
Real Ranks going into 2024 - updated with grades


PiPhi, ADPi, DZ, DG

Posted By: Greek girl
Page 3 of 3

Dg no …

By: Dg down

This is so wrong. This has to be done by a 40 year old mom. No one cares about grades or money raised. PNMs care about social and if they like the look of that sorority. When I rushed, the only person who ever mentioned grades was my mom. I wanted either zeta, aphi, or phi mu. I am in honors, so that shows I care about grades. But not enough to pick my sorority based on them. I wanted to be invited to parties and a fun college experience. I realize now that sororities who lack the social and looks hold on to the grades argument and the philanthropy as much as they can bc it’s all they have. And I have been on presidents or deans list every semester despite bc I care about my grades. No sorority can make someone care.

By: No way
by: ?    

Freshmen care about social. After that you want a sorority where you actually have friends too. Once you start going to bars, you will meet lots of fraternity boys and through your own social media. You don't need your sorority for parties except for fall of freshman year. After that, you will go where you want to go with boys you want to be with and will have friends everywhere. You do want philanthropy and to be in a sorority you want to stay in all 4 years. Build experience to get a job. Poor aphi - yes girls want them freshman year but then look at ST and her friends either kicked out or dropped and many of my friends dropped them too because after the freshman year of hanging with pike and pi kapp they get bored and without a good sisterhood there is nothing keeping them there. Out of the 3 you mentioned, Zta is definitely the best as not only looks house but has substance to back it up. PM is also great - but still a little too southern for most.

By: ?

DG down one and AGD is bottom of that row.

By: Truth

Why are there so many rank posts on here? This is all subjective.

By: Um


By: yoyo

stop basing ranking on looks. zta will never be top.

By: hello
by: Zta   

Zta is top in so many ways: pnms love them , grades, philanthropy ( their breast cancer gymnastic meet, bbq, crawfish is well know everywhere and so well attended) , involvement in campus, and retention- their senior crawl had the most girls I’ve seen yet , and most pnms I know coming up wants them even your bham girls. Look how many Alabama girls are zta now - that says a lot

By: Zta
by: Wrong   

Their sisterhood is weak.

By: Wrong
by: Not really   

I don't think zta sisterhood is weaker than any other. Their retention is good because even if they don't like their sisters, they have at least a friend group in there and honestly that is enough. And honestly the rep of being a zta is also keeping them there.

By: Not really
by: ?   

Of course in a perfect world no one would care about looks but pnms do and they see zta has a lot of pretty girls. Alabama overall the sorority girls are prettier than many other schools, but for zta the majority of the girls in the house are pretty. Therefore, they will continue to be top for young 17/18 year old girls who want to be associated with pretty girls so they have access to the most frat boys. And anyone says they never met a boy who has only took a girl to a date party because she was a zta is lying.

By: ?

Gphi is bottom. Put it after SK

By: Nope

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