
Who’s the Pnm that


Who’s the pnm that dropped and everyone is mad about because they were a “wanted” pnm?????

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Bump I’m lost

By: Bump
by: Yes   

Someone pls let me know I’ve never been so lost in my life

By: Yes

let’s not dox anyone!

By: uhh

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She doesn’t exist. No one is that butthurt over 1 pnm out of 2000.

By: Juul
by: Lol   

Seems like they do

By: Lol
by: Juul   

No we just get pissed when anonymous people come here to say they’re dropping out and bash us in the process. Individual PNMs are inconsequential.

By: Juul
by: Woof   

Girl give it UP you sound so crazy IT DOESNT AFFECT YOU STOP TAKING IT SO PERSONALLY. If these pnms got on here and said your name and started talking about how awful you are then yeah, I’d understand it. BUT they haven't said your name, they haven’t said your houses name, they haven’t done ANYTHING to upset you this much. Please seek therapy because you clearly have some insecurity issues that you need to tackle if you’re dragging this out the way you are

By: Woof
by: Holly   

If a couple of yall drop there’s dozens more behind you just dying for a spot.

By: Holly
by: Sassy   

It’s sassy who dropped out and everyone’s upset

By: Sassy
by: Juul   

@woof take a xanex, you’re the one who sounds absolutely manic. They are talking about how awful WE ALL are but go off.

By: Juul
by: Woof   

Wow that comment hurt so much. What will I ever do! At least spell check is on my side. And baby girl, I do have a prescription but alas, I don’t need to take one. It’s you who has your panties all up in a wad because some girls figured out Greek life wasn’t for them. You still haven’t answered, how does this in any way affect you at all?

By: Woof
by: Juul   

@woof I could ask you the same thing. And resorting to attacking spelling and grammar? Always a sign that you’re def winning an argument.

By: Juul
by: Woof   

And by the way, I know you’re not the brightest because you have some spelling issues that you need to take care of, perhaps pick up a dictionary instead of fighting with 18 year olds, but Xanax doesn’t cure manic episodes. Just an FYI!

By: Woof
by: Woof   

Well you’re continuing to beat a dead horse. You must be upset about something!

By: Woof
by: Juul   

@woof Oh honey. I’m the one beating a dead horse? I tried to bury the thing finally but here you are to resurrect it one more time. And Xanax is used to help cope with manic episodes in bipolar disorder. But I misspelled something so 🤷‍♀️

By: Juul
by: Woof   

Baby girl, you’re the one who brought the issue to another thread. Again, beating a dead horse. Which is why I felt the need to comment again. Stop bullying people because you’re insecure. It’s not cute.

Also, it’s for PANIC disorder, not manic. Nice try again tho!

By: Woof
by: Juul   

@woof hahahhahahahahahahhaha holy $hit you’re a loon.

By: Juul
by: Woof   

And you’re a bully with no life 😘

By: Woof
by: Juul   

Rubber, glue, you know the rest.

By: Juul
by: Jesus   


By: Jesus

Good way to make the pnms want ur house. No wonder so few girls who actually live in Alabama go to UA.

By: !!!

Was it Ella m who dropped?

By: Was it
by: G   

Nope she’s still in

By: G

Stop being so nosey.

By: No

It was me!

By: Dixie

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