAT, MCATS, etc. The cost of dues is not worth the experience at that point. It has nothing to do with their house or how much they liked it.

OR tends to have Southern girls in them where Greek affiliation follows them home after college so girls will tend to stay with their house for the full 4 years because alumni status means something in their Southern town social circles and neighborhoods. Because they stay does not mean they are happy in their houses.

The retention a PNM should pay attention to is the retention of new members from their first semester to their second semester. I don't think this specific data is publicly provided. If a house loses a lot of new members after bid day, that would be a red flag.

Posted By: Be real
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: No   

The retention pnms should pay attention to is the entire academic year including how many return for fall.

By: No
by: wrongJul 29, 2024 6:10:11 PM

Wrong. Graduation in spring loses a bunch of members in every house. Big losses between fall and spring, every single year, is not because of December graduations, it's members dropping. That's the tell.

By: wrong
by: @wrongJul 29, 2024 6:24:38 PM

You are obviously biased. Clearly every group loses seniors in the spring so that is a level field. Some have many members that do not return to the sorority in the fall. This is just as significant as the fall to spring drops.

By: @wrong
by: actuallyJul 29, 2024 8:00:48 PM

Biased about what? The culture here, that you would know if you actually went here, is that majority of drops go one of two ways.
New freshmen that were never serious about sticking it out and thought they'd just try it, or the ones who get disillusioned about sorority life because they thought it would be different. Not happy with their sorority, don't like the rules, the exec, the sisterhood, the dues, college in general, whatever or they flat out don't make grades. So they drop and don't come back for spring.
Others stick it out for spring and become unhappy sophomores but they want one more fall so they can have football and tailgates, date nights, formals, see if they can get a good little and have an apartment with other girls in diff sororities. They don't need their sorority any more and drop before spring.

By: actually
by: Yeah Jul 29, 2024 8:07:43 PM

The girls I know that dropped were mostly because they stopped enjoying events after sophomore year. They were like why continue to pay if I don’t want to go to anything and they also didn’t want to be fined anymore.

By: Yeah
#2  by: Retention    

All I know is that AXO and KKG have had like the best retention for the last like 10 years or something. I think AXO only lost like 2 girls last year and kappa was like 7 or something

By: Retention
by: Thats the pointJul 30, 2024 12:10:26 PM

I think that was the point of the OP. AXO and KKG are almost 100% southern girls.

By: Thats the point
by: Bama rushJul 30, 2024 3:55:05 PM

Well KKG yes but you’re outdated on AXO, they have more OOS girls than IS now

By: Bama rush
by: Nice tryJul 31, 2024 10:01:06 AM

Southern does not just mean in-state. Yes, AXO has plenty of girls from Georgia, Mississippi and other Southern states. I think you are proving OP's point.

By: Nice try
by: Not necessarily Jul 31, 2024 7:00:15 PM

If you see/ hear that other spring semester juniors and rising seniors are dropping, why would a small number stick around? Maybe they’ll stick around for leadership but they leave because it’s their houses culture.
OR houses have better retention because it’s not their culture. They have many events (date parties, sisterhood events) tailored for the upperclass ladies. Also, some of the houses mentioned don’t fine their members for every little thing. It has less to do with “southern” and more to do with it’s still fun.

By: Not necessarily
#3  by: Best   

Houses with consistently best retention year after year, alpha order:

By: Best
by: So Jul 29, 2024 6:24:28 PM

Basically all of old row and zta and pbp from new. Op does make sense.

By: So
by: AndJul 29, 2024 6:38:57 PM

Pnms - the Greek grade reports will show you the size of each house both in the fall and spring.

ZTA has a terrible retention rate. Piphi qualified for cob this year and was listed as available by panhellenic.

Do your own research. ZTA is beyond desperate. By now they know how many are returning for recruitment. It must be bad news.

By: And
by: Stop Jul 29, 2024 6:55:28 PM

Aphi stop your zta bashing obviously it’s you because who else would care. Pnms look at old posts that talk about retention. Old row does great zta and pbp were fine. Aphi had worst at 10.1% loss. That’s huge.
Go onto Greek grade report and you can calculate (new-old)/old. You have to subtract out the cob numbers for the houses before you calculate new number.

By: Stop
#4  by: @stop   

Why don't you tell the truth? Aphi retention rate for Spring was 94%. AXO was 96%. DDD was 96%.
Pnms check for yourself. There is a biased nutter on this site posting non-stop.
Good luck in recruitment!\n\n\n\n\n

By: @stop
by: No Jul 29, 2024 7:59:48 PM

Oh babe that’s not how retention rate works. You must be an aphi as you don’t understand math. The reason they had to cob 16 girls (the highest out of all sororities ) this year is because they lost the most. In 2023 30 cob and 2022 50 yes please pnms check that. It’s a fact. Google Greek scorecard Alabama or you can see on Greek academic report. When you are giving cob to double digit girls year after year, your house is in trouble. You know what aphi leave the math to the girls that have over a 3.1 gpa you may want to ask axo to tutor your girls.

