
challenging majors


Which sorority has the most girls in really challenging majors. You can't just look at at grades because in some houses, all the girls I know are in easier majors like education. Please don't write how hard education is. I mean easy and hard as relative terms, not absolute terms.

Posted By: question
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They all have everything. But Old Row is typically the MRS. degree gals, so maybe their majors are easier. Mine's pretty average, but a lot of girls in my (new row) house are in engineering/science/math related majors and, relative to me, those are difficult.

By: well

I want to go to medical school eventually so I would love to know what houses have lots of girls that are in majors like science, math, etc. because I know I won't have as much hanging out time as if I were in an easier major. I would like to have supportive sisters who understand instead of nag at me to play more!

By: medical school
by: if   

you want to go to med school, pick an easy major and just take the prerequisites. trust me.

By: if

AOPi has a bunch of girls with those majors.

By: Science
by: AOII   

yeah, but they're not the only ones! Way to brag yourselves up, AOII!

by: Well   

Never said that they were the only ones. I just know that the majority of the girls in this sorority have challenging majors.

By: Well

Every house has almost 400 girls, all with varying majors. There is no one house that has all math or science majors or all girls trying to get their MRS degree. If you're looking for that then join a honors fraternity for whatever major you are. All houses have girls with what you might consider easier majors and what you consider really hard majors. And please remember that no major in college is truly easy so I would be careful what you say if I were you before you offend someone.

By: Umm
by: Please    

Please read the comment before you criticize. She didn't say that anything was "easy." She said she knew no major was easy that she was talking in relative terms. You seem a bit like you're looking to be offended.

By: Please
by: Umm   

And maybe you should go back and read the original post because she did actually say "easier majors like education." I'm sorry, but you shouldn't say things like that. Especially when you're not even in college yet. I'm not an education major, but I have several friends in my sorority and other sororities who are and would be offended by that because they are in no way, shape, or form just trying to get their MRS degree.

By: Umm
by: really?   

Do you think that high school seniors don't know which majors are more challenging? If you think that, you're not only wrong but abysmally ignorant. Girls are smart and know what they want. I doubt that any are just looking for an MRS degree like in your day.

By: really?
by: Right   

And the sororities with the best gpas can (typically) have girls with statistically easier majors. Now, Alpha Phi is not necessarily known for grades despite being very pretty, but I know plenty of Chi Os who are here specifically to get married and, thus, the easy majors. Plenty of lower gpa houses have girls taking difficult classes--higher gpa doesn't equate to harder majors, it means easier ones. That's common knowledge. Everyone knows political science, communications, and education ARE easy. I've been here long enough to be able to tell her that people dumb as rocks are passing in all of those majors.

By: Right
by: Idiot   

Well then you are an idiot. Everyone knows that getting your degree in Elementary Education at Alabama is probably one of the most demanding and challenging majors ever. Not an easy task. Most graduates from Alabama who get their degree in Education get hired immediately because of the great reputation that Alabama has in that major.

By: Idiot
by: Yeah, right   

Education is a joke here. You want hard? Try engineering, nursing, or even freaking ceramics. I could pull a major out my ass that's harder than education

By: Yeah, right
by: uh   

Well, I wouldn't say it's super easy, but it's definitely not hard either

By: uh
by: Umm   

I love how people just automatically assume that someone who posts something they don't want to hear is an alum. Whatever, just trying to help you out because the last thing you want to say or even appear to think during rush is that your major is harder than the active's that you are talking to.

And by the way, when I was in high school THREE YEARS AGO, I didn't know what to expect when I came to college, even though I'd had a lot of advice. So to the poster who thinks that 17 year old girls always have it all figured out, I'm sorry but most of them don't. That's the great think about joining a sorority. I've really been able to find people (of different majors and backgrounds) to help me become a completely different person than I was when I was 17. So I hope the OP can find what she is looking for and I won't continue to try to argue my point with all the clueless others on this site.

By: Umm
by: reed   

Most people that are graduating in any major are having a tough time finding a job in this terrible economy except for probably nurses and teachers. Rethink your majors.

By: reed
by: uhh   

Actually, in several counties in Alabama in the past several years, they've been laying off tons of teachers.

