
Retention rates 2022-2023


Here’s how many girls dropped each house from Fall ‘22 - Spring ‘23. Some of these are Dec graduates, but the houses furthest down the list have major problems with retention/girls dropping out.

From best to worst:
KD: -5
AXO: -10
XO: -12
AGD: -14
ZTA: -16
PM: -18
AOPi: -19
KKG: -21
GPhi: -22
DDD: -29
PiPhi: -30
DG: -31
SK: -39
DZ: -41
ADPi: -54
Theta: -56
APhi: -58

Posted By: the unhappy drop out
Page 1 of 3

Yea this doesn’t surprise me. My former house is near the bottom lololol. I wish more drop-outs would be open about their experiences honestly.

By: Drop-out
by: Belle   

Why did you drop? Some of these numbers are concerning.

By: Belle
by: Drop-out   

^ No sense of belonging and it felt very poorly ran

By: Drop-out
by: retention   

This is the only rank that counts. No one cares how many top girls or TikTok girls pledged your house. If they drop out then your house sucks.

By: retention

I know there are quite a few drops, but don't forget about graduates...

By: remember
by: Important   

Retention is important

By: Important

It would be more telling if the number separated graduates but there still is a big difference in the middle and bottom.


I feel like SK and KAT are just kinda expected…no offense at all to them. For Aphi it really just seems apart of their culture at this point, as in their party girls are more there for their swap schedule and rep with boys, then drop bc they hate to follow rules. What’s with ADPI and DZ though????

By: Ok

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by: Do better   

Rude AF. Find your manners.

By: Do better

Explain your math. For instance, the last one on the list, Alpha Phi...according to university records they had 442 at the end of Fall 2022. At the end of Spring they had 414. That is a difference of 28 - not 58. At over 400 members - equally distributed among the classes. Probably there were about 100 seniors at the time and some graduated at the end of Fall. 28 is not an unreasonable number of graduates at that time of year.

As to the 30 new members they took in the spring...well they were under chapter ceiling and had the room.

Same with the other chapters.

A more accurate comparison would be the amount of drops vs. the total number of members. SK down 37 is a more sizable potential drop than Theta for instance. \n\n\n\n\n

By: ummm
by: Math   

Alpha Phi here is your math:

58 dropped
+ 30 Spring COB replacements

So yes>>>> 58 dropped

By: Math
by: @math   

I am not an Alpha Phi, Theta, or ADPi.

COB recruitment has nothing to do with drop outs. It is all about chapter ceiling. You can't magically add COB numbers to actual drop numbers.

Apparently you are one of those trolls on this site who doesn't like some or all of the houses at the end of your list.

By: @math

If you look at the sororities with less than 20 drops, you will notice these are the sororities that are well balanced, well-liked, a good mix of in-state and oos, smart, pretty inside/out, and have strong national support (KD, Phi Mu, AXO, AGD, AOII, Zeta, and XO).

by: CCDEV   


Only 3 of these KD, Phi Mu, AXO, AGD, AOII, Zeta, and XO actually place in the top 10 of strongest KD, ZETA and XO.
Theta , KKG, ADII, DG, Tri Delta, Pi Phi and DZ are much stronger nationally than the AXO, AGD, Aoii and Phi Mu. If we are being honest Phi Mu's only strong chapters are at a few SEC schools.

by: False   

This is false. All of these sororities are strong nationally and locally…

By: False

I think if you could land in the top 8 on this list, you will be very happy. RTR!

By: SRAT 2023

Based on actual university reports here is the real list of the difference in the numbers of sorority members at the end of Fall 2022 and at the end of Spring 2023:

KD - 5
AXO - 10
GPhi - 11
XO - 12
ZTA - 13
AGD, AOPi, DG - 14
PM - 18
KKG - 21
APhi, DZ - 28
DDD - 29
PiPhi - 30
SK - 35
ADPi - 48
KAT - 49

These are simply the facts. Anyone can google Alabama grade report and get the same data.

Do not listen to the trolls on this site.

By: The Truth
by: ^   

Your facts have no context. The difference in membership between the end of fall and the end of spring is a reflection of members lost AND members gained in that time period.

End of Fall - graduations & drops + COB = End of Spring

The membership numbers don't mean a thing without that context. Memberships are constantly changing and the CAUSE of the change is an important variable.

If there is a net loss of 10 members between Fall and Spring, that doesn't mean they only lost 10, they could have lost 50 and picked up 40 through COB.

By: ^
by: @by   

And who are you to provide the context?

Why did DDD and PiPhi have a net loss of 29 and 30, respectively, while ZTA had only a net loss of 13? Does that make DDD and PiPhi less strong than Zeta? Or did they have more seniors that graduated?

If Alpha Phi was able to recruit 30 new members in the Spring of 2023 doesn't that speak to their overall strength? They still ended up the academic year with only 17 less than Phi Mu.

The old lady trolls on this site really need to stop.

By: @by
by: Math   

Panhellenic reports, simple math, and basic statistics provide the context, honey. Mindblowing I know. Read that comment again about context and try to understand. Here, I'll type slow for you: COB is the major missing statistic here. Without including the COB numbers these net differences mean nothing. And no, lots of COB does NOT indicate strength in a chapter. Taking way over quota in recruitment also does not indicate strength. Both of these indicate the exact opposite and happen for chapters that are struggling to keep membership numbers up. Cherry picking numbers can fool some people, like you, as proved on this ridiculous thread.