By: No
by: math?Jul 29, 2024 8:51:40 PM

Word problems:
Level 1 - If APhi had 443 total members in fall and 398 members returned in spring, how many members did not return?
Answer: 443 - 398 = 45
Level 2 - What is that number expressed as a percentage of their total chapter membership in fall?
Answer: 45/443 = 10.15%
Level 3 - What percentage was retained?
Answer: 398/443 = 89.85%
Level 4 - If there were 7656 total panhellenic sorority chapter members in fall, and 7275 returning members in spring, how many total members did not return?
Answer: 7656 - 7275 = 381
Level 5 - What is the total average retention rate from fall to spring of the panhellenic sorority chapters?
Answer: 7275/7656 = 95% total average retention rate
Level 6 - If there are 19 panhellenic sororities, what is the average number of non-returning members per chapter?
Answer: 381/19 = 20 members per chapter average
Bonus, your turn - What percentage of the total 381 non-returning panhellenic sorority members were from APhi?
Answer: 45/381 = ???

By: math?
by: # Jul 29, 2024 9:10:29 PM

Yikes so doing it this was they were more than double the average! That’s pretty bad.

By: #
by: Numbers Jul 29, 2024 9:24:15 PM

Those #s are good! And you went slow for the aphis. . Lowest retention of all sororities it’s a fact. I don’t know why anyone ever fights the numbers they way you did it and how the other person did it came up with same solution. Whoever stop was you can never put axo or ddd in same sentence. Don’t insult those two good sororities that way.

By: Numbers
by: CccccccccccccvvvAug 1, 2024 8:17:36 AM

That was a lot of unhinged data alpha chi. Why do you care so much about proving this?

By: Cccccccccccccvvv
#5  by: Babe   

When houses are under campus ceiling they can recruit more members, or not. No one has to recruit. Some choose not to. Any house under 443 can choose recruit. They may take 5,10,15 up to campus total of 443.

And no, I am not an Aphi but it is very clear you hate them with a passion. Please get help.

By: Babe
by: ? Jul 29, 2024 8:14:49 PM

Do you mean floor many sororities have over 443? I think the op just asked retention not for an argument. Axo was the best this year, aphi the worst. All can be fact checked done. Now can we all stop this?

By: ?
by: @?Jul 29, 2024 9:15:39 PM

Aphi did not have the worst retention rate either for the last academic year or the spring semester. But you know that. I am not going to list the houses with worse retention rates because that would not be nice. They are good smaller houses. One is new.

Your bias shows over and over again.

You have no credibility left.

By: @?
by: Wrong Jul 29, 2024 9:28:48 PM

If you are implying sk, , you are wrong their loss was 10% I believe. Aphi was 10.1%. If you want credibility post your numbers. The size of the house doesn’t matter just if they can hold onto girls. Aphi has no excuse why they shouldn’t be doing better. Stop arguing with factual numbers you look ridiculous.

By: Wrong
#6  by: Yeah but   

That doesn’t always mean girls dropped. In my house you can go alum earlier if you have enough credits. I know girls who have done it. Why not if after your junior year you’re tired of doing the same thing over and over again.

By: Yeah but
by: Right Jul 29, 2024 9:14:35 PM

For graduation and other it’s usually about 5% loss more or less depending on graduations etc. we can’t go early alum in mine. So ours is drops. Aphi is really high no one has that many girls graduate in December, so they have many drops in addition.

By: Right
by: My houseJul 30, 2024 12:15:41 PM

My NR house does not let you go alum earlier so you have to stay through graduation. We do not do anything special for seniors. Sophomores live in the house. Freshman do new member retreat and other events. Freshman and sophomores do swaps. Juniors are officers (primarily) and get the leadership positions at homecoming and other events. Seniors have a senior farewell and go to formals but the formals are full of crazy new members and their fraternity pledge dates. Seniors do not get any discount on dues. As a result, a lot of girls drop during or before senior year.

By: My house
#7  by: G   

You are purposely skewing the numbers to reflect the outcome you want. And 3 posts about it. Really. Get some help. Why does this mean so much to you? You are sounding unhinged. Fyi Aphi had 414 members in the Spring.

Going back literally decades to find controversies. Searching tiktok for any posts that mention Aphi - also going back years.

Please. Talk to someone.

By: G
by: Right Jul 30, 2024 1:32:46 AM

The 398 is from 414 - 16 ( their cob number) = 398. You have to do that for any house that had any cob.

By: Right
by: more math!Jul 30, 2024 7:53:47 AM

Academic Report (for Dummies version)

Active Members = Initiated members returning from the previous semester
New Members = Members who received a bid during that Semester
Total Members = Active Members + New Members
Tips and Tricks: Each of these categories is clearly indicated in different columns on the spreadsheet. Reading for accuracy is a critical skill for understanding this (simple) report.

Example with actual spreadsheet numbers:
- APhi had 398 Active Members in the spring, which is their RETURNING MEMBERS from fall. That is their RETENTION from the previous semester. Then they added New Members through COB in spring to get to the Total Members of 414.

