
reporters are trying to dig for other stories.

by: Over this site

Reporters are trying to dig for more things to put into their stories. If you are in a Greek organization, Panhel, PanHel, IFC, or other and have a question ask your friends don't write on here. Everything you say could be used in a story. And can all the trolls please stop it?

Posted By: Over this site
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#1  by: Reporters   

can't use this site. It's an extremely unreliable source. They'd have to be the worst news source in the world to take anonymous posts that may very well be posted by someone from another school who isn't even greek and claim them as fact.

By: Reporters
#2  by: SEC   

Good advice. Thank you. Good luck to all!

#3  by: Believe me,   

They'll use it, even though it's a stupid site. It can and most likely will be used.

By: Believe me,
#4  by: Oh    

SO you want everyone to lie for Bama and say you guys are so accepting, progressive and intelligent? Jesus said not to lie so i hope that no one listens to you! Roll Tide Roll

By: Oh
by: OMGSep 13, 2013 5:04:05 PM

What are you even talking about?! No one is asking anyone to lie about anything! This is a gossip site and most of the people posting here don't even go to Bama. Many are pretending that they do, hoping to make us look bad. All the poster is saying is not to give credibility to this site by trying to show what a great, wonderful, accepting school Bama is because nothing good ever comes from the nastiness on here!

#5  by: Guest   

They'll use anything and y'all are giving them plenty!

By: Guest
#6  by: totes   

Bitter and Black like coffee ;)

By: totes
#7  by: You are   

Most certainly not a KD , "totes", no KD I know would ever say something as classless as that, so quit stirring up crap and go troll somewhere else!

By: You are
by: hahaSep 13, 2013 7:30:49 PM

Don't be so sure.

By: haha

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