
ranks after rush 2023

by: kylan darnell

xo, ddd, pm, kappa, axo
kd, zta, pbp, agd
adpi, aphi, gphi
dz, dg, aoii
theta, sk

Posted By: kylan darnell
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#1  by: lol   

I would say the top row are interchangeable depending on personal opinion but agree with the rest.
IMO it would be AXO, PM, XO, DDD, KKG

By: lol
by: Interchangeable Aug 24, 2023 8:28:09 PM

Agree- people usually agree on these top 5 but order them differently. Mine would be AXO KKG PM DDD XO, but I know everyone has their own.

By: Interchangeable
#2  by: Shocked   

We now have proof that at least one actual
Student is on Greekrank. I can’t find a single thing I would change about this one.

By: Shocked
#3  by: Top   

Top row is in no particular order and it depends who you ask. No one will ever let new row houses appear on the top row on Greek rank.
Boys definitely have new row favorites ( hurts some or girls feelings but true).
Girls - new row houses are moving up in grades and are being more involved on campus. So I see a lot of southern girls going new row each year

By: Top
#4  by: Change   

Move PBP down one and GPhi down one.

PBP, ADP and APhi all had a great rush. They go for different things in girls but all had what o would say is an above average rush so they should be on the same line.

GPhi’s rush was not close to these three so they move down maybe on their own like with DZ.

By: Change
by: No aphiAug 24, 2023 2:40:01 PM

PiPhi and Gphi are right were they belong. Lets wait and see how many girls will stick to their choices and become actives. Lets see which chapters will keep their great new members and how involved those great new members will be in our campus orgs. Also DZ got a a very great new member class.

By: No aphi
#5  by: PHI WHO   

Move PM down to the next line. They are not higher than KaPPa , AXO and maybe even KD and Zeta. Their last two pledge classes have been just OK. This year’s pledge class is very similar too ADII. I would go on record saying this year A Phi had a better recruitment than they did. And my opinion they are officially bottom of old row.

by: Ridiculous Aug 24, 2023 3:19:47 PM

So sick of the TT crowd coming on here that doesn’t know anything. No, Aphi did not outrush PM. What are you basing that on? Here are the things that matter at Bama: Grades (I can’t stress this enough), involvement, reputation, and connections. Number of TT followers is irrelevant and the truth will come out as soon as the first grade
report of the school year is issued.

By: Ridiculous
by: ThisAug 25, 2023 1:03:09 AM


By: This
#6  by: My opinion 2023   

This is accurate from what I can tell!

By: My opinion 2023
#7  by: hilarious   

This is ridiculous. Piphi and Adpi alums at it again.

You know - everyone can see the truth.

piphi down 2 rows and adpi down 3 rows. lol

By: hilarious
by: Hilarious whoAug 24, 2023 2:44:36 PM

Sit down Aphi yrs and seniors. The 50 +/– 10 may have a voice but not the reputation or power. Iykyk

By: Hilarious who
#8  by: Ppppfjfbdhhcbchd   

You are drunk. This rank is all wrong.

By: Ppppfjfbdhhcbchd

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