


ADPI- Wannabe old row, posts a lot of their in-state girls, but mostly OOR. Lots of pageant girls.
AGD- In-state girls with good grades and very little social life. Either rly highly desired going into rush, or completely off your radar- depends on the person.
AOPI- Sweet kinda awkward girls, not very trendy but wholesome.
APHI- Tiktok and insta baddies with messy drama, a lot of girls end up dropping. Fraternity favorite but maybe not in a good way.
AXO- Lowkey weird idk why they’re often put as top… Mostly southern, good grades, wholesome girls very jesusy. You’ll definitely find a fun sisterhood here and some quirky characters.
DDD- Interesting mix of girls, go out a lot but you’ll never see them at a particular spot. Lots of diff types of friend groups in every pc. Rich, primarily southern but lotsss of OOR. Top house.
DG- Sweet girls, kinda awkward. A lot of midwest I think. Don’t know too many dg’s, but good sisterhood for sure.
DZ- A little more party oriented but similar to dg, lots of tiktok vibes. Good philanthropy too. Fun girls.
XO- Granola party girls would be my best description. They’ve got a cool girl factor for sure, but can get some quirky lowkey weird girls. Mostly wealthy, christian, southern, and legacies. Similar recruiting to ddd, kd. Top house.
KKG- Def not grade oriented but really It girls when it comes to southern style. In state, Texas, and Atlanta girls. Rich. Parties a lot. Top house.
KD- Similar to kkg, but maybe a bit more structure. Goes out a lot, rich. In-state and legacy heavy but same recruiting pool as chi o and kappa. Top house.
ZTA- Been rly on the rise recently, but rich OOS party girls and tiktok girls. Still have some way to go. Very trendy. Top house for OOS.
KAT- I’ve actually met some really cool thetas that contradict a lot of the hate they get. Girls that just didnt know anything about rush coming in. Mostly from far up north or midwest.
PM- Cheesy in my opinion, but a lot of ppl love them. Very classic pageant, christian, heavy makeup, blonde and tan girls. Usually southern, wealthy. Top house.
SK- Sweet girls who don’t always fit the classic sec mold, artsy, unique.
GPHI- A lot of new jersey here, they’re always nice but maybe a little cringy and dont have the best rep.

Posted By: Active
Page 1 of 2

Adpi is not a pageant house. Struggling.

Zeta is not the top house for oos because they are very weak nationally (except Fla.). The top houses for oos are Aphi, Kat, Kkg, Piphi.

Academic houses: Agd, Axo, Xo

Alabama local houses: Pm, Kd, Aopi, Xo

Social houses: Kkg, Pm, Aphi, Zta

4 Largest houses:Agd,Kd,Axo,XO

4 smallest: Sk,Kat,Gphi,Adpi

By: Almost
by: No   

U went to Bama years ago. Mostly inaccurate

By: No

That's not accurate and it's for sure not short.

By: ok

Funny how people post and say “accurate” when it’s an opinion and in this case also missing one house.

By: um

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by: Active   

Wait yeah fax actually idk how I missed pi phi of all houses. Iop I’d just say that its mostly sweet, influencery california girls with a few atlanta and midwest, I feel like they’re kinda similar to Zeta but maybe a wider range of girls and less in house drama.

By: Active

Guessing that OP is a DZ

By: guessing
by: Nah….   

I’m thinking DDD or KKG

By: Nah….
by: .   

That got dropped by axo

By: .
by: Nope   

Op is a kappa

By: Nope
by: Kd   

I was thinking maybe kd

By: Kd

The rich sororities:

Kkg, Pm, Kd, Aphi

By: r
by: nope   

APhi isn’t a rich membership. The others I can see.

By: nope
by: Agree   


By: Agree
by: no   

aphi is not rich. are you fr? They don't need to look for money in members since the girls drop pretty quickly anyway.

By: no
by: h   

And the anti-Alpha Phi nutters has turned another thread into an Aphi hate thread.

From the numbers I see other houses have higher drop rates as a percentage of their membership.

But keep it up. You just look deranged.

I heard Aphi has some of the wealthiest oos who attend Bama since they are so strong in California and New York.

By: h
by: math???   

You obv can't do math. No other house had a higher drop rate from fall to spring than APhi, they lost 45 memmbers, over 10% of their fall membership. Highest of any sorority any way you look at it, once again.

By: math???
by: Math   

If you select an entire academic year instead of picking one semester than you can see that - on a yearly basis Aphi does not have the worst retention rate. But that wouldn't support your constant bashing.

What is your deal with them? Now on another anti-Aphi thread that you post on at 3am you want peeps to list names of their influencers? Anyone can see a lot of them by looking at the bid day vids.

By: Math
by: math???   

Ever hear of graduation? Any chapter retention issues show up between fall and spring semesters. Large drops in membership during that time period are problematic. Only around 5-10% of a chapter's seniors will graduate in December. Spring to fall membership losses each year are not retention issues, they are graduations.

