
sorority 2021 pledge class rankings

by: roll tideeeeee

In no particular order:

Phi mu, zeta, pi phi, Aphi

Phi mu always has been top with majority southern girls nice smart trendy

Zeta has trendy girls although their pc 21 kinda fell a little bit causing them to drop a little

Pi phi got a great pc this year trendy pretty girls who are a lot of fun and is slowly rising

Alpha phi got a lot of famous girls and are very pretty and loveee to go out

Posted By: roll tideeeeee
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#1  by: Yeah   

True on all, but I'd add AXO, ADPI and AGD to the list. They all 3 did really well too, regardless of what trolls say on here.

By: Yeah
#2  by: no   

nah pi phi did AWFUL this year very lame pc. log off GR, pi phi. even ADPI did better than them..

By: no
by: ummmSep 27, 2021 11:18:11 PM

thats why they got most of the girls that aphi wanted right??

By: ummm
by: lolSep 29, 2021 11:40:51 AM

Girls chose Aphi over pi phi and vice versa.

By: lol
#3  by: pocket v   

these ranks are hoot

By: pocket v
by: UhhSep 29, 2021 3:42:56 PM

Not a rank, genius

By: Uhh
#4  by: Lol    

Bump this, phi Mu, Pi Phi and Aphi swept, aphi didn’t get the ‘quality’ the other two did. Just honest.

By: Lol
#5  by: not really   

It's weird and kinda creepy that old geezers come on here and want to judge our sororities by how "smokin hot" the girls are. Yeeech! If you participated in recruitment, you know which girls were highly recruited and which ones weren't. That's why A Phi, even though they got a lot of pretty girls, isn't a great house. They got gils that outher houses released for QR and grades. So don't judge our houses by looks. In fact, old men shouldn't be judging our houses at all

By: not really
by: OofSep 29, 2021 10:57:00 AM

Yeah, no one thinks a guy wrote this

By: Oof
by: Oh okaySep 29, 2021 7:32:58 PM

Alpha Phi’s best girls already dropped out. They’re still a bottom mid house.

By: Oh okay
#6  by: Lol   

Ok aphi nice try, you will never be top

By: Lol
#7  by: Wow!    

The obsessed anti Aphi/Pi Phi/Phi Mu troll actually paid to have posts calling her out deleted.

Poor widdle baby had her widdle fewings hurt. 🥺

By: Wow!

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