
sorority descriptions

by: l

aphi- rich pretty blonde tan party girls from wherever
zeta- rich insta baddie, get jersey and li vibes
pm- same as aphi but just the south
agd- bible girls
gphi- same as aphi basically
kd and kkg- pretty and rich rich
axo and chi o- smart, church girls
dg and dz- mediocre

Posted By: l
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#1  by: Dumb   

Just stupid, shreds of truth are a little dated and also over generalize. \n\n\n\n\n

By: Dumb
#2  by: No   

Aphi aren’t even known as the pretty house anymore. Just easy girls lmao

By: No
by: PleaseJan 14, 2021 11:24:05 AM

Yes, s##t shame away if it makes you feel better about yourself.

By: Please
by: Troll Jan 14, 2021 12:44:08 PM

Yeah you’re definitely a troll

By: Troll
by: WellJan 14, 2021 3:48:46 PM

It’s not trolling if it’s true

By: Well
by: Nick SabanJan 14, 2021 4:29:59 PM

aphi is just skinny blonde and orange lmaooo

By: Nick Saban
by: Doesn‘t matter Jan 15, 2021 5:07:34 AM

APhi will recover but AGD and ADP will suffer from being far right extremists

By: Doesn‘t matter
#3  by: Rest   

What about the rest of the sororities?

By: Rest

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