By: more math!
by: Yes Jul 30, 2024 8:09:42 AM

So good! It really isn’t that hard I’m not sure why people don’t understand how to read numbers. Hopefully your explanation works. Im a stats major so when people argue with attention rates it gets me so mad. Aphi was the lowest the numbers prove it there was nothing to argue.

By: Yes
by: keep goingJul 30, 2024 8:15:02 AM

Additional Practice with Algebra

Now let's all try this one:
The Total Members number from fall semester (x) and the Active Members number for the spring semester (y) can be used to find the number of initiated members that did not return for spring semester (z). This simple formula is
x - y = z.

By: keep going
by: FyiJul 30, 2024 8:23:36 AM

If you are a stats peep then you know that hand picking a couple of semesters out of the last 5 years is too small of a sample size. This is how you skew the numbers. Also only selecting the spring academic reports to analyze ignores half of the stats.

I have also done the numbers and Aphi does not have the worst retention rate.

Posting about this at 8am is crazy unless you are being paid.

By: Fyi
by: Few yearsJul 30, 2024 8:30:35 AM

So 2022- 50 cob
2023 -30
2024 - 16
Consistent double digit cob. That’s a problem. If you go here you know we all know and accept that they lose the most girls. You can fight it but even normal, smart aphis know and accept it. You have to accept certain things about your house.

By: Few years
by: AgainJul 30, 2024 9:57:05 AM

You select 3 Spring only semesters out of the last 5 academic years.

You are designing your analysis to prove your bias.

In addition you are not using the correct data. The question is about the houses retaining/maintaining a decent size. A size that allows them to function as a full sorority experience. The University picks a date in each semester to calculate the stats. The correct data to use is the semester end number - not a number calculated. The end number shows each sororities' ability to retain a viable size.

You calculate a number you want and then you arbitrarily make a declaration about the reason some numbers have decreased post recruitment. From a date set by the University it can be seen that Aphi has 29 less members in the Spring report than Fall report. Why? It is a guess. You have decided it is because they are a terrible sorority. That is your totally unsubstantiated conclusion. Still Aphi has over 400 members which is a sizable group able to offer all opportunities.

By: Again
by: YepJul 30, 2024 10:01:55 AM

Yes, patterns over time are important. Unfortunately for APhi, every single semester from the last several years shows them with the poorest retention, and dead last overall. The statistical pattern is there for all to see. No skewing is needed, it is exactly what it is. You could bring in NASA or SpaceX or whoever at this point to run the numbers but it's not about the math at this point obviously.

The deeper this person falls into the ditch she is digging for herself the more dirt is piled up. She is so far down that hole at this point there is no crawling out.

By: Yep
by: @yepJul 30, 2024 11:19:05 AM

Aphi does not have the worst retention every semester over the last several years. You are lying. You select 3 semesters out of the last 5 years, manipulate the data to suit your desired outcome, and then declare the reason why the number went down.

You craft your own analysis parameters to push your agenda.

The fact is that Aphi continuously maintains a large chapter at Bama.

By: @yep
by: continuousJul 30, 2024 11:54:26 AM

"Continuously" is right. It's a revolving door.

By: continuous
#8  by: Numbers   

For the last academic year Aphi did not have the lowest retention rate. There are at least 4 houses that have worse retention rates. Not even close. I did the numbers too. I also don't want to bash the struggling houses, so I won't either.

Maybe you should get a job. Or is this your job?

By: Numbers
#9  by: d   

I think Aphi has shown a lot of restraint on this site.

Every single sorority has had controversies especially if you go back 11 years.

As far as I am concerned Aphi has shown a lot of kindness and compassion.

By: d
#10  by: Perspective   

I also did numbers. Academic 2023 - 2024.

Here are a few of the stats. This is based on UA figures with final semester numbers including all drops: graduating seniors etc.

Retention %

XO, KD = 86%

AXO, DDD = 85%

KKG, PM, AGD = 84%

Aphi = 83%

Unbiased stats for comparison.

By: Perspective
by: ImaginaryJul 30, 2024 12:32:39 PM

This is like 1 and 1 is 11. Show your work like the others have. Otherwise everyone can see it is imaginary math. What "stats" used...to show what result... based on what criteria...for which semesters...and what formula? Because there is no math that makes these right. Go ahead, let's see how you got these. Show it.

By: Imaginary
by: @imaginaryJul 30, 2024 12:43:56 PM

I stated the criteria and the source above. The source is the UA Greek academic reports. I used the semester membership numbers on those reports. I calculated the retention % number for each group for each semester then I averaged the two semesters to get the full academic year of 2023/2024.

Pretty simple. I am not an Aphi but after I looked at the real numbers compared to top groups at Bama I thought some perspective should be posted.

By: @imaginary
by: @Jul 30, 2024 1:08:13 PM

Give it up already APhi mom/stan whatever. You have a parasocial relationship with a sorority in which you have never been a member at a school where you have never attended and have a delusion that you are proving something with math that doesn't exist. Your beloved APhi girls know the truth through the numbers and lived experiences, as does every sorority exec and panhellenic member, and your insisting that it's not what it really is is making everything worse for this sorority. You are their worst enemy. If you would just shut up they would thank you.

By: @

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