By: math???
by: d   

There are average retention stats even allowing for spring graduation. That is also why you have to average and not hand pick certain semesters to promote your narrative. There can be situations with returning students who do not participate in their sorority anymore but still attend Bama.

But you know that. It just doesn't fit your narrative.

By: d
by: Ick   

Wow the hate for aphi is strong is guess. Only thing multiple houses can agree on. Listen if you go to Bama you know aphi has a bad sisterhood and high drop rate.. even current aphis here will agree. That’s the sad part you see them as pretty girls during rush but once you get in you see there is nothing else there for you and the not so pretty ones they don’t let talk to pnms or they become the back room/ basement girls. Welcome to Bama .

By: Ick
by: This    

Remember during rush they only use their best girls. Their prettiest, the most social, etc. Houses only let you see what they want you to see. Once you get in you are like - eek where did you come from?

By: This

No. It is the same nutter posting anti-Aphi stuff over and over, day after day, thread after thread.

I did the math myself using the UA grades report for Spring to Fall 2023 and Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 and Aphi does not have the highest drop rate. In fact there are several houses with a worse retention rate.

pnms - google the Alabama grades reports. Do the math yourself. As a percentage of the total number of members on an annual basis, Aphi does not have the worst rate. Logic would tell you that the new house...Sk.. has by far the worst rate, which is normal for a start-up. And that is only one. I don't want to name the others since it is such a point stressed by the gr nutter.

Obviously someone was dropped by Aphi and they still are not over it.

By: @ick
by: Matg    

In ‘22 aphi had to take 204 members as apposed to average 130 something because it was a chance for them to get numbers up. The highest on all the row (shows they had to take risks and randos). This past year they had to cob 16 girls to get up to quota. Give me a second and I will calculate percent change for all houses . however the problem is you can’t see the separation in fall of graduates vs drops . We all know that with them it is drops. That is what makes me think you are a mom as I agree with above ask any aphi girl and they know it is drops. I already know a few girls going to be juniors that are dropping . Anyone who goes here knows about their sisterhood . So you are a mom or alum obviously.

By: Matg
by: Ssssssssssss   

It may not be someone who was dropped. This time of year the house that doesn’t want to be compared to them starts yelling about how awful APhi is. I think it’s a recruitment team.

By: Ssssssssssss

Well i'm a numbers girl who can figure out percents.
Sources: Fall 2023 Community Grade Report, Spring 2024 grade report.
Numbers used: Spring 2024 Total members - cob
Fall 2023 Total members.
Formula used: Percent change new-old/old (rounded to the nearest tenth)
Alpha Phi -10.1%
SK - 10%
KAT - 9.7%
AOPI - 7.5%
DZ - 6.8%
ADPi - 6.7%
THOSE WHO LIKE TO COMPARE (only used a few):
ZTA - 3.0%
KKG - 2.8%
DDD - 4.3%
As you can see Aphi had the largest percent drop and double that of top houses.

By: Drop rate
by: Thank you!   

^^^and there you have it^^^

By: Thank you!
by: Umm   

You must mean the influencer that Aphi dropped. Ok.

By: Umm

Your numbers are incorrect. But no surprise there. I am not going to name the lowest % retention houses because you are a nutter and I don't them to be victimized by you. Logically Sk does not have a higher retention rate than any other sorority. And there are others who have a lower retention rate than Aphi.

Pnms - do your own math. Don't take claims (lies) on their face value. For one thing it takes more than 30 minutes to do a real calculation of the annual retention rate for 17 sororities.

By: Nope
by: Math    

Numbers look good to me. I am a business major and sources and formula are legit in this case . Sk was an even 10% drop aphi 10.1% . Those with the highest drop rates had to cob which aphi did with 16 girls which is highest cob number and makes sense because did you ever think how # of cobs are calculated??? Those houses with low drop rates don’t have to cob. Check numbers and sources all accurate. And that is the correct percent change formula .

By: Math
by: Dumb people    

It takes no time at all - enter into spreadsheet - enter formula- copy / paste- sort. No time at all. I’m guessing you aren’t a business, math , or science person. If it is taking you 30 minutes guess you are the reason for low gpa - yikes

By: Dumb people
by: Lies   

U left a house off your highest drop rate. It is next to Sk rate. Obviously you are in that house.

The pnms are going to do their own calculations and will see the lies for themselves.

By: Lies
by: Dumb people    

Gphi 7.5%
Dg 3.8%
Axo 3.5%
Agd 3.0%
Pm 2.4%
Piphi 1.9 %
Kd 1.5 %
XO 0.9%

By: Dumb people
by: correct    

All houses are listed. aphi still top with 10.1. Think about that compared with the lowest house xo with < 1%
Aphi back down

By: correct

Who’s more annoying? The Aphi nutter or
the Aphi stan??🤔😂

By: Question
by: Answer   


By: Answer

You can't argue numbers with an aphi. They don't understand how numbers work lol

By: lol

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