
stop w the ranking


This ranking stuff is garbage. I sat down this morning with family members who pledged at Bama in the 60s, 70s, 90s, 2002 and I am current. Oddly, none of us pledged the same sorority. After a lot of discussion we agreed that things do not really change. What was Rush is now recruitment and other than a big increase in numbers a lot remains the same, including how houses handle recruitment.
The eldest ones in the group remember there being 3 bad houses and all eventually lost charters, and one is back and actually doing well.
We all agreed that ranking doesn't matter, it is where you fit in. We found throughout the years, even going back to the 50s with past discussions with a now deceased family member, that AXO, Phi Mu, and Chi O have pretty much gone back and forth over what is considered tops (mainly talking about looks and campus activities/honors) with AXO generally staying toward the top, although even they all had different types of girls. Then you have the blue bloods KD, Kappa, DDD (in the 60s/70s Pi Phi was part of this, but that has changed) and then the rest had ups and downs, but all, except those who lost charters, all had good and bad points, some years better than others
This self serving ranking serves no purpose and makes us all look bad. PNMs should look for the house where they feel most at home, as this is a sisterhood. My mom and grandma still have close ties w some of their sisters.
Go where you are happy....simple.

Posted By: Generations
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The discussion was really funny, especially talking about recruitment and how houses still do some of the same things. Y'all should get with different generations of Greeks and discuss how things have changed, yet stay the same

By: Generations

I love how you emphasize that all the houses that are here now are good. That is something we all need to take to heart.

By: so true

Wouldn't Alpha Gam have been part of the "blue bloods" since they're First Circle? Never knew that Pi Phi was ever considered part of that group.

By: @Generations
by: Generations   

I asked my mom and aunt who were here in the late 60s, 70s. They both said that Pi Phi was heavy on the Mobile "Wright" girls. So when they were there they were Blue bloods, cheerleaders and the first Alabama majorette. They also said there was no "old row/new row" and really didn't know what I was talking about. said most of the sororities they knew had been here over 80 years. My aunt was a DZ and she said they just had their 91st anniversary.
They remember Alpha Gam as being up and down. More up in the 70s and 80s.
According to my cousin, Pi Phi was good 10 or so years ago.
They all still say that outside of the 3 they said were always at the top and blue bloods/old money as they call them the rest seem to be up and down over the past 50 years.
Sorry I made someone so angry about disliking the self ranking. As my godmother says "hit dog hollers the loudest."

By: Generations
by: I think   

Theta used to be "up" in the '70s as well, or at least stronger than they are now.

By: I think
by: Theta   

Was actually a strong house the first decade or so after they came to campus. Many of the alums who helped charter the chapter had been Thetas at UGA, Texas, and Vanderbilt, and they used to bid legacies from Mobile and Mountain Brook.

By: Theta


By: HA

This website's name is GreekRANK. If you don't like ranking, don't patronize the stupid site.

By: Ummmm...

Alpha Gam has Never been a great sorority. Nor have they ever had good looking girls. Very Blah and very average. No one wants to pledge them. PNMs always end up picking New Rowers over them. I would rank DG, ZTA and AOPi over those girls any day!!

By: PS
by: omg   

so freakin true

By: omg
by: No   

Plenty of people want to pledge AGD and have for generations. Most want it over a new row sorority.
A few keep an open mind and pledge where they're happiest.
Pi Phi has always been new row, but they are doing very well. You have groups who've been here 50, 60 years, and they're still considered new row.
No, things don't change much at Bama. It's tradition!

By: No
by: Yes   

Most girls will just settle for AGD. They have such a bad rep nationally that it is kind of embarrassing once you graduate to have to tell others what sorority you were in.

By: Yes
by: so   

PS I take it by your anger that Alpha Gam dropped you. LOL

By: so

what sororities were part of the first circle?

By: who
by: First Circle   

Alpha Gam, Tri Delt, and KD

By: First Circle

Lady you are crazy. Chill. Maybe you shod start worrying more about your studies in school and less about your Greek involvement. Jeese get a life.

By: Ur physco

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It's true that most of our top houses are ones that don't do well nationally and some of our bottom houses are national powerhouses. A Phi, Gamma Phi, and Theta are all top national houses. That being said, there is value in all our houses and those on top can't look down on those that are perceived to be on the bottom. The whole "ranking" system seems so middle school to me since everyone has different values and different preferences. It's like ranking pizza toppings. Is pepperoni higher ranked than canadian bacon or sausage? Is cheese in a separate category? What about black olives v. onions v. green peppers? Which is higher ranked? That's how sororities are. It's all in your preferences. Girls you went to hs with? Girls from oos? Girls that study? Girls that party? Blondes? brunettes?

By: Sooo...
by: true   

Best description of Bama's houses I've ever heard. Right. They are all good.

By: true

Did it ever occur to you that most self-confident people will chose a house because they like the girls, not because tent talk says they're better than some other house?

By: ha ha
by: Generations   

That is what I was trying to say, become a part of the sorority where you feel the most comfortable. They all have their good points.

By: Generations

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