
Are girls dropping


Are actives dropping because of everything this year? Do you think all the pnms registered are still going to rush

Posted By: Rush
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In Zeta, yes. But not in my house.

By: Me

I know a lot of girls have been talking about just rushing next year because there’s no point in paying thousands of dollars for a really limited sorority experience

By: Pnm

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I was going to do formal but me(and my parents) decided to see how things go and maybe try in the spring or next fall for sure.

By: Me

No, I wouldn’t even think of resigning and losing my lifetime membership in my sorority. Yes, this all totally sucks and I hate it. But I wouldn’t resign.

If I were a pnm, I might be thinking about waiting until spring (assume numbers will be all over the place this year and many chapters will COB) or fall 2021 formal.

By: Active

Hey oos girls with good grades and are decently cute! This could be the best possible rush for you, bc houses are going to be way less selective! You might end up in top tier without connections! Seriously though! If you aren’t 10/10 attractive, a National merit scholar, and a homecoming queen, and student body president, it’s unlikely you’ll be a top PNM not being from the south, but this year, that def will change! Top Houses can’t be as selective this year, so here’s your chance at old row!

By: Although
by: yup   

Good perspective. Yes, some things are going to suck and be limited this year. But there are definitely some silver linings due to how unprecedented this is

By: yup
by: Lol   

Not everyone wants OR.. ZTA and PBP are way better than KD and AGD btw

By: Lol
by: Tea   

Translation we need your money!!! Normally we wouldn’t be interested In you but this year we may be willing to take you so we can pay our bills.

By: Tea
by: yup   

Ok? Even if someone wants a more competitive NR house like ZTA or PBP they probably have a better shot at that too. Just trying to point out a positive for those who are still wanting to rush

By: yup
by: Just Do It   

This is your best chance to get what you want or close to it. DO NOT wait another year. If your parents think you should wait because they want to save money,they don't know what they are talking about. I know it seems like a drag about this year and it's tempting to wait,but the older you are, the harder it is. It's a fact there will be less spots. It's really gonna be a crap shoot as to how this will play out. I think it's the best option to stick with it. Just do it this year. Plus imagine how even more boring it will be if you didn't even have sorority life to have something to do.

By: Just Do It
by: P   

Don’t be pressured to rush if you don’t want to. The houses need your money. No one knows what is going to happen this year or next. Some may try and scare you into rushing this year by saying it will be so hard next year to get a bid. The pledge classes may be huge next year that is true. Houses may do a spring rush if a lot of pnms decide not to rush to fill their house. Some will say OR never does spring rush. Truth is we have never been in this situation so no one knows what will happen. Do what is best for you.

By: P
by: Just Do It   

Fine..."don't feel pressured to go through rush".

Think logically:

The sororities don't "need your money". There are less events now= less money needed. Donations,etc. were given anyway for the sorority house. Plans are made for when things go wrong...people quitting, people getting kicked out, people not making their grades and leaving. Adjustments are made.

Does anyone here understand how quotas are set? Let me explain: There won't be "larger amounts of sororities doing COB" (continuous open bidding- after bid day)or "more snap bids" (those are a day of bid day thing)because the quota is based on a number that goes through that week and that number can change. They will simply LOWER the overall quota if pnms bail all of a sudden. You'll have occasional issues like unexpected snap bids when girls you counted on go an unexpected sorority.This system works no matter the number.

All this is why I say just do it. Right now it's 2,200+ girls registered which is close to last year's.

By: Just Do It
by: um....   

For oos girls, old row is simply the worst choice. It's full of southern girls whose grandmas were pledge sisters in the same house. They're never going to accept a girl from LA or NYC. Plus the old row sororities are the absolute worst in most parts of the country. So if you're oos, old row means a bunch of girls who kind of resent you, don't want to get to know you, and think they're better than you. Then when you move back home (or anywhere else), you find that the alums are all housewives or working at a boutique because all the women your age you'd like to meet were in houses that rank better nationally. Sorry to have to tell you, but for oos, old row is not gonna be a good experience.

By: um....
by: ^bs    

all old row houses have more oos members than in-state. all houses do now. this is just the usual bs excuse by someone whose house is bottom here.

By: ^bs


By: Guest

I don’t think this is going to be as easy of a rush as you think it is. It may actually be harder. Waiter wait a year or do it now either way don’t rush in the spring

By: Water bottle
by: ?   

Why do you think it could be harder this year, seems to be a hot take so genuinely curious

By: ?
by: Pnm   

I’m kind of scared it is going to be harder bc since it is just virtual, houses will have completely made their list already

By: Pnm
by: Clueless   

Let's be honest from the positive and negative. Yes, in the positive, it will be easier to join a house that is "top" tier. Negative, the real reason is why would when you can actually meet people next spring rush. No one will take you serious on zoom rush unless without connections.

By: Clueless

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