

by: rush

what are the hottest sororities based solely on looks

Posted By: rush
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: middle school rocks!   

They ALL have hot girls. What are you, in 8th grade?

By: middle school rocks!
by: Alpha PhiJul 2, 2023 3:03:40 PM

This is Greek Rank. While trolls are disgusting I think it's important to help pnms understand that APhi unfortunately does not have the typically clean reputation and is also known for drinking, excessive partying, and horrible grades much of the time (not to say that all members are like that...) while other chapters they continually post that they are better than on here are known for getting girls who keep things cleaner, make better grades, and carry themselves in a lot classier of a manner (once again not saying all members are like this...), which is why I think APhi is taking a blow on here just before recruitment. It’s called you reap what you sow. It is just another weight placed on the crumbling APhi rep.... it is sad for the members who are nice, well rounded girls, but they have some serious damage control to do because of their already rocky reputation... the original poster below who brought up the fact that they blatantly invited 30 girls at COB with a 2.6 gpa just underscores some of the decisions they keep making. If you don’t like it leave.

By: Alpha Phi
#2  by: bama guy   

ZTA, Phi Mu, and Alpha Phi they may not be the nicest but they all have good looking girls for the most part.

By: bama guy
by: Shallow HalMay 25, 2020 10:58:41 PM

Every single house has a lot of hot girls. It you’re about 4-5 years away from being in college. Hopefully you’ll mature by then.

By: Shallow Hal
by: @Shallow HalMay 26, 2020 12:08:06 AM

Nice English skills Hal!

By: @Shallow Hal
by: bamaMay 26, 2020 11:35:12 AM

definitely zeta

By: bama
#3  by: Hi   

Every house has beautiful girls, but the ones with the most are definitely Zeta and Alpha Phi. Phi Mu sometimes too, but after their past two PC’s I think it’s safe too say they are a little less focused on looks (which is not a problem). This topic has already been discussed in other GR posts

By: Hi
#4  by: ...   


By: ...
#5  by: Hotty   

The hottest Kappas and KDs are hotter than the hottest Zetas.

By: Hotty
by: WellMay 26, 2020 1:17:51 PM

Not sure it that is true but I agree that these two houses have a particularly big range

By: Well
by: huhMay 27, 2020 9:38:57 AM

Are you joking

By: huh
by: CorrectionSep 28, 2021 6:49:41 PM

KD’s are just easy bama inbred girls. Count on KD to get off.

By: Correction
#6  by: Rush   

Alpha phi for sure. They’re elite

By: Rush
by: ^Oct 1, 2021 10:46:38 PM

Exactly! And that's the problem. A lot of girls hate it because they don't recruit for anything but looks. So their grades are the lowest, their reputation is the lowest (too many QR recruits), they are not very active except at fraternity parties, etc.

By: ^
#7  by: .   

Zta, phi mu and alpha phi are in the upper echelon then theres the rest.

By: .
#8  by: Llkjj   

Just looks is phi mu zeta and aphi

By: Llkjj
by: ...May 28, 2020 2:36:32 PM

this is it

By: ...
#9  by: ok    

zeta aphi lately phi mu in past

By: ok
#10  by: hi   

the past three PCs zeta has definitely gotten the top “looks” PNMs and is now is known as the hottest house. Phi Mu was the hottest house back in 2016 but the past two PCs have gone down hill but they still bid very well rounded girls. Aphi is half and half some really hot girls and some average girls they seem to take more of the grade risk girls.

By: hi
by: agreeJun 1, 2020 7:28:28 PM

yes this is it

By: agree

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