
Adpi is the universal best one


I know it’s only upper mid here but like every other school it is top…
University of Florida,
FSU, University of Miami, University of Georgia, Indianna.

U girls r gonna go the farthest in life and if I have myself the chance I’d lock in any adpi from any school in the southern states

Posted By: Adpi
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Not top at FSU, but one of the top.

Not top at U Miami, but mid.

By: Nope
by: MM   

Adpi is absolutely top at FSU! Have been forever.

By: MM

My friends are adpi at different schools. They have really strong nationals so overall they are a solid house.

By: True

adpi alum live on this site checkkk

By: bahaha

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I think you need to transfer to UGA or UF

By: lol

AdPi isn't the top house at UF either. One of the top is a better statement.

You either pick your house based on the one that tugs at your heart or pick your house based on national reputation. It's your call.

By: gabs

This is a troll post of drama

By: Troll
by: Yep!   

Just another attempt by the unhinged psycho to attack a house of 18-21 year olds. Clearly an Adpi stole someone’s boyfriend.

By: Yep!
by: both    

most of the GR posts/comments are either from trolls that don't even go to Bama or people with vendettas against someone in a particular house. both of which like to create drama here

By: both


By: RC

coming from Texas - ADPi is a low tier sorority and is not desired at all.

By: hmm

I believe in Alpha Delta Pi.
I believe that my sorority is more than a ritual; that it is a way of life.
I believe that the principles established by our founders in 1851 are enduring attributes, exemplifying the highest ideals of Christian womanhood.
I believe that our motto "We Live For Each Other", expresses the true spirit of fraternity; and that by living this motto my life will be enriched by true friendships and by unselfish service to mankind.
I believe that the privilege of membership in Alpha Delta Pi brings the responsibility to do my best in whatever I undertake, always remembering that leadership requires confidence tempered with humility and courage blended with tolerance. I believe that I must strive to become a well-balanced person by following the dictates of the four points symbolized by our diamond-shaped badge: first, strengthening my own character and personality; second watching my attitudes towards my fellow-beings; third, recognizing the value of high educational standards; and fourth, developing faith and loyalty.
I believe that these four guide-posts, guarded by the stars and friendly hands clasped in Adelphean bonds of fellowship will lead me to achieve a rich and useful life.

By: Yes!
by: Troll   

There is something seriously wrong w u. This is low even for a troll. U must have a miserable life

By: Troll

Adpi best door chant! It’s number sorority #1 on family guy.

By: Adpi

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