
Greek Rank Better than Reality TV


I'm sure this post is going to generate at least one or two negative comments and I'm completely fine with it. I am a college graduate and long since been working in the corporate world. Came to know about how big greek life is at Alabama through social media like most other folks and then heard about Greek Rank.

I gotta hand it to you young ladies in particularly...the viciousness, immaturity, pettiness, and hatred that you show each other and each other's house is BETTER than any reality TV!! Thank you ladies for keeping the drama and negativity "next level" on this website. I feel like I know each house's reputation and girls that are a part of a specific house on a personal level, almost like a character on a TV show! Yall show a whole new side of insecurity, jealousy, and immaturity that I never experienced amongst my friend group while I was in college. So once again, a big thank you for keeping me entertained.

My last comment and this comes free of charge. When you graduate and start applying for jobs, an employer gives ZERO F$CKS about what fraternity/sorority you were in......ZERO. It doesn't open doors like you think it does contrary to what people will tell you. You will be judged on your qualifications and work experience so during your college years focus on getting an education, working/internships, and having fun...these will get you further in life post graduation than what fraternity/sorority you were affiliated with.

Posted By: Doesn't Matter
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Dude, your last paragraph is correct. But if you think that the Bama sorority members are the majority of posters on this awful anonymous site, and not a bunch of random people on the outside looking in, just like you, you are too gullible and easily fooled to preach to anybody.

By: oh please

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by: Whaaaaat?!?!?!?   

When reading this original post, I didn't interpret the message as implying that only BAMA sorority members are the ones posting on this site...."young ladies" can be inclusive to both greek members and non.

I think the bigger message which can't be disputed is that there is a level of behavior that is going on within this website that really is fit for reality tv and quite frankly makes BAMA greek life look VERY bad. That is a factual statement and one I think we can all agree on.

By: Whaaaaat?!?!?!?
by: Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv   

Judgy. Are you alpha chi or alpha Gam?

By: Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

@Doesn't Matter is "spot on".....I would much prefer a reality tv show of these girls tearing each other apart than that boring docu-series that was made!

These girls are vicious towards one another and I am here for it!!!


By: Preach!!!
by: eh   

Nah, it's like a nasty puppet show. Greekrankers are wearing dolls on their hands and waving them around on here to play pretend, while hiding themselves behind the scenes and shouting to the audience that they really are actual sorority women. Only children and idiots believe in the puppets.

By: eh

If the posters on this site were actual Bama sorority girls this site would be dead today. Everyone reported to their houses early this morning and they will be way to busy all day for a site like this. There are trolls on every online platform, read the comments on just about anything and you’ll see nasty humans tearing each other down. People love to hide behind a keyboard and spew hate.

By: Posters
by: Agreed...Sort Of   

Agreed with this comment....sort of but don't you think this website is kind of like a walking train-wreck??? You know you shouldn't look but you just can't help it!!

I mean even the most self-righteous greek members get on here from time to time just to "look"....it's human nature.

By: Agreed...Sort Of

I really appreciate your post! The negative attacks are especially ruthless and hurtful recently.

While some may be from trolls, I think a good number ARE from a handful of unhappy sorority girls deadset on tearing another house down to make themselves feel better.

It's like a competition to be the best on-line bully, and for them, there's no such thing as going too far.

By: Thank you!
by: Couldn't be more right   

@Thank you!! You couldn't be more right with what you stated and I agree NOT every post is from a troll.

It's also very clear that 85% of the posts on this site are about the sororities. Rarely are there many posts about the fraternities and most definitely not calling out/name dropping boys in specific on this site like the women. It really portrays women in such a negative light.

By: Couldn't be more right

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