

by: Wait

ADPi and Kappa were kicked out? How the hell did that happen??

Posted By: Wait
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Page 1 of 1
#1  by: Lies.   

Stop spreading lies, clearly you don't go here.

By: Lies.
by: ThetaSep 13, 2013 9:16:17 PM

Doesn't care.

By: Theta
#2  by: Um   

No. Get a life Theta

By: Um
by: ClearlySep 13, 2013 1:41:30 PM

Clearly this person was non Greek, I don't know how from one sentence you would determine which house they are in. Stop trying to drag houses into this, none of us need this right now.

By: Clearly
#3  by: Is it clear?   

Some of these girls really like the drama.

By: Is it clear?
#4  by: //   

I heard kappa was... Idk about adpi

By: //
#5  by: No   

Kappa really was.

By: No
#6  by: Told ya   

As long as they aren't black it's fine.

By: Told ya
#7  by: No.   

Kappa has not been kicked off. Stop this bs.

By: No.
#8  by: ok   

Cool story bro

By: ok
by: huh?Sep 13, 2013 9:17:58 PM

There was no story here. Just drama queens acting their part. And you make it a story? Just drama bumping, that's what you are doing.

By: huh?
#9  by: Except   

That they were

By: Except

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