
New Row houses info


I want a post like the Old Row information houses but for New Row

Posted By: PNM
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- zeta: the “it girls”, social media heavy, looks house, smarter now
- aphi: the girly party girls, luvs the frat boys, looks house, social media heavy
- pi phi: well rounded and involved girls, way less intense on social media and partying than zeta & aphi
- adpi: gives alpha gam / chi o for new row. smart and involved girls, girl next doors
- gphi: ton of northern girls, very much the snooki house appearance and personality wise
- dz: just a mix of all the houses above tbh
- dg: quirky. gives horse or theatre girls
- aopi: random mix
- theta: kinda a mix these days. liberal and bigger girls
- sk: liberals and bigger girls

By: ok
by: Stop   

There girls of all weights in NR and OR in EVERY house. To say a house has bigger girls is beyond rude and not true. All body types r represented everywhere

By: Stop
by: Agree   

What she said^ Every single house has girls of all shapes and sizes. There are some houses that only promote a certain “image”. Every house at Bama has a wide range of members. Don’t choose a house based off some perceived reputation online. Go with the house where you feel wanted and you will be happy😊

By: Agree
by: uhh   

wasn’t trying to be rude but sk and theta do have a larger pool of bigger girls than other houses…never said it was a bad thing…every house has a plus sized girl but these houses are definitely more inclusive

By: uhh

U could just say inclusive. There is a polite way and a rude way to say things. U went the rude way.

Not a theta but I will say that theta has done really well recruiting. They have a strong sisterhood and have a lot going for them.

By: Nope

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by: No   

No, u rude. Arguing otherwise shows ur ignorance. Talk about women in a positive way.

By: No
by: Ok   

How it’s worded isn’t changing the scale

By: Ok

Agd, kkg & gpb have bigger girls too

By: Hmmm

I'm a former rho chi so I'm giving my perspective in alphabetical order.

ADPi - Big mix of girls. Lots of girls from CA and out west but plenty from all over the map. Generally outgoing and you'll see them around at parties. Not the best or worst for campus involvement. They seem to have a good sisterhood and fun together. I feel like they have lots of girls who were probably captain of their field hockey team in high school if that makes sense.

AOPi - Also a big mix of girls. The ones I know are sweet and welcoming. I'd say they're kind of an under the radar fun house. Stepping up their game on social media and with recruitment.

APhi - Super pretty and party type girls. Not super involved on campus and generally not known for grades. But the girls I know in that house are sweet. They tend to have a high number of girls drop.

Delta Gamma - Again, just a big mix all over the map. Reminds me of AOPi in some ways that it's kind of an under the radar fun house. A lot of quirky girls. Definitely very diverse in terms of race too. Anchor Games is a fun event.

DZ - Along with GPhi lots of girls from Jersey and just general OOS looking for a good time and not a lot of pressure. More into parties than school but very friendly for the most part.

GPhi - Honestly GPhi and DZ are very similar to me across the board for the type of girl they recruit and their presence on campus. Perfectly nice/good sorority experience, not the best grades but a good mix of girls and their members seems happy enough.

Theta - Newest NR house after SK with again, just a big, diverse mix of people. The last few PCs they've recruited seem very happy there. They still struggle with having some girls drop as they get closer to graduation, but they are improving their retention. A mix of more quiet girls and girls you'll see out at basically every party.

PiPhi - Of the NR houses generally the most involved on campus in terms of participation and grades. Lots of very ambitious girls, and they raise a lot of money for their philanthropy. I want to say they are slightly less big into parties but you'll see plenty of them out and about.

SK - Newest NR house. They always get ranked at the bottom but honestly the girls in that house seem happy with their sisterhood. They have fewer members than other houses but have been getting bigger (literally) each PC and last year there were definitely girls that picked SK over other NR houses.

ZTA - One of the most strongly desired houses on campus, including NR and OR. They have the strongest recruitment out of any house, and they will get "their pick" of PNMs so to speak. Last year they were able to recruit a lot of very highly desired PNMs from Alabama and other places in the region that would have previously gone OR. In terms of how they are in terms of sisterhood/involvement etc: I'd say they are pretty strong. But what they're truly known for is their looks/prestige on campus.

By: From a former rho chi
by: thank you!   

You are probably the best response on here! Most unbiased! You will get what house that wants you and you fit the best. As you see everywhere, TRUST THE PROCESS!!!!

By: thank you!
by: Liar   

Theta is not the newest NR house after SK. That would be DG and Aphi. If you would have been a former rho chi you would have known this.

By: Liar
by: Well   

This may referring to houses in which case theta is the newest. SK will have their new house soon which will be great.

TBH these descriptions are accurate.

By: Well
by: So wrong   

You are a troll and not a former rho chi. Ask ppl who are really affiliated.

By: So wrong
by: OK??   

So the people who are saying this is a lie...do YOU actually go here? What specifically do you disagree with? That there's a big mix of girls in many of the houses? That ZTA is very highly desired? Pi Phi has good participation and grades? SK is growing every year? What is it about this that is "wrong" and has you so triggered?

By: OK??

Speaking of new house does anyone know when sk will be complete by? That house will be beautiful

By: New house
by: Supposedly   

It's supposed to be ready a year from this Fall in 2025.

By: Supposedly

I think what triggers people is zta being so highly wanted. A lot of girls and old row moms don't want to believe it. I don't know what else would get people upset as this was pretty accurate.

By: Well
by: Actually    

I actually think most posts these days are giving Zeta a lot more credit than in the past. It’s obvious that they have been improving and hard to deny that they deserve the higher rankings. I think there’s been a lot less Zeta bashing which is good to see. They’ve worked hard and it shows!

By: Actually

Zeta has improved on their grades, but the sisterhood aspect is (in my opinion) their Achilles heel. They could also be more involved in philanthropy/charity work. But I’m biased, I much prefer Alpha Gam, Phi Mu, and Alpha Chi.

By: Bama girl
by: To Bama girl   

I feel it’s difficult to comment on any house’s sisterhood if I’m not a member of that sorority because it’s a nebulous concept. I’m not experiencing it personally, and even members themselves will have different responses to “how would you rate your chapter’s sisterhood?”because they are not all having identical experiences.

By: To Bama girl
by: Th   

I feel like as far as sisterhood goes, the “bottom” houses have the best sisterhood. I feel like the “top” houses have a fake sisterhood. Dont get me wrong, girls in those houses definitely find their friend group but there isn’t a true cohesiveness. It’s a lot of competition. Also, not sure about AGD’s sisterhood after the survey scandal.

By: Th

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