
why i dropped from rush

by: pnm

i personally dropped because i feel like my GPA limited my options. i knew there were more houses i could have fallen in love with but my GPA held me back. i decided to drop out of rush and rush next year. i know many other girls who have dropped from recruitment this year, and if you have/ had the confidence to do that, props to you! it takes a lot but remember those little greek letters do not define you, if you have them, if you don’t

Posted By: pnm
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#1  by: Bump :(   

Thank you! I feel like girls have treated me REALLY badly for dropping but it wasn’t because I was being disrespectful or didn’t feel like some house wasn’t good enough for me, it was because this experience has been really horrible for me and I didn’t expect it at all

By: Bump :(
by: PNMAug 12, 2020 6:22:03 PM

same. i’ve gotten a full card back for philanthropy and sisterhood and i dropped this morning. it’s not coming from a place of being stuck up or anything like that. i just havent enjoyed my week or felt like i was connecting or falling in love anywhere.

#2  by: pnm   

this is so refreshing to see that other girl feel the same way. i do have a good gpa, and ive gotten full cards for the past two rounds but the houses ive loved have dropped me each round. i just think zoom has really limited rush. like actives cant get a good feel for the pnms and the other way around. i feel bad because ive put so much time finding recs, making a resume, and etc but i dont join a sorority if i dont love it

By: pnm
#3  by: Wow    

Y’all are brats

By: Wow
by: yesAug 12, 2020 6:59:45 PM

how are we brats LMAO y’all love to be like “rush is all about you, do what’s best for you” and then we do and y’all are so pissed. grow up

By: yes
by: :(Aug 12, 2020 7:01:03 PM

That’s what I’m saying I’m not trying to be a brat at all and I would be honored to take a bid from any house but my experience with rush has been so bad

By: :(
by: ??Aug 12, 2020 7:03:02 PM

What has been so bad?

By: ??
by: HiAug 12, 2020 7:22:25 PM

They sound entitled to me

By: Hi
#4  by: Fall plans   

1). Rush can be overwhelming. You may find that the COB process is less stressful, and you may find a sorority you like this fall or next spring that way.
2). If your high school GPA was an obstacle, think now about what you can do differently to ensure that your first year grades at Alabama are stronger. There are fantastic resources on campus for writing or tutoring support, but you have to seek out the help.

By: Fall plans
by: LolAug 12, 2020 7:41:42 PM

That just makes me feel so bad because it’s like why did I even try

By: Lol
#5  by: Active   

Real talk I know y’all think in person would be different but I hate to tell y’all this... WE KNOW WHO WE WANT BEFORE WE EVEN SAY HI TO YOU. We spend all summer picking our bid list. Nothing would have been different. Even if we had a killer conversation chances are if you weren’t on our list already you would get a bid. I know this sounds harsh but it’s the true reality

By: Active
by: Please explainAug 12, 2020 7:20:56 PM

So if we made it to sisterhood does that mean we are somewhere on the bid list?

By: Please explain
by: YepAug 12, 2020 7:21:44 PM

Yeah I think I would have just fallen through the cracks the way I did now in normal rush. I guess I just wasn’t meant to rush but confidence is deff on 0 now Lol

By: Yep
by: WowAug 12, 2020 7:22:01 PM

Ya and they didn’t want you and you got dropped ... this is why you should never come in thinking what you want to go bc 90% of the time you wouldn’t end up in that house

By: Wow
by: ActiveAug 12, 2020 7:24:27 PM

If you made it to sisterhood round that meant the sorority could see you joining their chapter. You could have been low on the bid list but still had something they saw that they liked.

By: Active
by: truthAug 12, 2020 7:24:40 PM

No. If you make it to pref you are. If you make it to sisterhood, you could just be a filler we'll take if we need to pad our numbers. (ps it's 100% more fun to be a wanted pnm in a lower house than to be a filler in a top house.)

By: truth
by: InterestingAug 12, 2020 7:34:56 PM

You say that you knew who you wanted before rush even started which for some houses I am sure is true. We as pnms are supposed to be ok with that yet if we have a house that we know we want that’s being an entitled brat? Well that seems hypocritical to me. So please explain to me what is the point of recruitment?

By: Interesting
by: then why?Aug 12, 2020 7:47:58 PM

Then why bother with all the time and energy that goes into recruitment if it’s all just a charade? Why are you wasting my time?

By: then why?
#6  by: Truth    

What makes you think your rush next year will be better? If they didn’t want you now they aren’t going to want you then.

By: Truth
#7  by: Guest   

honestly i get all you guys wanting to blame it on zoom but these feelings about rush happen for PNMs every year. it’s a super stressful experience and it can definitely take a hit to your confidence. that’s a big part of why rho chis have to go through so much training. you may enjoy the COB process more but just be aware your options or going to be a lot more limited when it comes to COBing than they are going through formal recruitment. i’m sorry if your experience with formal hasn’t been a good one and hope you still find your place in greek life!

By: Guest
#8  by: B   

I don’t know why everyone is being so mean about this. The people who dropped made a choice that was right for them. They haven’t had a good experience for many different reasons. I have more respect for the girls that drop now than the girls who suicide and then whine when they end up bidless. If it’s not for them right now it’s not for them.

By: B
#9  by: Well   

News flash. Actives know if you have rushed and dropped out. If they didn't like you once then that probably won't change. Girls have very serious medical and family issues during rush and somehow make it through. Zoom is just an excuse. Rush is a BRUTAL process mentally and usually physically. Running from house to house after sitting outside in the hot Alabama heat day after day is exhausting and trying. Not sitting in your air conditioned rooms with sweatpants on under your dress.Try being confident when sweat is making your makeup run down your face. And I hate to break it to you but most girls who COB never went through formal recruitment so houses aren't as prejudgmental, most girls that get bids are already friends with a group of the actives. You aren't the queen of your small town high school club anymore and you're in a big girl world full of girls who rather judge you by what you wear, what your room background looks like, and what kind of financial support you can bring to the chapter.

By: Well
by: GuestAug 12, 2020 8:00:45 PM

I totally agree and I have all of those things so I guess it’s just not my time. Thanks for the advice

By: Guest
#10  by: This is hard   

Welcome to rush at Alabama, it’s brutal no matter what year. This is one of the most competitive, if not the most competitive recruitment in the country. Be proud of making it this far. Don’t take it personal, it it what it is. RTR

By: This is hard

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