
Philanthropy schedules

by: pnm

What houses did y’all get back for philanthropy? How harsh were the cuts? Any surprises on your schedule?

Posted By: pnm
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#1  by: OOR PNM   

Got dropped from almost all of Old Row👌

by: KkgAug 9, 2020 9:07:57 AM

Me too. Gpa

By: Kkg
by: OOR PNMAug 9, 2020 9:09:43 AM

I had a 4.2, so I’m a little sad about that

by: DarnAug 9, 2020 9:10:28 AM

Maybe jail will be more appealing

By: Darn
by: HuhAug 9, 2020 9:11:44 AM

If you had a 4.2 and got dropped by all of old row, do you have a sketch reputation? Low involvement? No community service? Are you weird?

By: Huh
by: OOR PNMAug 9, 2020 9:13:02 AM

I didn’t get dropped by them all, but I actually had a lot of service activities and awards. Idk it’s probably not where I wanted to be anyway.

by: LlllllllllllAug 9, 2020 9:31:39 AM

Don’t take it personally. Houses with the highest return rates have to make much deeper cuts these first two rounds. So it’s not you. It’s just a numbers game.

By: Llllllllllll
by: GuestAug 9, 2020 11:51:16 AM

No one in my group from what I know got back Tri delt, axo and KD

By: Guest
#2  by: Haha   

Anyone here getting hid? Or does my house just really suck

By: Haha
by: hiAug 9, 2020 9:27:11 AM

welcome to old row

By: hi
by: pnmAug 9, 2020 9:50:48 AM

What does this mean?

By: pnm
by: ...Aug 9, 2020 10:27:49 AM

certain houses hand pick their "best/ prettiest/ zip code" girls who are getting to rush and make the zoom calls while everyone else in the chapter is excused for recruitment. its so they can hide girls and trap the look they are going for mainly in old row houses

By: ...
by: Oof Aug 9, 2020 11:03:32 AM

Chi o and alpha gam chubbies packed into basement with their low carb snacks, always sad to see( or not see lol)

By: Oof
#3  by: Pnm    

I got dropped by so many and I had a 4.2 in
high school and decent involvement I thought, but I think they heavily looked at social media presence and looks for this round so🤷🏼‍♀️

By: Pnm
by: wellAug 9, 2020 9:20:35 AM

Social media means nothing to most houses. That is just the only way to get their name out there before rush so you think they are cool. So some girls will have 20 comments from actives in a house and get cut the first round.

By: well
by: PnmAug 9, 2020 9:25:59 AM

They go by test scores too

By: Pnm
#4  by: Please   

Don’t take any of the cuts personally. There are so many girls and OR typically appeals to in state girls which means they have tons of connections. That’s all, I promise!!!! Forget those houses and focus on the ones you have. There really isn’t a bad choice here like GR would have you believe!!!!!

By: Please
by: GuestAug 10, 2020 4:06:25 AM

so confused and upset. got dropped by all of old row. I’m oor but I had great gpa, involvement, recs, clean insta

By: Guest
#5  by: Well   

Got heavy cuts lol pretty much no old row back

By: Well
by: PnmAug 9, 2020 9:43:32 AM

For real cuts were harsh this year

By: Pnm
by: It is what it isAug 9, 2020 9:45:10 AM

Ik I got 10 houses back but only maybe 4 I liked

By: It is what it is
#6  by: Hi!!   

I am actually really happy with my schedule! Although I was dropped by a lot.. I was still able to get at least 2 of my other favourite houses!!! This may sound cheesy but I literally prayed for it omg! I hope everyone will be happy in the long run:)!

By: Hi!!
by: ?Aug 9, 2020 9:42:12 AM

Do you have a full schedule?

By: ?
by: Attitude Aug 9, 2020 9:43:39 AM

Thats awesome! Attitude is everything, and the fact that you’re being positive is great and you’ll have a good experience in the end

By: Attitude
by: @?Aug 9, 2020 9:58:07 AM

no i do not have a full schedule! i have 9 houses, i am not sure if i have more houses on tuesday since it looks like its cut off

By: @?
#7  by: ?   

Anyone have a full schedule?

By: ?
by: I did....Aug 9, 2020 10:41:47 AM

I’m only posting this here because it is anonymous, but yes I got a full party list of 13 with only 1 of my cut houses back. I love all of my roommates & the girls on my hall, many who did not have so many options, so I am keeping quiet about my full party list. I am OOS so I admit that I was really surprised!

By: I did....
by: ^Aug 9, 2020 10:49:24 AM

@the replier did you have a good gpa/are you in region?

By: ^
by: ReplierAug 9, 2020 11:29:00 AM

Great GPA but OOR, don’t want to say more than that to keep quiet about my identity

By: Replier
by: wellAug 9, 2020 11:30:27 AM

if u have a full card shouldn't you be a the party rn instead of posting on greek rank lol.

By: well
by: stopAug 9, 2020 11:54:20 AM

even though youre "anonymous" youre still hurting other girls feelings. i remember as a pnm hearing about girls with a full card when i had 7 houses for philanthropy and it broke my heart. stop.

By: stop
#8  by: Pnm   

I got 3 houses back in total... I had a 3.8 and a high sat score and tons of involvement in hs. I seriously don’t know how I got a low amount when I know a girl with a 3.1 who got 8 houses back.

By: Pnm
by: Pnm Aug 9, 2020 10:00:53 AM

Which houses did you get back?

By: Pnm
by: Good luck Aug 9, 2020 10:05:46 AM

Is it at least 2 or 3 you like? It’s not the end of the world to get a low schedule if you put on as good of a rush as you can. You only need 1 that you love!

By: Good luck
by: Pnm opAug 9, 2020 10:28:46 AM

I only got one I sort of liked. The other two were ones I dropped but received back.
I got sigma kappa which was the one I liked. Then I got back theta and sdt which I ranked the lowest.

By: Pnm op
by: PNMAug 9, 2020 10:36:56 AM

I would give them a chance at least. tbh I don't feel like I got a good idea of most houses based on the videos alone

by: .Aug 9, 2020 10:39:32 AM

pnms don’t drop or cut any houses, houses drop you. I know it can be kind of confusing when you ‘rank’ houses, but it’s pointless. It doesn’t matter who you want back for philanthropy, you just get who you get.

By: .
by: NotthebestGPAAug 10, 2020 2:23:05 AM

I barely had a 3.2 and got 13. Dropped by 4 irrelevent houses.

By: NotthebestGPA
#9  by: PNM   


by: CongratsAug 9, 2020 10:51:18 AM

You have an awesome schedule!

By: Congrats
#10  by: PNM   

1. aopi
2. kd
3. pm
4. chi o
5. zta
6. ddd
7. pbp
8. dg
9. dz
10. sdt
11. sk
12. kkg
13. adpi

In state, 3.6 gpa

by: awesomeAug 10, 2020 4:40:13 AM

lucky u girl

By: awesome

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