By: Math
by: @math   

If you want the meds to work, you really need to take them EVERY day.

By: @math
by: so original   

Is that all ya got? Because no one's EVER said that on greekrank before.

By: so original
by: Math   

Oh you so mean. Make sad. I am cry.

By: Math
by: @math   

Sorry, the numbers speak for themselves. Everyone can see that.

Again, COB has nothing to do with retention. It is based on what houses have reached chapter total for the campus.

A house can have 100% retention and still be under chapter total and be able to recruit COB.

Also, some houses that are under chapter total choose not to COB. It is expensive and time consuming.

For anyone who is interested in the truth, please google alabama grade report and you can check for yourselves.

There are trolls on this site who want to fool you.

By: @math

Is this news? Many NR houses are towards the bottom because they tend to extend bids to PNMs that aren’t from Southern towns where their sorority affiliation post graduation will be meaningful to them social, or they are in houses where if you drop, your friends who remain in the house are encouraged to disaffiliate with you.

I’m a rising senior and have been an Active at one the houses at the bottom of this list. I dropped over the summer because I’m no longer interested in parties, darties, etc., I’ve met all my friends, I’m living off campus, I have an internship that is going to take up a lot of my time, I’m applying to medical school, have a serious boyfriend who used to be in a fraternity, etc. Paying $9,000 for another year hair didn’t make sense. I’ll still be able to hang with my sisters, etc. I had a great time in my house and even lived there sophomore year. I have no regrets but I’ve outgrown it.

I don’t think I’m very different than many juniors or seniors who do the same thing. I don’t think these numbers reflect how happy or unhappy a house full of members. AGD has some of the most unhappy upper class man on the Row and they are near the tip of this list.

It’s not that deep.

By: I don’t get this
by: sad...   

While I understand your reasons for dropping out as an active member, sorority membership is for a lifetime. I'm from a northern state and a rising senior. Over the summer, I've met so many sisters from other chapters of my sorority and made connections that will help me when I graduate. While I might not be down for all the social stuff as a senior, I'm not willing to give up my membership just because I'm a senior. Too bad all of our chapters aren't educating their members on membership for a lifetime.

By: sad...
by: @Same   

As someone living in California, I can confirm that you will more often than not hide your sorority affiliation. If it comes up in conversation great, but otherwise it really isn't a net plus.

By: @Same

Here is the relative size of each house. A house with a lot of members can afford all of the programs, socials, etc. SK is new so they are still building. This is normal.

Top size:

AGD - 445
AXO - 441
KD - 438
XO - 435
KKG - 434
DDD - 433
PM - 431

AOPi - 426
ZTA - 420
PiPhi - 416
DG - 415
APhi - 414
DZ - 411

GPhi - 395
ADPi - 392
KAT - 321

SK (new) - 236

By: A more meaningful list
by: I can’t stay quiet   

I’m a SK, we can afford all the programs, social, etc. The implication that we can’t is BS. Stop already. We are the newest house on the Row and our house is being built. I’m so tired of everyone questioning our social calendar, sisterhood, etc. It’s exhausting and NOT supportive of any new house on the Row MEANWHILE you all complain about house sizes being too big.

Theta just got their new house 3 years ago and have climbed significantly since then but nobody wants to acknowledge that. Instead, OR just keeps the outdated stereotypes alive.

Before them, it was Gphi. They were kicked around by OR unnecessarily for close to 8 years. I’m sure they are glad not to be targets anymore.

Aphi continues to have to defend themselves on here daily because some OR moms are threatened or care way too much about a college they haven’t attended for 25 years.

Zeta is a big target too because they keep climbing and climbing and the 50 year old Southern alumni and moms can’t have that. This just happens to be a lost they can’t use against Zeta.

I have no idea what’s going on with ADpi.

I’d also say that we have to do measured growth. We can’t just effectively transition 200 new members into our house in one year. Do you know how hard that would be on our current members?

I hate this site. If any PNM only read this site and believed the garbage on it, they’d be fools to go through recruitment. I’m thankful the reality on campus is nothing like GR.

I wish all the house well…even the ones where their toxic members keep posting negative garbage about other houses to make themselves feel better.

By: I can’t stay quiet
by: ADPi   

The reason a ton of girls have dropped ADPi was the exec board. Making up new ridiculous rules as they went along. Wouldn't let others vote on it. A big clique and wouldn't let others have positions in the house. A lot got fed up and dropped.

By: ADPi
by: We got you!   

I’m rooting for all the houses to be successful. The last thing my house needs is being forced to extend bids to more PNMs.

I’m in OR and at the top of this list and my bestie from Tut is in a bottom house on this list. Dare I say, our experiences at every similar. We just swap more with OR fraternities and they swap with Jefferson house. And there is not a lot of difference in the fraternity guys either other than their hometowns….height🤣🤣🤣 If you know, you know about the height comment.

By: We got you!
by: 👏    

Yes SK queen spitting the TRUTH!

By: 👏

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