
Dear lurkers-I’m tired


Let’s say a girl comes through who is from a politically important family in her town. Pledging her means that for the next four years other people in that town view your house as “top” because you got her. If she was average looking, but it meant you would get everyone else you wanted after her-you would pledge her. THAT is what a house means when it says it got a top class or got the girls they wanted. It may be different for PM vs XO vs KD, etc…but that is what they are trying to explain to you. They aren’t posturing. They didn’t underperform. They really are happy with who they got. So please stop telling them who to take or what you think.

Posted By: Long time here
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Someone said it. Thank God.

By: Ffffffffffffffffffggg

I'm genuinely curious -- to what end? Like okay, they get the politically important person's daughter so that all the other people from one town want to rush that sorority? And then what? You get invited to more frat things? Like what is the end goal here?

By: end goal

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by: Long time here   

It keeps a reputation in that town. Add enough towns over enough years, you have a general consensus that’s hard to move. You also have power on campus. Your girls get picked for honors, committees, teams, and anything else that builds a resume. You get the coveted internships. Greek life at Alabama is long game for a lot of girls in the houses. It isn’t just parties. It isn’t just who is hot. If you can add that, it bumps you over another established house.

By: Long time here

But then why do we still have stupid tiers? Not every sorority is looking for the same thing and not every girl going through Rush is looking for the same thing either. Like honestly, what is the fundamental difference between PiPhi and AXO? A slight difference in grades? AXO has a few more girls from the south?

Like I've been on this campus for 3 years and I cannot for the life of me understand what makes the sororities that have more southern girls "better" in any way from the sororities that have more out of state girls?

By: Fair enough
by: Tiers   

This is why the current tiers are stupid. You can't tell me that Zeta is not as desired as every single house on OR. They have girls that are connected, involved, and as of last semester, are climbing the grade ranks, not to mention they're known to be a top looks house however they are continuously left off of the "Top Tier" because why?? Can someone answer that for me? I'm not a Zeta but I'm tired of seeing the "oh it's because they're not involved, or they don't have the grades, or they don't have connections" but yet they check all the boxes so please enlighten me.

By: Tiers
by: Bring it on.....   

Let's hear it OR! What you got?

By: Bring it on.....
by: Wait….   

That makes no sense. Aphi doesn’t have the grades and retention that is promoted on here all the time by OR so no, nobody on OR would ever say Aphi has passed Zeta. So again I ask, what is it?

By: Wait….
by: Okay but   

@long time here but so what? If Zeta has been good for the past 5 years, that's as long as any of us have been on campus anyway. No, I'm not from Alabama but personally I don't really care what houses were good in the 1970s.

By: Okay but
by: Actually   

I’m just looking for the counter points. They always promote grades, involvement, connections and retention yet when there’s a NR house meeting and exceeding them in all of those, they go silent. Not looking to someone else for self worth, because we all know who’s top, just looking for justification from OR as to what the argument is now. The rankings here will never change and that is just yet another point as to why anything on this site is so useless.

By: Actually
by: Long time here   

Well, I thought I explained it but I guess not. A few good years won’t make you respected on campus. It has to be long and sustained over many decades. I mean, even look at alpha chi, xo and phi mu. KD and kappa , and AGD will always look down on them as a little bit less than they are because they weren’t first circle. There is always someone that looks for a reason to feel superior.

By: Long time here
by: Long time here   

Sorry, tri delt not kappa

By: Long time here
by: Thanks!   

@longtimehere, thank you for your response. You did explain it well and you did it without bashing anyone which is refreshing for this site. So basically, even with all the claims of “grades, retention, involvement, connections, etc….”, what it really comes down to is how long you’ve been around. So no matter how well any NR house does, they will never make the top tier. I appreciate your honesty. Now, I just wish everyone else could understand that to stop all the bashing.

By: Thanks!
by: Long time here   

No, that isn’t exactly what I was saying. I’m saying it takes a really long time to rise in ranks. Three good years isn’t really anything when you think there are families that can go back five or six generations here. Some of these houses have quadruple legacies. It’s ingrained who the good houses are for those families.

By: Long time here
by: Still though   

@long time here: truthfully, the example of "if Penn State became good and won the Natty for several years..."

Well then yeah, I'd think that Bama has a great history and were a really good team for a long time, but now Penn State is better (that example will never happen btw Thank GOD) but I think it proves my point.

I don't know why OR continues to control the narrative that history is more important than what campus looks like today. Yes, it's moreso on GR than on campus, but it's still the vibe.

By: Still though
by: Long time here   

I guess we could debate this forever and still feel the way we do. I’d say wow, Penn State got lucky this year but it won’t last and they will drop out of the top five/ten soon but Alabama will be there most of the time decade after decade. I just wouldn’t give PS the same respect for being solid. I’m also not saying I speak for anyone other than myself and no one told me to go rep OR. But I do think every house has great things to offer campus and that being Greek at UA is an elite experience no matter what house you are in. I also don’t think there is a clear cut top house.

By: Long time here

Every single chapter has value here. I’m OR, but every single one has something to add to the experience we have in college. Greek life at Bama is the best anywhere and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Panlove.

By: Sbsbsbs

Something that may help any house understand ranks and the infighting is this. Think in your head of a house that you do not ever ever compete with for girls. That type of girl is not on your radar, would never get in your house for whatever reason. Now imagine that in 2028 they are on this website insisting they are the top chapter at Alabama. Not just equal to you, but better than every other house here. Would you accept that?

By: Mary Katherine

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