
The Real Rank Fall 2024

by: I know things…

Listen up little ones - this is the real rank:

I really feel KD XO and AGD have their girls already picked prior to recruitment. Kappa was like this but are starting to branch l out. I feel AGD is super Christian and judgey. XO girls are a bit crunchy. KD is their own cult. Zeta is really in their own category. They put on a great recruitment and get their type. Aphi gets Zrta leftovers.ADPi and PiPhi get the overage from the first line.
The rest are a mix without a big identity.

Posted By: I know things…
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#1  by: Golden   

Not bad - but I feel Zeta and Aphi go after a different type than AXO/DDD/PM.
KD and Kappa are mainly local.

By: Golden
by: Fixing the OPJun 5, 2024 6:19:33 PM


By: Fixing the OP
by: One small moveJun 10, 2024 8:54:14 PM

Move PM down one - same level as Zeta

By: One small move
by: XyzJun 16, 2024 12:56:23 AM

I wouldn’t say DDD, KD, and kappa recruit locally, however DDD and KD absolutely give preference to girls fm the state of Alabama. They are always ranked first on their lists. DDD especially tries to get girls fm Alabama and also just girls from the south in general.

By: Xyz
by: YeahhhJun 17, 2024 11:51:02 AM


By: Yeahhh
#2  by: yes   

I think kd has been branching out too. They are getting girls from oos. They still mainly recruit local though. I didn't find agd judgy, they are just very focused.

By: yes
by: YeahJun 1, 2024 6:52:21 AM

Focused on feeling like their shiz don’t stink.

By: Yeah
by: KD is not itJun 2, 2024 11:18:47 AM

A house full of girls that are mid-grade and below average looks in comparison to other houses here. Most have been brainwashed since birth that KD is the only choice they have.

By: KD is not it
by: Alright….Jun 6, 2024 5:34:10 AM

The fixed one above is accurate for the times. Zeta is desired by most, even the local girls these days.

By: Alright….
by: TruthJun 9, 2024 5:13:49 PM

KD only branches out and keeps some fillers so they go through what they did a few years ago when they were way off quota. There are some mainly instate girls that really want KD and they will get the ones from that group they want and drop the ones they don’t want. It’s not a bad thing they just go for specific people and they get a high number of them.They aren’t as desired outside that bubble.

By: Truth
#3  by: Movin on up   

Y’all all know Zeta belongs on that top row

By: Movin on up
by: true May 31, 2024 7:03:58 AM

Zta does and everyone knows it- however, this site is made up of ranks in the past. I don't let it bother me anymore as we all know that people know the truth.

By: true
by: HmmmMay 31, 2024 10:28:50 AM

Ok ZTA if you say so

By: Hmmm
#4  by: Me   

XO gets leftovers from AXO and DDD. Used to not, but they do now.

PM and ZETA both want some of the top pretty girls. But if they want an authentic sisterhood they go PM.

By: Me
by: Changes May 31, 2024 8:21:00 AM

I agree with above - move Zeta with PM - as an active, I can say Zrta gets the girls they want - a lot girls pref Zeta and PM.

By: Changes
by: Inaccurate May 31, 2024 9:56:23 AM

AXO and DDD not typical cross rush group with XO- 100% XO cross rush with KD and AGD- then next with AXO and Kappa - Rarely ever XO cross rush with PM or DDD
The term “authentic sisterhood” should never be used when speaking about PM. It might look that way on Instagram- but lotsssss of drama in PM. Very low caliber girls - especially last 2 pledge classes.
It’s fact that ZTA is ranked above them - especially after ZTA strong rushes - on campus and in PNM minds.

By: Inaccurate
by: kindaMay 31, 2024 10:54:51 AM

PM is good but strong sisterhood I would not say.

By: kinda
by: UmJun 1, 2024 8:06:30 AM

These comments about sisterhood of other houses is just BS. How would know how their sisterhood is…are you an active in PM? If not you don’t really know do you

By: Um
by: Actually Jun 1, 2024 2:31:59 PM

Actually I do believe sisterhood comments once you go here you become friends with girls in different sororities. You learn really quickly which sororities have better sisterhoods or have horrible ones. You hear about bad exec, backstabbing sisters , being brought up to standards. Yeah people know

By: Actually
#5  by: KK   

We all know Zeta is on the top with the rest of them.

By: KK
#6  by: C   

Zeta is better in grades than the past, but as far as a strong sisterhood they are one of the lowest. Even though Zeta is strong nationally it’s not the same at Bama.

By: C
by: CoolMay 31, 2024 10:51:21 AM

Why are you a menace on here and every page but silent on there? Can’t hang with the big boys right? Sounds familiar

By: Cool
by: The truthJun 1, 2024 6:00:14 AM

Zeta is definitely at the top - they are heavily desired, especially the last two years. Their grades keep improving and they have a great sisterhood. PM has a lot of drama.
XO is cliquey and a weird bunch. KS and Kappa mainly local but KD has acquired more out of state the past two years.

By: The truth
#7  by: ?   

Adpi down 2 rows are you kidding lol

By: ?
by: huh?Jun 1, 2024 7:47:31 AM

Down 2 rows? What are you talking about?

By: huh?
by: huh???Jun 1, 2024 10:43:44 AM

What do you mean huh?? Adpi is not on the same level as Pi Phi and not above Aphi, Gphi, or DZ. On what planet? Can’t think of one girl dropped from Adpi that you claimed is above them or anyone on campus who would say this. You keep lumping yourself with Pi Phi to protect yourself, they must be annoyed

By: huh???
by: Being honestJun 1, 2024 1:55:56 PM

Adpi is on the same level as pi phi. I think you are giving pi phi too much credit. Pi phi has really gone downhill in the last several years. They don’t attract the type of members they used to. They are average at best.

By: Being honest
by: HahahaJun 1, 2024 2:18:47 PM

^ Oh ok ADPi we will take your word for it….SMH

By: Hahaha
by: As an activeJun 2, 2024 5:50:54 AM

ADPi and PiPhi definitely about DZ and Gphi. Actually APhi is about DZ and PiPhi despite their lower GPA. Zeta should be on the top line. They have earned it these past two years. PM and AGD have terrible issues with their exec and drama within their sisterhood.

By: As an active
by: No Jun 2, 2024 8:08:36 AM

Aphi self ranking - you are not above those houses. Aphi has been getting called out because they are trying to put themselves way higher than they are. You can’t rank high just because you have some pretty girls. Get over yourself . Some girls want to be known for more .

By: No
by: GeezJun 2, 2024 2:43:14 PM

You sound obsessed with Aphi, how many comments and posts have you made about them already over someone’s opinion?

By: Geez
#8  by: Gphi…..   

Definitely bump Gphi with APhi. They are a fun mix of girls. Not sure why DZ gets lumped with them. DZ has a bad sisterhood and have terrible reputation at swaps, especially this past year. Sloppy…

By: Gphi…..
#9  by: Ummmmm   

WHY is no one discussing the AGD scandal at the end of the year? Terrible exec….
Also, the DZ scandal….toxic group of girls…

By: Ummmmm
by: ifJun 7, 2024 7:56:28 PM

if you knew anything except what you read on gr you would know agd and dz didn't have anything that was a thing and nothing happened at the end of the year. you're just another tt troll and so stupid you believe whatever you read here

By: if
by: Pnm Jun 13, 2024 8:58:39 AM

What is the AGD and DZ scandal

By: Pnm
#10  by: Queen of the row   

Zeta will rule again this year. They should be in the top row, then it’s pretty accurate. )I’m not Zeta but did pref them)

By: Queen of the row

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