
fraternity and sorority rank


top- kappa, tri delt, kd, chi o, phi mu
top- ka, dke, sae, phi delt, snu, pi kapp, phi gam

sorta top- zeta, alpha gam, alpha chi
sorta top- pike, beta, sigma chi, theta chi

mid- adpi, pi phi, dz
mid- beta, sig ep, phi psi

sorta mid- aopi, aphi, dg, gphi
lower mid- kappa sig, zbt

low-theta, sk
low- dtd, chi psi, lambda

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Kappa and KD r not top houses, they have awful grades. To be on top, u have to have the whole package

By: ?

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by: orly   

Ha. They are both higher than the #1 fraternity. They are not “awful’ grades.

By: orly
by: grades   

They are low compared to top sorority. We can't compare fraternity and sorority grades. When people say awful - not literally but in comparison.

By: grades
by: Grades   

Neither KD or kappa r in top 10 for grades for SORORITIES. That automatically takes them out of the “top”.

By: Grades
by: um   

#3 is 3.6x and #13 is 3.5x. So awful! You need to find a different metric to try to bring Kappa and KD down, ‘cause GPA isn’t it. It just makes you look silly and irrational.

By: um
by: Huh   

@um right ranks don’t matter when it comes to or houses but wait until the summer when people get on here to bash aphi and that’s their #1 reason . Fine don’t look at grades but please call out the other hypocrites before rush when they call out aphi, gphi, etc. I think it’s about time to realize that other houses are doing better than the two of them.

By: Huh

ATO and Dchi died i guess

By: Huh

Ato is sorta top and delta chi never lived

By: …

I would switch DZ and Aphi

By: switch
by: Def no   

DZ has deserved their upward movement, they got a great PC and have really become desired. APhi had a good PC too but their past ones were so bad that they aren't quite there yet

By: Def no
by: Huh??   

@ by: Def no, this is the Alabama Greekrank page. I think you're confused.

By: Huh??

Aphi up and ADPi down

By: Change
by: and   

pi phi down too

what is it with adpi and piphi on this site. routinely they are ranked a row ahead of where they really are.

alum pr teams working overtime? i noticed it in the last recruitment. their hype does not match results.

By: and
by: huh   

so what is your deal with adpi and pi phi? You really think they are on here fighting for what level of mid? You seem to have something personal with them. I always think if a girl has a problem with another girl or girls it's not right to take it out on her house which you seem to be doing.

By: huh
by: Again?   

@and—-You can’t help yourself can you? Is this a medical condition? Were you dropped by them? Did the guy you like choose someone in either of these chapters? it’s a comedic agenda at this point…..every post. SMH

By: Again?
by: Huh   

Ok aphi hahahahaha

By: Huh

question about this - is this chi psi or chi phi on this list?

By: question - psi or phi

meant to put chi phi my bad

By: …

I never understand bama rankings… the girls in aphi are so gorgeous is it not solely based on appearance like most schools?

By: Not from here
by: Overall   

Every house at Bama has gorgeous girls and every house has average girls. Rankings here are based on several things incuding: sisterhood, social, academics, campus involvement, philanthropy, retention, and to some degree whether the house is OR or NR. Being just "Hot" in a house with high turnover won't get you ranked as high as being "Hot" and in a house that has higher academics, is involved on campus, and that has a strong sisterhood.

By: Overall
by: @overall   

Not really. These are social memberships. There are academic clubs on campus if people want to join those for a lot cheaper $ than a sorority. No one joins a sorority for academics. People join for social reasons. For instance is KKG - A top house in recruitment year after year.

By: @overall

But first round cuts are grades based so yeah, academics do play a role. Maybe not for you but for other girls it’s important and for the social aspect, many girls want to associate with other high achieving women which isn’t any less important than partying for other girls.

By: @notreally
by: This   


By: This

This is it, finally a good list

By: It

Switch DZ and Aphi and this one is close

By: Close

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