


I agree that there need to be changes, but I think raising the quaota is completely unfair to those of us that went through formal recruitment. Those that want to drop and re bid should be allowed. The numbers have been increased therefore changing the amounts the houses could accept. Maybe we should re-do all of recruitment.

Posted By: New Pledge
Page 2 of 2

Life isn't fair and it is doubtful that a solution can be reached that would be fair to everyone. Fair or not, at least the university is acknowledging the issues at hand and is trying to do something about it.

I go to a school with deferred rush and it works great for us. hope all of the parties at Alabama can come up with a system that works best for them...now and in the future. good luck and hope all of the new pledges enjoy their sisterhood this semester.

By: Life

You all really think that a re-rush will put you in a "better" house? You all make me so sick. The chapters put in time and money to WELCOME you to their house. They've invested in YOU. You now have pledge sisters to bond with. And you want to throw it away just because you think you deserve to be in a "better" house? Disgusting. Just because it's now opened up to COB doesn't mean you have a better chance at getting something different. Grow up, all of you.

By: ugh
by: ...   

This is what I'm wondering about. If UA has a re-rush, how will sororities feel about the girls who do it? Like if I'm in ABC's pledge class right now, but drop out and do the re-rush, how would DEF, GHI and other sororities feel about me, especially if they already dropped me during me formal? I'm nervous they'd think I was a quitter or disloyal, or someone who thought she was too good for the house that originally wanted me. Seems like this would really work against me. I'd really like honest opinions on this. I know girls who will jump at the chance to re-rush, but I'm thinking they might end up losing everything.

By: ...
by: don't re-rush    

Re-rushing is a bad idea and will probably result in a worse outcome the second time around. make your sorority what you want it to be.

By: don't re-rush
by: ^^^^   

maybe not but these girls who were completely rejected and dropped or didn't even try now have an easy way to sneak into a good house. i would have dropped if i knew this was coming.

By: ^^^^
by: Not   

Not sneaking in to a "better" house and the process will not be easy. Most don't even understand COB leading to misinformation and misunderstandings. Each pledge has the opportunity to make their sorority better.

By: Not

Girls that demand a "re-rush," drop out of your houses before you're initiated and you can re-rush next fall. You are all absurd, and you don't deserve the houses you are in now. You should also know that girls who re-rush have a stigma to them and very few sororities will take them. I can almost guarantee you that you will not get a sorority better than the one you are in now if you de-pledge another sorority. I have a friend who learned that from experience and now she is not in a sorority at all.

By: Rerush

Under normal circumstances that advice would be true but given the current situation. All bets are off. These girls entire pledge experience is being altered because of the pressure that is being placed on them. Demonstrations, media, and meetings to name a few. The increase in totals may have (not neccassarily would have)changed the outcome for these girls. There will be no stigmas attached to anything regarding this recruitment season. The only stigmas that will be attached are for the girls going through COB and starting a special pledge class.

By: True
by: ugh   

No, it wouldn't have made a difference! Quotas were based on numbers going through PREF NIGHT. Girls would have dropped out regardless when they didn't get invites to "top" houses or didn't want to give other houses a fighting chance.

By: ugh
by: ^^^^   

but if we knew there would be so many easy openings after rush was done we could have had more choices. we were given ultimatums and told continuous bidding didn't happen. but now it is going to in a big way and totally unfair.

By: ^^^^
by: ugh   

THESE AREN'T EASY OPENINGS!!! Girls aren't just going to walk into houses and be handed a bid, that is not what COB is about. The choice is STILL the chapter's as to who they pledge, NOT YOURS.

By: ugh

Does any of this matter in 10 years. Nope. Stay where you are at, make friends, play nice in the sandbox. Find happiness from the people that want you in their lives, not from someone's perception about what is "better". Happiness isn't about what house you are in, but the people that want to call you their friend.

By: Alumnae
by: Be Happy   

Happiness is a choice. Focus on the group of sisters that wanted you and pulled for you during recruitment season. How fortunate are you new pledges to have a house full of new sisters to great you on Bid Day and make you feel welcome as a new member. Look at what you have and quit second guessing.

By: Be Happy
by: ^^^^   

yes it matters. i am already humiliated back home because of the house i ended up in.

By: ^^^^
by: Be proud   

Be proud of the group you joined and make it what you want it to be. It is your sorority experience...not the experience of the people back home. You can only feel humiliated if you let them have that power over you.

By: Be proud
by: wow   

If being in a sorority that you chose to join and are paying big bucks to stay in "humiliates" you, drop out immediately! You should thank your lucky stars that you got a bid at all since ALL the houses you apparently liked DID NOT LIKE YOU. AT ALL. They dropped you. Even if recruitment happened over again, you would just be dropped again. You do not get a big trophy just for showing up at recruitment like you did in elementary school soccer.

By the way, my mother always told me that no one else could humiliate me. Only I could humiliate myself. Alabama doesn't have any bad sororities. Some are older, some have more Mountain Brook girls, some were founded in the south, etc., so they are "top tier." But look on the internet at the house you're in and realize that it is "top tier" at some school and has at least some AMAZING alumnae.

So please, if you don't believe me, drop out and let your house replace you with a more quality girl. And enjoy being a gdi -- no house that didn't want you this year will want you next year.

By: wow
by: BTW   

If you're "humiliated by the house (you) ended up in," then QUIT NOW. But the odds of you joining the house you "think" you deserve are very, very low. They've rejected you once already. Once cut, always cut.


I agree so much. Formal recruitment should be redone.


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The houses are grabbing whtever girls they can to just meet that new "total" we need to have a new rush in January

By: True

Go to another school with deferred recruitment if it is that important to you. Isn't getting a great education the most important thing...it should be.

By: transfer
by: Ha   

someone said you get a great education at Bama. Too funny

By: Ha

No way a re-rush would work. Too much time an energy already expended by both the PNMs and the houses. This year will go down as an anomaly. Stay where you are and if offered a COB, take it. You'll be a part of a great organization and this mess will soon pass.

By: Guest

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