

by: McKenna

The media is really chewing on this. This is publicity that the university does not need. This probably won't die down quickly.

Posted By: McKenna
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#1  by: yes   

you would probably be correct. But I'm sure you'll weasel you way out of it. Just like Bama always does during scandal.

By: yes
#2  by: nss   

No kidding, Sherlock. Do you actually think what happened is legal this day and age? Call it your private social club, if that makes you feel better. The university will fix your white system yet. Yeehaw.

By: nss
by: ItSep 13, 2013 6:43:30 PM

Isn't illegal. It's a social club.

By: It
by: who caresSep 13, 2013 7:44:18 PM

If you have to force your way into your brother hood or sisterhood, why bother? Let them stay segregated, no one needs "friends" like that. No back bone. ew.

By: who cares
by: to "lt"Sep 13, 2013 10:11:22 PM

No, it is not illegal. But the Greek houses are on university property and as a student, you have a code of conduct. The university can't make you pledge anyone. But they can make your life hard. Appears to have already started.

By: to "lt"
#3  by: nss   

Bet the football commentators mention it during tomorrows game.

By: nss
#4  by: git r done   

friend chicken baked hams KA hot damn. Now get in the kitchen and make me a sammich!

By: git r done
#5  by: Welp   

www.nytimes.com/2013/09/13/us/sorority-exposes-its-rejection -of-black-candidate.html?_r=0

More reason for northerners to think we're all inbred

By: Welp
#6  by: Geek Life   

Not Greek Life.

By: Geek Life
#7  by: Ummmm   

About every 3 or 4 years, something like this happens. I can guarantee you that it will blow over soon, but hopefully some type of change can come from it.

By: Ummmm
#8  by: No one cares   

About you inbreds.

By: No one cares
by: hmmSep 13, 2013 11:37:48 PM

if no one cares about us inbreds why don't y'all just shut up about it then and let us go back to our inbred ways...

By: hmm
by: how aboutSep 13, 2013 11:46:55 PM

everyone shut up.

By: how about

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