
change is coming...

by: Alice

This is getting serious national attention... I can't help but think that the UA Greek system will suffer severe repercussions.

Posted By: Alice
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#1  by: doubt it   

They always have some type of drama...and always snake their way out of any real punishment. Welcome to Alabama. Where nothing ever really changes.

By: doubt it
#2  by: Agree   

The NYT ran the story this morning. None of UA's past scandals have ever seen this kind of attention. The University is looking to do damage control. Who knows what will happen.

By: Agree
by: reallySep 13, 2013 5:53:03 PM

New York Times hahaha

By: really
#3  by: ha   

I bet it won't even matter.

By: ha
#4  by: ha==@really   

www.nytimes.com/2013/09/13/us/sorority-exposes-its-rejection -of-black-candidate.html?_r=0

By: ha==@really
#5  by: next year   

the administration has already said that there is going to be a change.

By: next year
#6  by: It's not that big   

The story hit the front pages yesterday but if you look today, you'll have to dig a little. The organizations involved will do their due diligence and, hopefully, remove the barriers current members are dealing with...Alumni involvement in final bid decisions needs to end.

By: It's not that big
#7  by: Isn't it obvious?   

The sororities' national HQ's will bring the change, not the University. UA couldn't care less but nationals won't allow their names to be dragged through the dust.

By: Isn't it obvious?
#8  by: Sad   

The sad thing is that there were multiple threads on this site discussing the inequality of treatment of African American pnms all summer. The Redneck Mafia had blistering comments for each person suggesting that active members might be open to African American new members. There were threats and vulgarity to the extreme.

I guess this goes to prove the old adage that you study history so you don't repeat the same old mistakes.

By: Sad

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