Phi mu or kappa
by: IdkBoth old row what’s the difference...I know they have pretty houses but what about the girls and morals?
#2 by: Guest
Both are good houses but not very similar. Phi mus are more appearance oriented/care a lot about image/reputation and are more involved on campus. Kappa cares much less about this but is snobby towards people people outside the kappa bubble (people who are “in” that bubble are from New Orleans, mountain brook, mobile, atlanta; and are in KD, dke, SAE, phi delt). Neither house is necessarily a grades focused house but that doesn’t mean they don’t have studious girls who make good grades— it just means they aren’t a house like alpha gam or alpha chi that prides themselves on grades. Kappa is wilder and more laid back.
#4 by: .
both great houses. kappa loves to have a good time and that makes them fun. phi mu does too but is more structured as in requirement of campus things and their grades do matter to them . phi mu has more diversity in where the girls are from nationwide. kappa is fun but there can be some snotty girls in there. phi mu cares more about appearance i think.
#5 by: Truth
Both houses have pretty girls. Both have money.
Phi Mus do come off as more classy. They are more diverse. They get girls from everywhere. They are more involved on campus and have more of an internet presence.
Kappas are more blonde girl pretty. They rush girls from the South. They r MIA
#7 by: 5678
im sorry but if yall are being so honest and if you are on campus there are some really really not attractive kappas and very heavy ones too.....u can be mean about SR to PM but you prob need to look at your own pledge class, generally speaking PM has way more attractive girls as a whole. I would even say that when comparing my my pledge class. Have friends in PM and Kappa and both and they are all nice, some Kappas can be snotty though
#9 by: no one cares
they are both good if u want to party and not be involved on campus go kappa end of story if you want more of a structured sisterhood that will push you to grow pledge phi mu or something else its not really that deep and someone is damn obsessed over this pick a new topic
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by: Lol!!May 4, 2023 5:05:38 AM
Reading this old post - how times have changed!!!!