By: uhh

I am in college in a challenging major. I think the alums from greekchat who wrote the hateful comments above should go back to their own snarky website. I applaud the girl asking the question because obviously she knows why she's coming to college and where she's going after that. That isn't typical of the girls in my house. I wish I'd been as smart as she is and I hope someone gives her some solid advice so she won't end up like I did. Ladies, an NPC sorority is great but it isn't the be all and end all. And even within an NPC sorority there are degrees of airheadedness. I would love to be in a house that valued my academic prowess instead of making me feel like I should be partying more instead of studying. Good luck, original poster, and don't let the hateful ladies above me make you lose sight of your goal.

By: ha ha
by: love   

I wish I could like this. This is exactly how I feel! And why I contemplate dropping on a weekly basis.

By: love
by: Don't    

Don't just assume you know anything about Alabama. Minus a few, majority of chapters here really care about grades. I know in my chapter, at least, that one of our main goals nationally is grades and I'm sure that most other chapters are like that too. I'm sure that there are some houses that don't push for grades as much as others, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that there are houses that will force you to go out when you have a test the next day. THAT IS YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE. No one can force you to do anything.

By: Don't

I hate how chi o is known for being "smart" which is one of the reasons I wanted to go chi o during rush. My roommate is a chi o and she said the majority are interior design, education, or other easier majors. Don't get me wrong they are still an AMAZING sorority with some of the sweetest girls on campus. I just really do not think they are the smart girls.

By: chi o
by: ...   

They aren't that smart... You're right

By: ...
by: Usgshsjs   

Intellect is definitely NOT based in your major. You can't judge how smart someone is by asking what her/his major is. Being smart is not only having good grades or being in a nerdy major. Being smart involves every single aspect. From how you deal with simple everyday situations to how you interact with others. Intelligence is not only about liking math/science/engineering/chemistry etc.
For example: My roommate is in the Honors College, 3.9 GPA, math major and is one of the most stupid girls I've met in my life. She is judgamental, ignorant and doesnt know how to deal with really simple and basic stuff.

By: Usgshsjs
by: No   

Being ignorant and biased to your own beliefs doesn't make you stupid. I agree that some people should be more open minded and I've found the more open minded ones are more intelligent, but they don't necessarily correlate

By: No

Some of the houses that rank pretty low in grades are actually overall smarter, more academic houses. I'm not going to mention the name of my house because I don't want people to criticize, but the truth is that we have lots of girls in majors like pre-med, physics, engineering, etc. We don't rule in grades because those majors, frankly, aren't as easy to make good grades in as design, education, etc. We have girls in those majors too, and they're the ones that have more time to be social.

By: Truth

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by: @Truth   

I wish there were a LIKE button because this is the best reply. Everyone on here is so obsessed with looks that they don't realize that there is anything else that might be important in college.

By: @Truth

Now we are finding reasons to criticize our young women for the life career they feel will make them happy and successful. You people really need to find something fun to do with your time besides being concerned with everyone else. Feel inadequate much?

By: criticize
by: hm   

Feel like an old lady much? Go away alum. We don't like any of you

By: hm

So 1) everyone knows what they are going to major in before they set foot in a class, 2) sororities are going to drill you during rush to make sure you are in an "easy" major so you will make good grades 3) everyone in easy majors make good grades 4) sororities discriminate during rush based on major 5) incoming GPA no longer matters, and if it does, its means you will continue on with that GPA or better 6)personality and social skills no longer matter and finally, 7) it is all chosen for you, everything, so I don't have a say in it at all. Greek rank rules! Got it!

By: now i get it!
by: ha ha   

You must not be in a sorority or you would be able to see the foolishness of your comment. When girls are deciding who to cut, one of the things that does matter (yes, it's discrimination, like a lot of things in the greek system) is your major if you've discussed it. A house that's competing for grades will definitely cut an engineering major before they cut an education major if they like the girls about the same. And I don't really know what 7) means. Obviously your major isn't anything that requires you to write well.

By: ha ha
by: @above   

You need to apologize to the Gamma Phis. They pick girls, too, and don't just take everyone. They do take girls in challenging majors, though, and their grade point reflects that.

By: @above

AXO is known for being "smart." Every AXO I know has a hard major. A lot of them are engineering and nursing.


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