
What sorority is the hardest to get into

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I’ve heard a lot of different answers I’m just curious

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#1  by: Depends   

It really depends, some sororities that are “hard” to get into could be easy for others. It just depends on who you are and what the sorority looks for. Obviously the “top tiers” are ones often desired by everyone but can’t take everyone. So if you’re a regular girl with nothing special, no special grades, extracurriculars, or even zip code well chances are very low for those sororities compared to other girls who have those qualities the sorority wants. Some middle tier houses may even seem hard to get into for a girl who doesn’t have decent grades, decent looks, or even decent personality. Just don’t worry about the “hardest house” and focus on yourself and the house that you would fit in to, not one you want to be in that you won’t really fit in.

By: Depends

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