


DZ, APhi, Gphi

Posted By: So real
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DZ up

By: …
by: Yall    

Yall DZ run this site

By: Yall
by: Troll   

The 2 above comments r troll comments. Look at the time stamps. Stop replying to urself and causing drama.

By: Troll

I just KNOW a phi mu wrote this… literally painful so inaccurate. Zta is definitely on the up don’t get me wrong, but the top 4 should be KKG, DDD, KD, and XO. Phi mu is dropping so bad, their last two pc’s have been so embarrassing. Axo gets maybe 10 cute girls and the rest hang on Jefferson and are only there for grades; zeta has the same issue with only having 10 or so star girls, except the rest of their pc is filled with the worst self tanned girls you’ve ever seen.

By: Lol
by: ?   

What exactly has been embarrassing about their PC?

By: ?
by: ?    

What I have found different about pm is the girls they are selecting. There are a few pm that really really want to be zta. It seems as if they are competing directly with zta now . I used to think of pm as really respectable ( not sure of what word I’m looking for maybe classy) but they truthfully are out getting wasted at the new row frats. I think people are like don’t brag about being old row when you act more new row than new row girls. Like where is there standards committee. Get your girls in check

By: ?
by: ???   

So college students r doing what college students normally do….shocking. OR goes out drinking too just stop

By: ???
by: Huh    

Ok ??? No we all know girls are going to go out and drink . But if you have been here a few years you would know pm wanted to be grouped with old row and fight for it . But their past mc classes scream new row . I think it is more of the house being hypocrites. They want to be old row but have a large group of girls that embarrass themselves at new row houses and post online. I will give old row this they are discrete more than this group of new row. I think pm needs to figure out what they want. Zta is moving up and pm down. Take a look at the zta wannabes that’s embarrassing .

By: Huh
by: Tired of you   

zeta-you are in here fifteen times a day screaming you are the top house. You are not. You can complain all you want and say how houses aren’t good bc they are boring (AGD) or have fallen (phi mu) but the truth is they are the ones winning national awards and campus awards the past few years. AXO has lost the top grades house, but they are still good too and in the mix with those. You are the ONLY house jumping up and down telling everyone you are the top house. No one else is claiming to be so just stop. You are desperate and pathetic and we are sick of it. Campus is too big and there are too many strong houses for a consensus number one, but you aren’t even in the conversation. You have great social media and you showcase your good girls from the north. Sit down and be quiet. We would respect you a hell of a lot more if you weren’t so pick me every damn day.

By: Tired of you

Pm and kkg down, agd up to 2nd row, axo and xo up to top row. No order within the rows.

By: no
by: yes!!!   

I agree with those moves and would also move ZTA down one and Aphi up one and then this one would be perfect for the times!

By: yes!!!

No way phi mu. They are not the top house here

By: no pm

KD Up XO Up AXO Up DDD down

By: move

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People need to try to stop burying that Zeta isn't the top. These old school (old Mom and Grandma's) keep trying to keep their sororities that have the same girls from the same Alabama local high schools in the "top" ranking. Irrelevant...

By: 2024 TRUTH
by: Hmmmmm….   

Thinking ZTA might be the PM hater on here!

By: Hmmmmm….
by: Dddddddfd   

Could also be AXO. They are low key mean and would do this. Someone for sure has it in for pm based on the comments lately.

By: Dddddddfd

Kkg and pm down , axo and xo up. Pm is no way top and kkg seriously? We all know kkg has been heading down lately.

By: Yes

down a row.

By: piphi and adpi
by: hi   

awww you've been missed. bless your heart

By: hi
by: ^   

Pi Phi is fine but Adpi is laughable.

By: ^

Is it just me or does GR not want to rank sororities by looks except for PM? They keep talking about how the last 2 PC have fallen off w their looks. That is beyond rude, not true AND no other OR sororities r judged based on looks

By: Double Standard

Few things here-

PM is no longer that gold standard and hasn't been for years.

Zeta is pretty strong and it is really hard to debate this.

I will say top houses are debatable based on who you ask and how they rank. That is why it is so hard to say who the top 3 or 4 are.

I will say it because it needs to be said. Looks are a huge factor now in ranking. Social plays a v large part in ranking too. Majority of 18 year old girls are not choosing their house on gpa or how active the house is on campus when it comes to volunteering, philanthropy, or involvement in orgs. On a quick recruitment week they are looking at the fun aspect. Maybe as they mature some will wish they looked at other aspects, but most do not care as much as you think.

By: kkkkkkk
by: My pref   

I think looks are important but so is sisterhood. I was looking for a house where I can have fun and make friends and be involved. No mean girls as I don’t care to relive high school again.

By: My pref
by: Snabsbs   

This is the view of an 18 year old. Not anyone that has actually been in the house and seen value on campus.

By: Snabsbs

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