
True Ranks Based on Sisterhood and Desirability


KD, PM, ZTA, Pi Phi
A Phi, G Phi, DZ

(No order in tiers)

Top 5 had the best past two PCs and are super prominent on campus. KD and PM had less than optimal PCs the past two years. ZTA has taken over Phi Mu has the top looks house, but PM has better grades, involvement, and retention than ZTA. Pi Phi had an amazing rush for PC18, and this last one was pretty good to. ADPi had a bad rush last year and DG and AOPi stole girls that prob would have went ADPi years before. DZ and G Phi had pretty good rushes last year as well. A Phi is really climbing back up after their scandals. Theta is struggling a bit and SK is just new, but they have some great leadership and spirit.

Posted By: Ranks
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Why do people think Tri Delt is a top house? It’s not like they are any better than PM, XO, AGD, etc?

By: Question
by: DDD   

I think DDD and XO are two top houses on campus because they have the best overall mix. They are two of the most desired houses during rush, they have a lot of girls who are very involved on campus and make good grades, they both have a good mix of in-state and out of state, AND they have great social.

by: DDD   

I think DDD and XO are two top houses on campus because they have the best overall mix. They are two of the most desired houses during rush, they have good sisterhoods, they have a lot of girls who are very involved on campus and make good grades, they have a good mix of in-state and out of state, AND they have great social.

by: Well   

XOs OOS girls are mostly from small town Mississippi

By: Well
by: Ehh   

Tri delt is a great house, but they didn’t kill rush like they normally do last year.

By: Ehh
by: What   

My real question is what active is coming on here every day and bumping this same post that they probably created themselves? please get a life. it’s so obvious

By: What
by: ^^^   

^ also let me add that this rank does not accurately rank the houses on how it actually is on campus today. these are the same rankings that we always see and they hold no truth anymore. some houses are slipping and don’t want to admit that, so they’ll tear other houses down to make them appear better. classic greekrank

By: ^^^
by: Cool   

Okay DDD self rank much?

By: Cool


By: Hmmm
by: huh   

Why would this be a zta?

By: huh
by: ????   

More like Pi Phi or AOPi

By: ????
by: ^^^   

Normally I'd say switch AOPI and APhi but if we're taking sisterhood into account then it's fine how it is

By: ^^^

What makes Tri Delt a top house?

By: ????
by: HA   

literally nothing hahahaha

By: HA
by: My take   

Some of the other OR houses that DDD competes with are so set on their specific known top PNMs that they don’t really try that hard with other girls going through. Then at the end of rush, if things don’t their way, they end up with a bunch of fillers, and those girls end up as second class citizens in the PC.

This doesn’t really happen as much with DDD. Of course they have girls that they know of in advance that they are trying really hard to get, but they are also more open to finding the hidden gems during rush. They have plenty of big city southern girls, but they also have great OOR girls, too.

By: My take
by: IMHO   

I think people put DDD top because they have members with “something” but not all the same “something”.

That’s why people refer to them as a mix.

They aren’t looks focused, Mountain Brook focused, money focused, grade focused, Southern focused, Christian focused, social focused, etc.

BUT, all members seem to have at least one “distinguishing” characteristic.

Some may see them as the “second” choice of those who didn’t get the more “focused” houses.

Alternatively, they are a refreshing mix.

The lack of “a specific type” makes them generally amiable and hard to hate compared to houses with a stronger stereotype.

They are “Miss Congeniality” in a weird way.

Have some very good friends in DDD, but the house confused me during rush. Each round I put them in widely different rankings depending on who I met.

Old timer with three at pref. Including DDD. Got my top house.

Panlove DDD. Great house. But didn’t end up my choice. \n\n\n\n\n


I’d bump KD down a row and switch AGD and zeta (because like it or not, OOS/OOR girls almost always have zeta as one of the houses they want the most) other than that I agree 100%. Your explanation is really good and I think most people aren’t reading it. Also considering this rank is mainly based on sisterhood AND desirability, I would put aopi and dg above dz, gphi, and aphi that have to cob a ton.

By: Hmm
by: really    

KD shouldn’t go down a row bc they still have enough girls holding that chapter together. They will definitely have a better rush this year bc they have some strong legacies coming from their feeder schools and they realize they need to recruit better.

Just bc ZTA is on this site so such much doesn’t make them better than AGD. AGD gets a lot of top out of state PNMs from GA, TX, MS, and literally every single pageant girl from anywhere and everywhere wants that house. Of course a ton of Alabama girls want them as well. ZTA is great but it’s not anywhere near the status of AGD. A lot of oos girls are smarter than the AL girls bc they get good scholarships and they want AGD because of its history, grades, and involvement. This post will prob get buried bc of ZTA but o well.

By: really
by: No   

More girls want AGD than ZTA. If that wasn’t true, than AGD would have to COB like ZTA some years

By: No
by: KD   

I’d bump KD up a row

By: KD
by: Trudat   

Alphi had only 6 seniors last year and most of the junior class dropped. The PC had the lowest gpa on campus and national made us clean house on party girls. Lost alot of actives over that so check and see what houses still have alot of juniors and seniors and it's a good house.

By: Trudat
by: True   

6 seniors. Yikes

By: True
by: Hell no   

Zeta... y’all have to do COB. You are not a top house.

By: Hell no

Agree- l honestly wish Zeta would stop with all the self promotion- it's doing more harm than good

By: This
by: ha   

agreed over half my zeta friends were COB’s because they got dropped by every house during rush

By: ha
by: Yep   

This is a common theme in zeta

By: Yep

Sisterhood and desirability do not go hand in hand. Several of the most desired have awful sisterhood and several with a strong sisterhood are not as desirable.

By: ???

^exactly, that’s why we should take both into account

By: True

The top two rows are pretty good, but I think you are making too much of a distinction at the bottom.

No order in tiers

KD, PM, ZTA, Pi Phi, ADPi
AOPi, DG, A Phi, G Phi, DZ, KAT, SK

By: Well
by: No   

There is a ginormous difference between AOPi and DG and most of the other houses on that bottom row. DG was 4th in grades. That’s super impressive for a chapter being that new.

By: No
by: Ok   

Above post is a good point. Move DG up one level.

By: Ok
by: @No   

It's impressive but we're not talking about grades, we're talking strictly about sisterhood and desirability.

By: @No
by: hmm   

aopi and dg have way stronger sisterhoods than most of those on the bottom. Aphi, dz, gphi, and sk have to COB year round every year, which clearly means their sisterhoods aren’t strong enough to keep girls in. Theta has had girls drop and come out and say how crummy their sisterhood is. Aopi did have to cob this year but they normally don’t, PiPhi and ADPi were the same this year (normally don’t cob but did)

By: hmm
by: Nope   

Not enough tiers

By: Nope

Does the top row already have their PCs pick out? I don’t know anyone in those chapters.

By: so

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by: Not all   

Some - but with 100 girls in every pledge class, there is plenty of room for girls that they get to know during formal recruitment. Get recs but don’t worry.

By: Not all
by: nm classes   

Pledge classes haven't been 100 in forever! The numbers and quota went down for most houses after SK came. Most houses on that top row pledged around 110-115 last year.

By: nm classes
by: Huh?   

Please explain that again

By: Huh?

Ddd rocks. Wuzzuh mountain brook and mobile!!:)

By: Ok

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