
What was sorority quota????

by: Quota

What was quota? Did everyone make quota? Is everyone at total? Is there a place to find this info out? Is there a place that shows bid lists? Thanks!

Posted By: Quota
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#11  by: quota additions   

Quota additions are when pnm maximized their options yet were not high enough on either bid list - so they get added to one of their pref houses. It is my understanding that quota is set by the number entering the pref round divided by the number of houses. There is a freshman quota and an upper classman total. A chapter can bid more than quota if they want to as long as they stay under the chapter total established each year - which I believe is 466 for Fall 2023.

By: quota additions
by: RightAug 23, 2023 9:06:05 AM

That’s my understanding of quota additions too. So when you see quota additions for a house, that may mean that they met quota with their top bid list, which is a good thing for them, but needed to take girls who were on their second bid list because those girls are guaranteed a bid at one of those two prefs. So it’s not a bad thing if you see a house taking quota additions.

By: Right
by: Quota…Aug 23, 2023 9:08:27 AM

You are correct. It does not have to do with how many girls are in the chapter. That is more related to COB. Quota additions are to ensure the PNMs who made it through the process end up with a house.

By: Quota…
#12  by: quota additions and total   

Quota is a set number that chapters can't exceed when making their bid lists. Quota additions are members who didn't initially match anywhere but maximized their options, so are added to a house's already "full" bid list. Chapters don't get to decide if or how many quota additions they have, and it has nothing to do with retention or popularity. It's simply placing everyone who maximized their options into a chapter. Once formal recruitment is over, the new total is set. Chapters under total are eligible--but aren't required--to participate in COB.

You could just as easily say chapters that didn't have quota additions aren't popular, because once they filled their bid lists no one else wanted them (that's not true, I'm just pointing out that the popularity statement doesn't make sense).

By: quota additions and total
by: . Aug 23, 2023 10:35:27 AM

That’s not completely correct.

Example: House A gets quota of 127, and now has a chapter total above 466 as set by Panhellenic.

House B get quota of 127, but only has a chapter total of 450. House B gets quota additions up to house total before any get added to House A.

So low quota additions= high house retention. Strong chapters will be closest to quota.

The only reason full houses get any quota additions is because the PNM may have preffed two houses that hit house totals, so those houses get a couple of quota additions due to bid guarantee.

By: .
by: So.....Aug 23, 2023 10:41:58 AM

If the PNM doesn't rank high enough with either house she chose for Pref then she will go to the house with the lower total house number? Just making sure I understand correctly.

By: So.....
by: Not QuiteAug 23, 2023 11:19:20 AM

I don't think that's exactly right @by. You said House B gets quota additions because they have a lower chapter total. I believe the quota additions happen when the PNM who maximized her pref options isn't high enough on either bid list, so she becomes an addition for the house that she ranked higher of the two. It's not based on the house's numbers. If this is true, then quota additions could potentially be a sign of a house that the "extra" girls ranked higher.

By: Not Quite
#13  by: COB??   

When does COB start??

By: COB??
by: it already hasAug 23, 2023 11:06:37 AM

Chapters can start the COB process as soon as Bid Day, so if you're interested in COB, go to the UA Panhellenic Website and fill out the COB interest form.

By: it already has

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